What is X Conquered the World, But X = Any of the Benelux Nations

  • Now, we've all seen these types of threads and AH's in which 1 nation Conquers the world, but generally its America, Britain, Russia, China, or even Finland!
    However, i like to wonder "Hey, what if one of those smaller nations everyone forgets about unifies the world?" The Answer: It would be a major wank, but an interesting scenario none less, so today, i ask a Question?
    What it The Netherlands/Belgium/Luxembourg conquered the world, and How?
    Well, nether of these nations would. They would be crushed in a matter of days. But hey, if this were realistic, i wouldn't be writing this.
    Now, any of those Benelux nations couldn't just declare war on the entire world and win. it would be more of a slow climb of annexing nations and invading states. As such, it would go in the order shown below:
    The Other Benelux Nations > Western Europe > Central Europe > The Balkans > The Rest of Europe> Russia > Asia Minor > Africa > Northern Asia > The Rest of Asia > South America > and finally, North America.
    From there, i have some questions to ask:
    What would life be like in the Benelux Nation that takes over the world?
    What would the rest of the nations realistically do?
    Would the Benelux nation the Conquers the world change ideologies?
    Why am i making this thread?
    Finally, what would the flag, borders, and world look like after the Conquest?
    This is my 1st thread on this Website, so try not to be too harsh.