WI 100 Years of WWI

Today I got some poorly worded advertising material stating 100 Years of WWI.
This got me thinking what if it had been true.
now lets put aside how improbable such a long conflict would be a focus on the effects of having WWI still in progress to this day.

What would the politics of the Earth be like in this scenario?

Would Europe or even Eur-Asia still exist and if so what would they be like?
would they be an irradiated chemical contaminated wasteland like Skaro from Dr Who and the Thal-Kaled war.
sure this is only a tenth the span but it does give some imagery of what the societies would be like.

What would the various coalitions, empires and alliances look like after a hundred years.

Would the various empire still be standing behind their mother countries?

after such a long term conflict the economy of the world would be shattered with the combatants merely fighting on so they can claim victory.

and what of technology war breeds net technologies and innovations so what would the technology of such a world be like?

Lets discuss
At work.

With out a rather fundamental, innitial change to the starting premise of "Charge the machine guns! The infantry will fight through!" There simply WON'T be the man-power/bodies available to sustain a conflict such as seen in WW I.

If no "Great pushes" are done. Would we see massive, multi layered and leveled (Above and below ground regarding sapping/counter-sapping) concrete trench-lines/fortifications glaring at one another as the gestation of line breaking armored behemoths slowly take shape?

let take history as example

The Thirty Years' War lasted 1618–1648
One of the longest and most destructive conflicts in human history,

The Eighty Years' War lasted from 1568–1648
Here fight United Province (future Netherlands) with France and Britain against domination of Spain
during this war the Spanish Empire went several time bankrupt and finally let to its downfall

The Hundred Years' War 1337 to 1453 was a long-running struggle between royal dynasties of Britain and France, about rights for the throne of France.

So wars in time table are realistic but are they applicable for WW1 ?
main Problem are resources and manpower to maintain the Conflict
in WW1 after 5 years the parties were exhausted in man forces and resources

Another way to see this as The Hundred Years' War Is to count the WW1 and WW2 as one war period because, the results of WW1 trigger 22 years later WW2,
During those 22 years the parties had time to recuperate, the other long terms wars had similar mechanic.
in this case WW2 let to 1960s WW3 and 1990s WW4 and finally in 2010s with final World War 5

is such scenario possible ?
Its depends on resources control and Politics
had German Empire secure access to Russian resources the conflict could goes on.
Russia and German Empire were Allies during 1904 as The Dogger Bank incident happened
(Russian Navy ships on way to Japan sea, open fire on British fisher boats at Dogger bank)
Let assume the Dogger Bank incident let to Declaration of War by British to Czar Russia and it allies
its perfect scenario decade long conflict (with interruptions) were German war machine get fueled by Russian resources...
This would never work without a lengthy cease-fire. France and Germany may militarize their border and the Germans and Brits May patrol the seas, but any actual hot war would have to be placed on hold. This, of course, means that any regime that replaces the ones in power would continue the war and not attempt a treaty, or the existing regimes won’t end the cease-fire.
Bring about the mother of all German-wanks, preferably with a POD in the early 1900s, to still make it semi-plausible but still within the scope of the subforum.

Step 1. Have Germany get a ton of lucky breaks, and get them to occupy France, European Russia and Britain.
Step 2. Make sure the USA joins before Step1 is finished
Step 3. Have the level of viciousness and bloodthirst reach maximal levels, to prevent any sort of reasonable compromise
Step 4. Have the British fight on from their colonies, alongside the Americans.

Thus, the entire affair would devolve to a primarily naval and colonial war, with distance and logistics preventing either side from gaining an upper hand over the other, something like this:
Unless it becomes something like the Korean war OTL, as in, a very-very long ceasefire with maybe flashes here and there, there is simply not enough resources (human or otherwise) to sustain such a conflict. Not to mention morale.