what if Julia Caesaris survived childbirth and child survives

one thing that ive always wondered is what would happen if Julia had survived childbirth, would Pompey and Caesar stayed allies. Pompey was obviously completely enamored with Julia, going so far as to give up a governorship to stay in Rome with her. So if she survived and the child also survives, do you think the Roman Civil War would even happen.

While i do think that the Civil War would still definitely have happened, without Pompey on the conservative side, (which i doubt he would be if he had both a wife and child related to Caesar, especially with the love he had for Julia), their was more then enough tension and anger there to overcome Pompey's protection, it would have been harder for them to gain the troops when the two biggest heroes of the time on the same side. However, arguably if Titus Labienus was given control (if he still broke with Caesar) and his idea of fighting Caesar on Italian soil while they were still weak and tiered, it might have been much more successful and may have defeated him.
If my short previous mail ever seemed rude to you, be sure that it was because of the late hour.

This is of course a discussion in which I am personnaly interested and I would be glad you bring new elements or questions.