What's the BEST TL you can imagine?

Post 1900? (TL #1) Well, since WWII was really something of the worst event to befall humanity, preventing it (mostly) by keeping Hitler from coming to power would be tempting. (It would be an easy enough PoD -- just have Hindenburg not run for re-election in 1932.) That said, there would be serious downsides -- anti-semitism would continue to be perfectly acceptable, segregation would be a lot stronger in the US, and colonial powers wouldn't be seriously weakened (YMMV on whether this is a net positive or negative). Plus, there's the matter of Japan (still) invading China, with the possibility of the Russians getting involved.

(TL #2) I actually personally like one where Mao Zedong and his army are killed during the Fifth Encirclement Campaign (in 1934). At first, things don't seem much improved -- Chiang spends a few more years rooting out Communists, then the Second Sino-Japanese War begins roughly as OTL, then WWII proceeds as OTL.

But then the war ends, and China averts a post-war civil-war (aside from some expeditions against the remaining warlords) and the insanely brutal regime of Maoism (replacing it with the still brutal, but less insane, regime of Chiang Kai-Shek). By the time Chiang dies in 1975, China's coastal cities would be quite wealthy, putting them roughly overall where they were OTL when the joined the WTO in 2001. The real great butterflies will be in the rest of the World, though -- in the US, the second Red Scare (circa 1950-54) will be entirely averted, leading to a stronger liberalism in the country, as well as a generally less paranoid approach to world affairs. The Cold War, in addition to being more complex (with China as something of a third side), is less militarized, both in the short term (due to no Korean War) and long term (no NSC-68, no Operation Ajax, no Vietnam, etc). Also, because liberalism isn't curbed in the early 1950's, America tackles issues like health care and organized labor with less paranoia -- agency shops get national protection in the late 40's, while UHC is instituted in the early 1960's.

Since it occurs to me both "ideal" TLs offered here fail to prevent the Japanese invasion of China, I'd offer this -- (TL #3) -- Cao Kun is killed in 1921, Chen Duxiu does not become a Communist, and the Bejiing Government (now stable, and led by Wu Peifu and Li Yuanhong) accept Soviet military aid. Long story short, when the Japanese invade Manchuria in 1931, the Chinese are more united and even moving toward republican government. (This TL, however, does nothing to prevent the rise of Nazi Germany.)

Properly speaking, none of these TLs are real "utopias" -- just because you prevent one horrible aspect of the 20th Century, doesn't mean you can count on the butterflies to take out the ones that follow, and sometimes horrible things happening in human history have a way of teaching us things we would otherwise refuse to learn (or at least, certain societies would).
Kennedy isn't assassinated and pursues the joint moon program, resulting in friendlier relations with the Soviet Union and more advanced space program.
Britain, the Ottoman Empire, Germany and Austria-Hungary vs France and Russia

The war lasts a loooong time, resulting in colonies getting more power, as they take over dealing with some of the fronts. Post-war, said colonies demand respect, having dealt with so much. They demand dominionship or independence.

Some receive, some rebel. However Europe is too tired to deal with it, and so decolonization programs are underway.

Decolonization programs lead to stronger former colonies, as continued talks and negotiations lead to proper borders and laws being established. Stability basically lasts.
Wilhelm II dies in an accident.
Dunno, Wilhelm III does look a bit dodgy. Granted he might not of supported politicians like Hitler if he wasn't trying to drum up support to be able to return to Germany and get his family reinstated, but the fact that he viewed him as a possible German Mussolini and a good thing for that doesn't bode well. Frederick III not developing cancer or being one of the first people to survive the removal of their larynx as treatment -becoming the Silent, being a liberal ruler and reforming the government along British lines, is my favourite.
Teddy Roosevelt is elected US President in 1912 and has the US intervene as soon as World War I breaks out, before extreme bitterness on both sides sets in. Russia continues on its path toward gradual reform while Germany democratizes. The colonial empires gradually federalize and are essentially independent (or at least have commonwealth status like Puerto Rico) by the end of the century. No totalitarianism. The main downside compared to OTL might be a slightly lower tech level without the World Wars or the Cold War.
Teddy Roosevelt is elected US President in 1912 and has the US intervene as soon as World War I breaks out, before extreme bitterness on both sides sets in. Russia continues on its path toward gradual reform while Germany democratizes. The colonial empires gradually federalize and are essentially independent (or at least have commonwealth status like Puerto Rico) by the end of the century. No totalitarianism. The main downside compared to OTL might be a slightly lower tech level without the World Wars or the Cold War.

