WI Gerald Bull gets funding from the Canadian Gov in 67

In 1967 Gerald Bull gets funding from the Canadian gov and puts larger and larger satelites into orbit putting NASA out of business.


Monthly Donor
Actually, it's reasonably plausible since a supergun firing them into orbit would be far cheaper per unit cost.

The only trouble is making the satellites sturdy enough to withstand the stresses of being lobbed into orbit by this means.


A Timeline of mine: The Roman Emperor Who Lost His Nose
He'd still be alive ??

Um, one neat thing his proposed 'supergun' launcher could do is 'resupply'.

ISS /Freedom needs a new widget for the air purifier ?? Urgently ?? Okay, the spare can be made a bit tougher, because it won't cost a zillion per kilo to shuttle launch....

IIRC, he got into the rocket/gun business via 'sounding rockets'.

Bizarrely, the sheer visibility of such a gun may now make it 'safer' than equivalent rocket technology. Sure, you could build one in a mine-shaft or well-hole, but the hardware and sonic profile would be a give-away...

Too many people now think 'rocket' = SCUD = mobile = incoming...