What if the Spanish Civil War happened ten years earlier?

A Falangist victory would likely have Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera as the Caudillo or Prime Minister, but what other victory scenarios are there? How else would it go, given that the main players from OTL aren't as powerful as they would be ten years later.

Assuming the same length ITTL, the Spanish Civil War would be from 1926 to 1929.
First, as far as i know, there was no Falange in 1926 - Primo de Rivera (the father, that is)'s political vehicle was the Unión Patriótica.

Now, I was wondering how there would be a civil war in 1926, but then i remembered there was a coup attempt against Primo de Rivera in 1926, so at least in theory, you could have that coup being a little more successful and sparking a civil war, though i doubt that it would last three years - most likely less.
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Falangist Party was established only during Second Republic.

More plausible sides would are monarchists/democrats vs. communists.
Certainly no Condor Legion. Would/could there be any Italian intervention, and for that matter Russian assistance is doubtful.