WI: after the partition of India, the center of administration of Pakistan was in it's east (modern day bangladesh)?

Hard to pull that off when most of the political elite and (more importantly) most of the military forces hailed from the west.
Its possible, but only temporarily. Sindhis after all were also looked down upon by the Punjabi-Pathan military but Karachi was the capital by virtue of being the largest city (Lahore was too unstable post partition). If Karachi and Lahore are given to India then Pakistan will have to put its capital in Dhaka. However eventually Islamabad is going to be built and all power will flow back to Punjab/Pakhtunwa.
A surviving united Pakistan would’ve had much better chances had Jinnah not died so early on though it still struggled with how both India and the British conspired to sabotage it.

I can see electoralism eventually resulting in more of Pakistan’s administrative and governmental offices moving from West Pakistan to East Pakistan if the One Unit policy doesn’t come to pass thus subjugating the other West Pakistani Provinces to Punjab while diminishing East Pakistan’s influence. A survive Jinnah, while a champion of a singular official Urdu language would antagonise Bengali desires for cultural expression also in a similar vein would’ve opposed Punjabi domination in the same measure.

I can see the centre of Pakistani power moving east after partition but I can’t see it being in the east originally without a PoD which would make partition in general wildly different and therefore require a butterfly net.

Though there’s a lot of nuance to take in mind since East Pakistan leaned socialist a lot more than West Pakistan. And the socialists in West Pakistan (Bhutto) only took power after the East claimed independence.