WI: "Demon Core" criticality accident worse

The "Demon Core" was a subcritical mass of plutonium that went briefly went critical due to accidents by personal on at two occasions, both times the reaction was stopped by one of the physicists quickly moving the neutron reflector immediately at the cost of their lives. What if in one of these incidents the personal doesn't react quick enough (trips?) or something else prevents it's immediate deactivation, from what I can tell another couple seconds would have killed everyone in the room and the reaction would've continued. Could there have been a major radiological incident in the 1940s?

(I'm not solid on all the details so this could be a non-starter)

Delta Force

Thank you for the information! I'll have to look elsewhere for nuclear meltdowns PODS early in the atomic age.

Do you mean radiological incidents, nuclear related incidents, or incidents involving nuclear power? Also, nuclear reactors can have incidents that are not related to core integrity or loss of coolant.