What if the Palestinians never left?

A few months before the Six day war , the Israeli General Staff discussed a hypothetical scenrio of Jordan attacking Israel being beaten off and Israel ending up controling the West Bank. The concusion was that this was not a good idea because the last thing that Israel needed was to end up with a foreign population in its midst.
Unfortunately the General Staff could"nt resist he opportunity when it came along ( most people forget that it was Jordan which initiated hostilities against Israel in 1967 because Hussein was duped by Nasser)

The point is that intelligent Israelis as opposed to the religious fanatics have always opposed doing anything to bring more Arabs into the State of Israel .
There was no deliberate ethnic cleansing in 1948 but certainly there was no great distress at the reduction in the Arab poulation of Israel
The Palestinians arnt going to stay in 1948 unless they arnt faceing the threat of Genocide. How do you remove that? Remove the sence of Urgency that the Jewish Agency had, along with the various militas on both sides, been feeling. A good way to do that would be to have the UN take over the region directly from the brits.
They did not have armour as far as I know, so that is one advantage for the Arabs though how much use armour would be in that kind of fighting I'm not sure.

they didn't have any real armor, but they did have some armored cars and some home-made armored trucks... not sure exactly when they got those small AMX tanks from France...
Tanks were only obtained during the later phases of the war.

Apart from the countless impossible victories and stands made by the Israelis, and the countless phyric assaults - the war was a war of trickery and extreme tactical manipulation rather then strength or firepower.
On the Israeli side, that is. For the non-Transjordanian Arab forces the war was mostly about following orders in the simplest manner possible.