WI: MLK Assassinated in the Mid-Sixties

In the OTL, Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1968. But what if he were assassinated some years earlier in the mid-1960s, say around 1965 to 1966, 1967 at the absolute latest.
I believe this will lead to a radicalization or at least a more successful radicalization of the Civil Rights movement. It might also lead to people such as Malcolm X to gain more popularity now that he does not have to contend with Martin Luther King.

Which TL?
Project Malcolm.

Yes, I know that's not a title, in large part because I am rolling it around in my head still. Refers to Jeff Goldblum from JP and his Chaos Theory.

Anyway, basically the sixties go to shit and George Wallace becomes President. Oh, and radical Malcolm X takes over the Civil Rights movement.

EDIT: Go figure, Russian Sailor beat me to it. Course it Sailor's case, I find it hard to see Malcolm X taking over the Civil Rights movement, being dead and all.


A lot less organized and probably alot less religious. Both of those leads me to think it'll be less successful and more violent.
He isn't assassinated but dies earlier due to illness in All Along the Watchtower. Hasn't gone much beyond the point where he dies but further radicalization of the civil rights definitely seems the most likely result.
He isn't assassinated but dies earlier due to illness in All Along the Watchtower. Hasn't gone much beyond the point where he dies but further radicalization of the civil rights definitely seems the most likely result.

...I really need to read that timeline. I'm not sure how I feel about having that in a Nixon wins scenario (it's just my preference to like straight shot TL's), but I wonder how it turns out there.