WI Fredrick III's reign was longer?

IOTL he was only the emperor of Germany for 99 days, but I see a bit of promise.

With both Fredrick and Princess Victoria being very liberal for their time, I could Europe developing differently, and maybe even stronger relationships between Germany and England in the beginning of the 20th century because of the Empress consort and eventual Empress dowager.

I feel that a combination of Wilhelm I passing away earlier, and Fredrick III not getting cancer would suffice as a POD.

The question is would Wilhelm II become even more reactionary, or would he become more liberal, like his father.

Fredrick III has a meaningful reign, what are the butterflies?


From a thread discussing the same topic only 19 days ago:

Seeing as the usual hagiography of Frederick III is being regurgitated here, let me strongly recommend Our Fritz: Emperor Frederick III and the Political Culture of Imperial Germany by Frank Lorenz Muller, Harvard University Press to anyone interested in who Frederick actually was and what his political views actually were.

As a known terminally ill crown prince, Frederick was mythologized even before he ascended to the throne. That process only accelerated after his death as groups across the political spectrum both inside and outside Germany spun the the facts in order to lay claim to "Our Fritz". As Wilhelm II's reign marched from disaster to catastrophe, the myths surrounding Frederick were repeatedly refined until Frederick was cast as an "anti-Wilhelm" during whose reign all problems foreign and domestic would have been solved "correctly".

The truth, as always, is far more nuanced however. After all, Wilhelm shared several personality traits with his father...