WCW: The Fall and Rise


WCW: The Fall and Rise.

Chapter One: The Last Nitro.

Panama City, FL. March 26th 2001.

The final Monday Nitro on TNT is set to air on the network. The talks for Vince McMahon's WWF to acquire had broken down in the weeks leading up to this show with Vince stating "WCW isn't worth the money they want for it. I'll just wait to take their big names. I made them anyway, just seems fitting that I take them back".

Backstage at WCW Panama City

"So… they won't take the news well"

"Don't expect them to. They're big boys. Guaranteed contracts with Turner. They won't be short of a few bucks for the next few years. And Vince will no doubt open that chequebook."

"When are we telling them?"

"Tonight. After the show. I don't want it to be common knowledge."

"I'm not going to lie. Even I'm saying this is risky. It's going to piss a lot of them in the back off"

"Piss them off how? Seeing me? Seeing YOU? Or just all of it. Let them be pissed. I don't care at this point. I'm just trying to keep this goddamn company away from Vince and the vultures in Connecticut. You know that. He fired you for not doing business. You might not like me but it's best for business."


The seconds were counting down. The talent backstage watched as the opening credits for Nitro played out on the monitors. The makeshift outdoor venue was filled with the WCW diehards cheering as loud as they could. If WCW was going out tonight, for them it was going to be on a high.


Tony Schiavone: Welcome to a landmark night in the industry of sports entertainment. Tonight is set to be a historic night as WCW airs its final show on TNT. My name is Tony Schiavone and alongside me is my broadcast partner Scott Hudson.

Scott Hudson: As many people know tonight is the last time WCW programming will air on TNT. But that doesn't mean WCW is done. If this is the last ever Nitro then it will be a night of champions.

TS: We have rumours that "The Icon" Sting is in the building as well as "The Nature Boy" Ric Flair. Two legends not just of this company but this great sport that we call professional wrestling.

["Can You Dig It...Sucka starts]

TS: Our first match tonight sees United States Champion Booker T taking on World Heavyweight Champion 'Big Poppa Pump' Scott Steiner in a 'Winner Takes All' match with both titles on the line.

[Sirens blare. 'Holla If You Hear Me" plays]

Match #1: Booker T defeats Scott Steiner to retain the US title and become the four time WCW heavyweight champion. Post match Booker T & Steiner embrace with Steiner raising his opponents hand in victory.


WWF Raw Is War.

Vince McMahon: Tonight I want to say a few words about my competition, or at least it was, WCW. For years they were a thorn in my side and tried to run me out of business with the stars that I made. But I guess it's ironic that in the end even Vince McMahon's creations couldn't save Billionaire Ted's money pit. But we're still here. And what you have here is the very BEST in sports entertainment that is, was & ever will be. And to all the wrasslers there, if you want a job, just ask… and beg because I have your fates, in MY hands.


Match #2: The Filthy Animals (Rey Mysterio Jr & Billy Kidman) defeated Elix Skipper/Kid Romeo & The Yung Dragons (Kaz Hayashi & Wan Yang) for the WCW Cruiserweight Tag Titles in a triple threat elimination tag match.


Match #3: Shane Helms defeats Chavo Guerrero, Evan Karagias & Shannon Moore to retain the WCW Cruiserweight title by pinning former 3 Count stablemate Moore.


The tension was palpable with a number of talents demanding answers. Answers that the WCW production team didn't have. Booker T amongst them wanted to know what was going on. But the same response was given time and time again. Later that night after the show was done there would be a meeting of talent and all answers would be given there and then.

[Woooooooo! A deafening chorus of Woos fill the venue]


Ric Flair: Did I - Did I - WOOOOO! Did I happen to hear Vince McMahon say if any of the boys wanted jobs that we would have to beg as he had OUR careers in the palms of his hands? Is that what he said? Does that mean that YOU are gonna hold Jack Brisco, Dory Funk, Harley Race, the Road Warriors, Sting, Luger, the Steiners, Bagwell, Ric Flair, Steamboat, does that mean you're gonna hold us all in the palm of your hands? To coin a phrase, I don't think so! You know, at twelve o'clock today, someone very special to me said, "Do not go onto that show tonight knowin' it's the last time that you'll ever be on TNT or TBS" - knowing it's the last time, she said to me, "Don't go out there and cry - don't go out there and say you're sorry" because I'm not - I've been fourteen times the World Champion - in my eyes, one of the greatest, you got it! The greatest wrestling organization in the world - WCW!


