Creates new character.

Is literally Henry Kissinger as a cardinal.

"Please don't become an incomprehensibly badass, instantly recognizable pogchamp of a villain that I will hyperfixate on stylistically despite his relative minor role."

Cardinal Kerras:




Well, shit, I'm already on board.
Creates new character.

Is literally Henry Kissinger as a cardinal.

"Please don't become an incomprehensibly badass, instantly recognizable pogchamp of a villain that I will hyperfixate on stylistically despite his relative minor role."

Cardinal Kerras:




Well, shit, I'm already on board.
Am I reading into it too much or is the Sopranos music a hint of Madnessverse Tony Soprano coming?
Doesn't Chuck realise all these nukes will eventually destroy America(radiation blowing to the States, broken down supply chain, refugees etc)
I thought small nukes like that wouldn't affect the land that much. Besides, much of the refugees of the war would be either Catholics, Slavs, or Illuminists which in NUSA's refugee policy means "Shoot all of them".
This world's ecosystem is entirely flucked, but the earth is more resilient to atomic war than frequently envisioned in pop culture. I would say the anthrax and the Congo Dam are far far graver threats to global health.
With the Congo Dam, Anthrax, the atomic war, hasn't Chuck considered he may be shooting himself in the foot

It's Chuck. He's basically Lucifer himself. As long as he's on top, he'll dance a jig over a mountain of corpses. He's a true psychopath, and the interests and feelings of others are not even something he considers. Plus, the Congo Dam was Steele-era, and he was furious over the Anthrax "incident" because it screwed with his plans. The main globally-devastating thing he has done personally is the continual nukage of New Zion. But the list has plenty of space for future screwups. He thinks he's a tactical genius and no one has told him otherwise so far.
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This world's ecosystem is entirely flucked, but the earth is more resilient to atomic war than frequently envisioned in pop culture. I would say the anthrax and the Congo Dam are far far graver threats to global health.
Yeah but there's still greenhouse gases and global warming. I wonder if sea level rise and mega hurricanes will be an issue
Yeah but there's still greenhouse gases and global warming. I wonder if sea level rise and mega hurricanes will be an issue
By the rate we're going, sea level rise will be a mere fly than the absolute madness this world is descending. A Loomie Siberian Sea projects and Bonapartist nuclear seas over North Africa aren't that impossible anymore.
By the rate we're going, sea level rise will be a mere fly than the absolute madness this world is descending. A Loomie Siberian Sea projects and Bonapartist nuclear seas over North Africa aren't that impossible anymore.
Chuck and his goons would probably make a device that controls hurricanes so they could launch it upon the pope or illuminists
I love how the whole update is Barnes going "Sir, what the fuck are you talking about?" every time Oswald ranted about having lucid dreams while engaging in his love escapades. That man is truly JFK in spirit. Well, if JFK was a misanthropic nihilistic delusional maniac, of course.
I kinda wonder sometimes if WMIT was the first AltHist timeline of note to adopt Ai as an illustrative tool. Hands down, it is one of the greatest things that an AH author could ask for. You can see Chuck's ear hair and the seams of his shirt, for pete's sake. And while heavily photoshopped or out-of-context photos have a certain charm, the slightly eerie nature and otherworldly quality of Ai perfectly suits WMIT, in particular.

Tbh, my biggest peeve with WMIT ai art is that sometimes it doesn't get the faces right, so the character in the pic looks like it just bears a resemblance to who he's supposed to be and it gets jarring and kind of underwhelming because it breaks the inmmersion into this universe.

I think the NHRE characters are the most outrageous example:


New Holy Roman Emperor Adolf, circa 1954


Julius Evola, Chancellor of the New Holy Roman Imperial Diet (1953 portrait)


Grand Inquisitor Erhard Raus, circa 1950s
For comparison, since Erhard Raus isn't as well known:

I know that Madness characters are not really the same as their OTL selves, but they are assumed to have the same physical appearance, and the charm/impact of having HRE revivalists Hitler and Evola in WMIT gets lost if the ai generated guys in the pic are obviously not Hitler and Evola but guys that just look variably close.

The same happens with Oswald and others from time to time but is not as inmmersion breaking.
Petition to refer to NUSA policy of containing Illuminism even by backing Catholics ‘better Papacy than Illuminati’.’
Counter-Proposal: Officially refer the policy as the Oswald Doctrine, which can be succinctly summarized with the folksy expression "Better Popery than Owlery".

: Alternatively, the expression "Better Popish than Owlish" could also be used.
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To be fair to Ai, it is next to impossible to generate Hitler with it, for obvious reasons. Lol

And as for Raus, his image was quite literally a random one I liked. I forgot he was a real person and not an OC. 💀
I kinda wonder sometimes if WMIT was the first AltHist timeline of note to adopt Ai as an illustrative tool. Hands down, it is one of the greatest things that an AH author could ask for. You can see Chuck's ear hair and the seams of his shirt, for pete's sake. And while heavily photoshopped or out-of-context photos have a certain charm, the slightly eerie nature and otherworldly quality of Ai perfectly suits WMIT, in particular.


First thing I thought of seeing that picture.....sorry not sorry...
"I am, er ah...Grand Admiral Thrawn...."
To be fair to Ai, it is next to impossible to generate Hitler with it, for obvious reasons. Lol
Meh, I guess that one can be excused.

And as for Raus, his image was quite literally a random one I liked. I forgot he was a real person and not an OC.
Imagine being a werhmacht general, and several decades later they portray you with the slightly uncanny valley image of a random non existent ai generated bloke (a technology you might not even conceive of), because some yank weirdo in a computer virtual forum just confused you for another of his precious "OC donut steel".

Did you see Evola, by the way? He's not visible until you click the quotation, and your post explains the other two, so I don't know if you got to see him.