WI earlier king cotton

The cotton gin was relatively simple invention, which is why Whitney couldn't get money for it. It was really only a drum with claws attatched. My question is what if it had been invented earlier? Perhaps early enough that cotton becomes a major cash crop before the revolution.
I don't REMEMBER being discussed before, and it sure would make a difference.

If it happened early enough, you might find that the importation of slaves is NOT outlawed in ?1808?, and that, in any case, slavery digs in much faster and stronger than OTL. The southern states will be (even) richer and stronger than OTL, which may be a problem considering how much the Virginian Dynasty was resented in other places.
So given that the gin was invented before the revolution and the revolution goes down OTL.

The South would probably also join the North to be against the War of 1812, find a better solution to impressment.