WI: Foures and Napoleon conceive in Egypt?

What if Napoleon and his mistress Pauline Foures (or Bellisle) conceived during the Egyptian campaign. Say she is found to be pregnant relatively early on in 1799 (February, March ?- how long would it take?), what does this do to his departure date, which is August OTL. He will have to either delay, try to take his heavily pregnant mistress with him, or leave her in Egypt. I may be cynical, but I don't think he'd risk his French coup for Pauline's comfort.

Then, when Pauline makes it back to France, say with a healthy male child in-tow, does he divorce Josephine (whose affairs kinda encouraged his philandering), marry Pauline and make the child his heir? Does the existence of an heir from a significantly earlier date change his conduct (as he seeks to preserve an inheritance for his son)?
Nothing to my knowledge of L'Emperor's psychology leads me to belive he would much care, but maybe, maybe the news causes him to stay in Egypt, so when he finaly leaves he is caught by the Royal Navy :eek: buuut..yeh that's all I can think