WI: No Gregory Watson?

As some of you might or might not have known, in 1982, a college (IIRC) student named Gregory Watson had heard of what was then known as the Second Proposal (being, well, the second proposal in a list of 12 of which the last 10 are now known as the Bill of Rights; the First Proposal also had a very interesting history, but that's not very related to this thread). He decided that it would be a good thing to actually be added into the Constitution, and sent a lot of letters to legislators of various states; to put a long story short, the result was what is now known as the 27th amendment.

However, it is interesting to think about what could have happened had Watson never noticed that and never wrote those letters (yes, I know, that's not exactly what the title says, but I couldn't think of a better one). My personal opinion, coincidentally, is that the amendment would still be eventually adopted, but that could well take several more centuries (and/or another Salary Grab Act); what's yours? :)
I could see a *Gregory Watson arriving about now then with the Internet and everything. Interesting. So if the ERA succeeds, maybe Watson's efforts are butterflied away...
I could see a *Gregory Watson arriving about now then with the Internet and everything. Interesting. So if the ERA succeeds, maybe Watson's efforts are butterflied away...

Now that I think about that, I would also expect something like this to happen (i.e. a *Gregory Watson in the 2000s).
Coincidentally, by ERA, did you mean "Equal Rights Amendment"? Because IIRC that's well before 1982, and I was thinking more of a POD in the early 1980s; still seems like a good idea (unfortunately, I have some internet problems right now, so I won't be able to develop it further).