WI: Ilghazi besieges Antioch in 1120?

After the bloody Battle of Ager Sanguinis in 1119, the Crusader Principality of Antioch and their wee sidekick, Edessa, were on the ropes. The regent of Antioch for the eleven year old Prince Bohemond II, Roger of Salerno, died in the battle, leaving the state in chaos and eventually prompting an intervention of the Kingdom of Jerusalem (Antioch would never recover as a prominent Crusader state after this). But the leader of the Muslim emirate that had defeated them, Ilghazi of the Artuqids, preferred to sit down and celebrate instead of pressing his advantage and plunging into Antiochene territory, which could have had significant consequences. He signed peace with the crusaders and then, in 1121, proceeded northwards to the Caucasus at the head of a confederation of statelets opposed to the growth of the Kingdom of Georgia. Karma took its toll there, as Ilghazi was thoroughly defeated at the Battle of Didgori.
But what if Ilghazi had chosen not to dilly-dally around, and turned west into Antioch and Edessa instead of North to Tbilisi? I wouldn't expect him to be able to replicate the future successes of Saladin or even Nur-ad-din, but the Artuqids managing to trash the Antiochenes even further could have had interesting consequences -- would the Byzantines be able to reassert their claimed protectorate over Antioch?