WI: Medina is destroyed and Baby Mohammed are Killed during the Year of the Elephant

In Islamic history, the Year of the Elephant is when Usurper general Abraha, ruler of Askumite Controlled South-Western Arabia, Is stopped in his tracks by a miraculous plague, as he attempts to conquer Medina, and possibly all of the Hejaz. What happens if he succeeds and Islam is never born, I personally think his army should be powerful enough to resist Sassanid invasion, which happened later, but bad blood with the Emperor of Aksum, would stop any aid from Africa and during the war with Persia, the Hejaz revolts, maybe to be later reconquered or Not. Are there similar movements that could take Islam's place, Could an ambitious Abraha overrun much of coastal Arabia or even doing something similar to what the Muslims did, but maybe only invading Persia as they share religion with the Romans and have no religious justification, How would Persia react seemingly surrounded by Christian states, how would the Askumite Empire fare without the rise of Islam isolating it from trade and would this most likely larger power mean that Aksum continues its expansion in Africa
Well let's say Islam is never created - take your pick on that, but this would cause huge butterflies that create a world unrecognizable for us today. Let's say the Byzantines win the war against Persia - this would pretty much make them the undisputed power in the world outside of perhaps China. Who knows what effect this would have on Christianity. There was already a split between the Chalcedonians and Miaphysites and it is likely such a split would stay, but the great schism might be averted due to the stronger Imperial power keeping the papacy loyal.

With no opposition to the Byzantines, they would probably stay around until the present day. What else happens is pretty much impossible to know though, but I do think that there would be other independent European powers, as there already were in AD 600.
Not even kidding, this was the POD I used for my long-derelict no-Islam TL that I entitled, "The Year of the Elephant". Of course this was long before I learned how to do proper historical research, and the TL I produced was a ridiculous mess of space-filling empires with all of Eurasia split between the Franks, Byzantines, and Mongols
An Arab Empire could still exist. I recall that the Arabs had defeated the Sassanids in a battle to which name I forgot. Genghis Khan after all had the Mongols conquer a huge portion of Eurasia without needing a religious experience. Khalid could take Mohammed's place, or another with the motivation to lead the Arabs onward. Of course, they would end up like the Mongols and adopt the local religions as their own.