
Gone Fishin'
You have got to be freaking kidding me.

They went full Fallout and now are betraying the one (evil) principle they claim to have in the name of fighting the Commies Loomies.

Absolutely insane but hilarious.
MK-III Daniel Boone Portable Atomic Longrifle (frequently known as a PAL)
Basically the Davy Crockett

Aka: that nuclear weapon who the Boss steal from USA in Metal gear solid Snake Eater
Sweet Jev binge drinking Asherah
NUSA providing mercs and weapons to NHRE in counter against the Loomies. What's next ? The Bonapartes providing chemical weapons to despoil Ukraine ? Let's just hope those mercs won't march to Rome or Vienna.
Welcome back, comrade-patriot Napo! I hope you're doing fine.

As for the chapter, the only word that can describe is, IMO, horrifying. The Yankees are going to secretely ship nukes to Pope Musso and co, just to keep the Loomies at bay, and everything is based off Chucker-Fucker's wet dreams. If this can't be considered horrifying, then I don't know what can.

But after all, this is the Madnessverse we all know and love. And I wouldn't have it any other way.
Honestly if Chucks plan comes into fruition there goes Europe's ability to have humans in it. By the time this war ends Europe is going to be an irradiated and destroyed wasteland. Not good for earth in general either.

I pray to what God's / deities give Oswald a drug induced stroke because God the delusion is stunning. He's gonna destroy his own country as well
Honestly if Chucks plan comes into fruition there goes Europe's ability to have humans in it. By the time this war ends Europe is going to be an irradiated and destroyed wasteland. Not good for earth in general either.

I pray to what God's / deities give Oswald a drug induced stroke because God the delusion is stunning. He's gonna destroy his own country as well
Honestly I just hope both sides have fun
I just realized there might be inconsistencies throughout the timeline of spelling it "Aetheling" or "Atheling." I'm gonna canonize rn that Oswald simplified the spelling to Atheling to fully Americanize it.
I kinda wonder sometimes if WMIT was the first AltHist timeline of note to adopt Ai as an illustrative tool. Hands down, it is one of the greatest things that an AH author could ask for. You can see Chuck's ear hair and the seams of his shirt, for pete's sake. And while heavily photoshopped or out-of-context photos have a certain charm, the slightly eerie nature and otherworldly quality of Ai perfectly suits WMIT, in particular.

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