Technology might not do so badly.

I'm sure a lot of the people who don't get killed with no World War One were at the very least mechanically inclined, and some were good to brilliant designers and engineers.

In our timeline, the rocket and the jet engine popped up during peacetime.

For what it's worth, there are, on an ongoing basis, contests of speed and endurance for cars, boats and airplanes. Peacetime competition with airlines will push airplanes to higher speeds and capacities, and, hey presto, some epic seaplanes, perhaps.
Let me expand.

1. There is no chance that the US would actually carry out such a military preparation program. It would cost too much money, and the justification is too shaky for the populace to tolerate, especially for that long.

2. Why would FDR introduce those New Deal programs when there ALREADY ARE programs that are employing fine without it?

Look, I don't think all your TLs are completely impossible, but this one is. Sorry.

Every TL is impossible.

They all in principle start with some form of divine intervention.

Deleted member 40957

This is ASB, but all people truly embrace Christianity

That would give everyone a nice sense of unity and brotherhood, but likely at the cost of riding roughshod over a lot of other (quite beautiful) traditions.

It's ASB with a point of divergence after 1900, though.
Post war Britain concentrates on maintaining the Royal Navy rather than the bloated British Army of the Rhine. No post war National Service with tens of thousands of conscripts sat in Germany acting as a target for Russian Nuclear weapons. A properly planned and executed staged withdrawl from empire rather than in effect saying "Sod it you're on your own from now on". No withdrawl from east of Suez. The era of full employment is perminant.


For mine I`d have the world quickly rearrange itself into political units suitable for the industrial age, namely superpowers. This would mean a quickish CP win in WW1, without the harsh Brest Litovsk terms or the revolutions. This should see the emergence of the USA, Russia, Germany and possibly Britain-France as superpowers. This would avoid the horrors of WW2, which is an important thing to avoid for me.

Another thing I`d like to see is different development of energy usage in the industrial world; more extensive use of combined cycle power plants, district heating/Combined heat and power, decentralised electricity generation, mass transit and the like. There is no good PoD for this sort of thing, it would be a fluke of legislation that fosters this instead of our current `system`.
Figured I'd offer some more unambiguously improved TLs that use latter PoDs:

Of course having the second bullet* miss JFK is time honored, as is having his brother or Martin Luther King survive their assassinations. (Interestingly, while RFK is the easiest from say, a time traveler's perspective, I find it the least utopian of the three.)

Also effective is preventing President Carter (and by extension, President Reagan) with a Ford win in 1976 (as a bonus, letting Jimmy just take the popular vote).

Then there's PoDs in the new millenium -- but really, this close to the present, who can tell what events prove beneficial long term.

*if the whole assassination incident is averted, you risk butterflying the Civil Rights Act's success right out
Any tl that gives the Chicago Cubs a few World Series Championships is good.
A three or more major political parties America is definately with potential. JFK and RFK bolt the Dems and join forces with Goldwater and Reagan to discredit the racism within the liberal wing of the Democrats.
Any tl that gives the Chicago Cubs a few World Series Championships is good.
A three or more major political parties America is definately with potential. JFK and RFK bolt the Dems and join forces with Goldwater and Reagan to discredit the racism within the liberal wing of the Democrats.

How did the liberal wing of the Dems have a racism problem? I thought the Dixiecrats were all far-right authoritarian conservatives.......
This is ASB, but all people truly embrace Christianity
I liked George Bernard Shaw's quip defending Christianity against its critics. That "it's never been tried":)

Or the exchange with Gandhi
Reporter: What do you think of Western Civilization?
Gandhi: I think it would be a wonderful idea.

both heavily paraphrased from memory, and possibly wrong.
That's right SOF remember that only LIBERALS do BAD things COnservatives all only do GOOD things and if a COnsevative does a bad thing, then they were a secret liberal.

Lather, rinse repeat.
I'm going to make the philisophical point;

This timeline is the best, because this course of events led, in part, to my exsistance.
