WI: English colonization of North America resembles French/Dutch?

Dutch and French colonization model in North America differed from English one-number of settlers in their colonies was much smaller, making it more difficutl to overwhelm Natives with sheer numbers.

What if simillar model is followed by England (less settlement, more trade with Natives)?

If population of English colonies is order of magnitude smaller than IOTL by the end of 18th century (hundreds of thousands instead of millions)? Without massive dispairity between population of English and French North America, is France going to keep Canada? How long can London keep much less populated American colonies?

And how would Native Americans fare? Smaller white population would not expand to the wesr that fast, giving Natives more time to adapt and recover from diseases. How could North America look like by 2000s? As until second half of 19th century population growth in USA was driven mostly by high birthrates rather than immigration, there is no way fir North America to reach population comparable to OTL if starting population two centuries ago is 10 times smaller. I guess whole North America would be "Canadian" looking, with smaller population density and bigger share of recent immigrants vs people of old "colonial" ancestry. And Mexico is going to keep 1820 borders, with no enough Anglo settlers around to flood Texas.

Your thoughts?
And how would Native Americans fare? Smaller white population would not expand to the wesr that fast, giving Natives more time to adapt and recover from diseases.
Perhaps colonial societies would be more accepting of westernised natives, as there'd be more need for extra people to keep the population up.