What Would an American Fascist Dictator be Called?

Dictators, especially fascist dictators, seem to like being called "leader" in their own language (Hitler, Mussolini, Franco, the Kims, etc.). What would an American (or British) equivalent be? "Leader" isn't really that catchy; "President" is ready-made, but unoriginal; "Lord Protector" is a good name, but perhaps a bit antiquated. Any ideas?
On the America Side:

Douglass MacArthur.

Joking aside, I've always liked "High Chancellor" or (if that's a bit much then just) "Chancellor".

There is, of course, the possibility of "General", "Marshall", "Grand Marshall", or a similar military style title.

You have mentioned President, which is very possible, in my honest opinion.

Then again, depending on the man, he might go ahead and opt outright for "Emperor". "Consul" is another option, or varients of it.

On the British Side:

"Lord Protector" I would say works very well, as would previously mentioned military style titles.

I suppose "(High) Chancellor" could also work, but IIRC, there are actually already Chancellors or sorts in British Government (the one coming to mind being --- of the Exchequer).

I personally think "Emperor" would be a bit less likely in Britain, particularly if the monarchy is kept (sort of) in tact a la Spain.

"Magistrate" I suppose is possible in the UK.
"El Presidente."

Sorry, couldn't resist.

But in all seriousness, he would be called president. It helps add legitimacy to his rule, since "He's not a dictator, he's a president!"
Most likely President but a more military-minded sort might go for Commander in Chief seeing as that's in the constitution.

Of course if you're talking a raging egoist like Douglas MacArthur one would get nothing less than President for Life and Commander in Chief of the United States Armed Forces General Douglas MacArthur, Protector of the People, and Guardian of the Constitution.
I've always liked "First Citizen", though that's Roman.
But hey, if Back to the Future pulled it off why can't a potential American dictator?
Were it not for its connotation as the head of a single US state, I'd be quite partial to 'Governor'. He who governs. 'Leader' wouldn't work quite right, Americans don't take that well to being 'led'. Being 'governed', on the other hand, well, that's just responsible...
Most likely 'President' since it adds legitimacy and preserves the facade that the country is still a republic. I personally feel that a military title would be avoided since a dictator would probably not want to rub in the fact that he's a dictator. If you want something new, probably a neutral title like "Statesman."

Leading, directing, same thing right?

Alternatively add some filler to make leader more catchy if it ain't your think. President of the United States and Leader of the 'Free' World, anyone?


Director as mentioned.

"Chief" to go for an old classic.

I've always thought the supposed office offered to Smedley Butler (ie: Dreamed up by Butler) was a good one: "Secretary of General Affairs". I'd suggest First or General Secretary on top of that, but if its Fascism in any tone like IOTL, then those two are going to sound a bit to Bolsheviki in my opinion.