WI: Humberto Delgado becomes Portuguese president

So, Humberto Delgado was something of a wildcard, a NATO general who ran in 1958 to be the president of Portugal. He was a big fan of the US and even wanted to reform the Portuguese empire into a federal state, called the United States of Portugal.

Now, the guy had a few problems. First, he was really REALLY pro America, so much so that the communists called him “general Coca Cola”. Second, guy also ran as a democratic candidate instead of with the dictatorship.

With odds stacked against him, how could he be president? Not by being elected, that’s for sure. He might’ve won if it was an honest election, but that’s not what we’re talking about here.
Damn, Salazar did him dirty

Oh, wait, lol

He published an anti-democratic book, Da Pulhice do 'Homo Sapiens' in 1933, which attacked both the "crooks monarchy" and the "bandits republic" in his subtitle. Delgado wrote in praise of Adolf Hitler, who he considered as a genius and an example of human possibilities in the fields of politics, diplomacy, social organization and military, in 1941.[2] However, with time his sympathies leaned towards the Allies. He came to the Azores islands during World War II, by the occasion of the Portuguese-British Agreement.[3]

Damn, Salazar did him dirty

Oh, wait, lol

He published an anti-democratic book, Da Pulhice do 'Homo Sapiens' in 1933, which attacked both the "crooks monarchy" and the "bandits republic" in his subtitle. Delgado wrote in praise of Adolf Hitler, who he considered as a genius and an example of human possibilities in the fields of politics, diplomacy, social organization and military, in 1941.[2] However, with time his sympathies leaned towards the Allies. He came to the Azores islands during World War II, by the occasion of the Portuguese-British Agreement.[3]

Never ask extremely pro-American European Cold War figures what they were doing during the 30s