WI/AHC: The Land War spreads across the UK

As in the title how plausible is it for Land League style movements to spread across the UK?

I understand that a land league developedin the Scottish Highlands but what would it take to spread further. It's also interesting to consider how a broader land war might impact Irish nationalism where reclaiming land from British landlords was an explicitly political and nationalist goal.
The irony of the 'Land League' thing was that many aggrieved tenants withheld their rent, but expected their sub-tenants to pay in full and on time.
Or else...

Irish history grim ??
Oh, yeah...

Happens there's a cautionary tale in our extended family...

"Remember, those Ancient Greeks spent ten years squabbling over a bar-bill (*), but our Irish still argue that line-call at a centuries-old soccer match (**)..."

* ) Siege of Troy.
**) Derry Boys vs...
Irish history tends to be grim. It does interest me that this type of movement never really caught on outside Ireland.

It did. It was a major issue in New York about forty years earlier. There was guerrilla warfare, riots, and a strong regional political party that came out of it. The farmers played politics well and the whole thing resulted in the tenant farmers getting pretty much everything they asked for which is why we don't hear much about it today.
