WI: Marib Dam doesn't break

In either 570 or 575 AD, the Marib Dam, one of the engineering marvels of the ancient world, was breached for a final time. The dam was originally constructed in the 8th century BC, and suffered several breaches over the course of it's existence, but it was consistently repaired. The knowledge to maintain the dam was gradually lost however, and a final breach, which is mentioned in the Quran, took place. The consequent failure of the irrigation system caused the migration of around 50,000 people, some of whom made it to the Levant. What if the dam was not breached and remained functioning much longer?What effects could this have on the Arabian peninsula as a whole, and on the region? Also assume Islam still rises, because if it didn't, then that butterfly would completely overshadow my original WI that I would simply ask a question about that instead, but it can be different from OTL.