WI Lincoln keeps Hamlin on the ticket


Just about anyone in the Administration would have

I saw this on Twitter. Is Yglesias right that Hamlin would've enforced Reconstruction more than Johnson?

Just about anyone in the Lincoln Administration would have led Reconstruction more effectively than Johnson; he was a Tennesee Unionist, after all.

It's not exactly a high bar.;)

But yes, Hamlin was much more progressive on all the civil rights-related issues that would fall under the Reconstruction umbrella than Johnson was...

I saw this on Twitter. Is Yglesias right that Hamlin would've enforced Reconstruction more than Johnson?

He'd probably have insisted on at least literate Blacks and Coloured Army veterans being given the vote.

That probably satisfies enough in Congress to get the South readmitted.

After that probably not a huge amount changed. As the Army shrinks back to peacetime levels, Reconstruction measures will become harder and harder to enforce, and eventually the North will get bored and abandon it, as OTL.