Weirdest plausible sports

Cricket might be weird, but I have to respect it for being the forerunner of baseball. Cricket is to baseball what Britain is to America: a somewhat boring and odd version of something awesome..

If no one else has done this yet...I think I found my new sig.
Interestingly enough, baseball is actually derived from rounders- which, over here in Britain, is considered an extremely boring 'soft sport', only played at school by girls- and those little girls don't even wear pads, unlike they do in Baseball. So Baseball is to Cricket what American Football is to ROTW Football- an overhyped, cushier version of a completely different sport...
Damn you beat me to it:D
Except American Football was Rugby not Football.
Sexual endurance games such as those rumoured, from time to time, of powerful/controversial women throughout history.

“Welcome, all our members, to the 42nd Triannual Phallimpiad!” :rolleyes:

As for weirdest plausible sports, how about Puppy Football? It's exactly what it sounds like, BTW.

“Exactly what it sounds like” registered to me as “the ASPCA dedicates an entire week to the protest of only the punting plays”.
I do not remember what it is called but I have seen something somewhere in the north of England and south of Scotland there is a insane "sport" in which the contestants trap two ferrets in their pants. The person that allows the animals to stay in the longest wins. Also the wearing of underwear is forbidden.

Ferret legging. This is my vote for RL's most bizarre.
The Eton Wall Game is weird as hell. It seems to be a mixture between rugby, American football and trench warfare. The field is 5m wide, 110m long, there is one game a year that anyone cares about (on St Andrew's Day), and people very rarely score.

The standard way forward is to shove and shove, inch by hard-earned inch. With two well-matched teams and only 30 minutes of play, often neither side reaches its opponent's end at all.

And then most of the kids involved go on to be MPs, or CEOs, or Lords.
What about Moopsball - the game that involves over 300 players, takes three days to play, and has a team position that involves dressing up as a wizard and putting curses on the opposing team? :D
another one

Here's a very implausible one: Take a long club, and try to hit a ball that's only a couple of inches in diameter, while missing a ball that's 8000 miles in diameter, and make that small ball go in a particular hole--then picking it out of the hole and repeating ad nauseum. The clothes worn should be incredibly garish to add to the ridiculous aspect.

If you want to make it more absurd, allow the participants to ride electric or gasoline powered vehicles so they don't have to exert themselves walking.

Oh--never mind--we already have a sport like that--they called it "golf" because so many 4 letter words were already taken.


I first learned about cricket via Life, the Universe, and Everything, which had cricket-playing robots stealing the Ashes from Lord's. I was so unfamiliar with the terminology, I thought Douglas Adams had made up it out of whole cloth. :p