WI Gaddafi does not stop his nuclear weapons program?

In OTL Gaddafi ended his program for weapons of mass destruction, to normalise his relations to the western powers. But what if he decided not to?

How would a Libya that is still a pariah country and maybe even still supports terrorists change things?
Nothing. Gaddaffi's nuclear weapons program was sitting in boxes gathering dust for year. In all practical terms it was nonexistent. Libya imported people from Italy to repair its elevators. The technical capacity to even pry open the boxes just wasn't there.

Nor frankly, did it make a lot of difference to Libya's 'coming in from the cold'. Libya had for the past few years been pursuing a policy of normalization with the west and had been quite effective with Europe. This would have probably continued, regardless.

The gesture of abandoning a largely nonexistent nuclear program was the sort of big, showy and meaningless gesture that Gadaffi and Bush both loved, but it didn't amount to anything but political theatre.

And considering how rapidly the west was prepared to turn on Gaddaffi during the Arab Spring, I don't think it, or his normalization efforts made much of a difference in the long run. By that time no one really trusted him.