WI King Ferdinand VII of Spain accepted the Treaty of Cordoba

After the Mexican War of Independence Mexico's independence was established by the Treaty of Cordoba.

To unite the disparate threads of the Mexican independence movement, the newly formed state was established as monarchial, constitutional & moderate. The crown was offered to King Ferdinand VII of Spain, who declined it & declared the Treaty void.

However, what if King Ferdinand VII was more pragmatic and either accepted the proposed crown or allowed one of his family members to accept it? As I want to know how Mexican history could have evolved with a constitutional monarchy and, whether that could have led to a more stable domestic political & economic environment. Despite all of that I think it would be hard for Mexico to retain California, Texas etc, however I think that the demarcation line could have been established further north.

What are your thoughts?
what if King Ferdinand VII was more pragmatic and either accepted the proposed crown or allowed one of his family members to accept it?
Seriously, Fernando VII being pragmatic means that he accepts the Spanish Constitution of 1812 (la Pepa) in the fist place. How will a despot like he accept a constitution limiting his power overseas if he doesn't want it in Spain?
Even if he doesn't accepts la Pepa after the napoleonic wars, at least he may accepts it in 1820, after the liberal revolution. But he didn't:
If your POD is able to explain this radical change of mind of Fernando in 1820 then we can propose some butterflies, like for example the approval of the proposal made by tha american deputies asking for the formation of an Spanish Federation:
El 25 de junio de 1821, cuando solo faltaban tres días para que terminara el segundo período de sesiones, cincuenta y un diputados americanos encabezados por los de Nueva España, con José Mariano Michelena y Lucas Alamán al frente, presentaron una propuesta de estructuración de la monarquía en forma de federación. Consistía en crear tres secciones de las Cortes, del Gobierno, del Tribunal Supremo y del Consejo de Estado en México, Santa Fe de Bogotá y Lima (las «secciones» de todas estas instituciones tendrían las mismas facultades que las centrales, excepto la política exterior que quedaría reservada a las Cortes de Madrid). Y al frente de cada uno de los tres poderes ejecutivos habría un príncipe de la familia borbón o «un sujeto nombrado libremente por su majestad entre los más distinguidos por sus cualidades», con lo que se formarían tres monarquías americanas bajo la autoridad de Fernando VII. Además se declararía el comercio interior como libre, con lo que no estaría sujeto al pago de aduanas, y los territorios americanos asumirían la carga de la deuda de la Hacienda que les correspondiese y contribuirían a los gastos de mantenimiento de la Marina común.
Would Mexican succession function the same way as in Spain?
Probably, because I don't see Ferdinand accepting otherwise. Unless the Mexican cortes don't accept as valid the Pragmatic Sanction, and you end with Charles as the Emperor of Mexico.
Probably, because I don't see Ferdinand accepting otherwise. Unless the Mexican cortes don't accept as valid the Pragmatic Sanction, and you end with Charles as the Emperor of Mexico.
And that would intensify the Carlist wars, no?