WI "Grunge" music scene never develops

Red Hot Chili Peppers?

Much of this doesn't have that much to do with Grunge. Kevin Smith (Clerks), Cameron Crowe (Singles), and Ben Stiller (Reality Bites) weren't really connected to the grunge scene. This is just gen-x "slacker" culture. Even if they might have put a little bit of grunge music into their work, it would have just been replaced by some of the other music of the time. I suspect that most of the rest of what you mentioned is going to be similar.

I think that grunge was probably more a product of the cynicism that you're talking about, more than the cynicism being the product of grunge.

Hmm.. I think the Red Hot Chilli Peppers are a good bet for a rock band to break through to success without grunge... Perhaps with a power pop revival happening at the same time too?

it would make for an interesting timeline, where the hard rocking strands of music are dominated by funk-rock in the USA and shoegaze in the UK.. With power pop (In the USA) and Britpop having strong followings too..

And as for the cynicism, I can see this being dimished somewhat if funk-rock takes the place of gunge.. It's more fun-seeking and good-timey in general...