WI: Burgundy Doesn't Keep Falling Off Horses

In the thread I posted earlier positing a marriage between Isabella of England and Louis, Count of Flanders, I started looking around for who else Louis' OTL wife could marry, and while I was looking at the dukes of Burgundy, I came across how "flukish" both the deaths of Philippe de Rouvres (who married Louis de Male's daughter OTL) and his dad, also named Philippe, titled Comte d'Auvergne (who both died in horse-riding accidents) were. So, if either of them don't fall of their mounts, or even if they do, they don't end up dead as a result of it, how might this affect things in the Low Countries? Especially if it means that the Valois' getting Burgundy is either butterflied away or delayed for a generation.
This is a little away from the point, but I know that kids died in those days, but that Philippe, Comte d'Auvergne was the only one of six sons to make it to adulthood, (four apparently were stillborn/neonatal deaths while one, Jean, lived to the age of two)sort of boggles my mind. Was there a reason beyond poor hygiene for this? Or is this a sign the Burgundian Capetians already on the way out?


In the thread I posted earlier positing a marriage between Isabella of England and Louis, Count of Flanders, I started looking around for who else Louis' OTL wife could marry, and while I was looking at the dukes of Burgundy, I came across how "flukish" both the deaths of Philippe de Rouvres (who married Louis de Male's daughter OTL) and his dad, also named Philippe, titled Comte d'Auvergne (who both died in horse-riding accidents) were. So, if either of them don't fall of their mounts, or even if they do, they don't end up dead as a result of it, how might this affect things in the Low Countries? Especially if it means that the Valois' getting Burgundy is either butterflied away or delayed for a generation.
I can imagine them being vassals.
I dont see them Vassal of anything else the Duchy of Burgundy has been a vassal of France for century at that point.

Sorry, dumb response.

What I meant to say is that simply because they're vassals to France, does it mean that they're going to be pro-French in the HYW? Or are they going to play the sides off against e=one another? And how might the French king react if Burgundy-Flanders were to decide to take the side against him?


Sorry, dumb response.

What I meant to say is that simply because they're vassals to France, does it mean that they're going to be pro-French in the HYW? Or are they going to play the sides off against e=one another? And how might the French king react if Burgundy-Flanders were to decide to take the side against him?
Yes, vassals to France. It does not mean they will obey and their kingdom can change its mind in the HYW if they feel like it.