We... I'm talkin' about the Stings, the Lugers, the Steiners, the Road Warriors - I'm talkin' about my best friend, Arn Anderson and the Four Horsemen - we have been on a par, and we have been equal to any wrestling organization in the world - as a matter of fact, we have run neck and neck with you, Vince McMahon, for years - for YEARS - and just for trivia, Vince McMahon, do you know that in 1981, when you were trying to become an announcer, your dad was on the board of directors and voted for ME to be the world champion - WOOOO! How 'bout that? And ever since that day, I have been a limousine-ridin', jet-flyin', kiss-stealin', wheelin-dealin', son of a gun, that along with the whole WCW dammit all, have kissed the girls worldwide, and made 'em cry! 'Cause ya see, we were every bit the force, we were WCW - we lived, we breathed, we sweat, we paid the price to be the best - never been about the boys - it's always been WWF vs. the WCW in the office - the boys that have gone out there, night in and night out, doing everything they could to be the very best at what they chose to do in their life - those boys are here tonight - we are!

We're not going anywhere, you can't hold us in your hands and predict our life! We're WCW! We've bled and we've sweat - when was the last time you wrestled for an hour, cut yourself five times, bled for 45 minutes... when were you there? You weren't! You weren't! You were never in the dressing room, on the road 40 days and 40 nights, bleedin', sweatin', goin' to the next town, you weren't there, you can't hold people's lives in your hands. We're the greatest wrestling company of all time - I wanna say it again - you can't control us or our future, and in closing, let me say this - in all my years in this sport, my greatest opponent with this company has been Sting - so tonight, if we're going out, if we're going out on a high note, Stinger, the Nature Boy wants you right here, because - that's right - that's right - ya hear it, Sting? Sting, my greatest opponent - Sting, it's your last chance - your last chance to be... [crowd chants Sting] Sting, Sting, Sting, Sting, Sting, Sting - Sting! To be - the man, you've gotta beat the man, and Sting... I'M. THE. MAN. WOOOOOO!

Match #4: The Natural Born Thrillers (Sean O'Haire & Chuck Palumbo) defeat Lance Storm & Mike Awesome to retain the WCW Heavyweight Tag Titles.

Match #5: Shawn Stasiak defeats Bam Bam Bigelow by DQ.


Sting: Surprise Surprise! The Stinger is back! Did you think I would miss this night? Not for nothing would I miss this night. This is a historic night, one more dance with the Nature Boy Ric Flair. We started this years ago Ric and tonight we're gonna end this once and for all. [The crowd cheers for Sting] And for all you fans out there that are wondering what the future holds for Sting? Well...the only thing for sure about Sting is that nothing, nothing's for sure? It's Showtime folks!

Both Ric Flair and Sting make their entrances to rapturous ovation. Both Schiavone & Hudson our on the accolades as the two men that built WCW came out for what possibly was the last hurrah of WCW. As they faced off in the ring suddenly a familiar face showed up.

[Self High Five]

TS: That's DDP! And he's wearing a referee shirt. Diamond Dallas Page is here and he's the referee. Tonight is again full surprises. I don't think we can take much more in this emotional night.

Match #6: Sting defeats Ric Flair with DDP as special guest referee by submission. At the end of the match all three embrace before DDP leaves the ring for both legends to receive the ovation they deserve.

TS: If this truly is our final night on TNT or at all, I want to thank each and every one of you. The fans. Without you WCW wouldn't be where it is and has been on his amazing adventure that I am proud to have been part of.

SH: What the?! That's.. That's Paul Heyman out there! And is that? Eric Bischoff is with him. What the Hell is going on?"

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2001 is too damn late to saved it, you need at leadt 1997 with Starcade disaster, maybe a little early and organized WCW to be sold easily when the stupid aol merger happen or keep it solid enough Ted Turner can defend it.
2001 is too damn late to saved it, you need at leadt 1997 with Starcade disaster, maybe a little early and organized WCW to be sold easily when the stupid aol merger happen or keep it solid enough Ted Turner can defend it.

It's not going to start off as the beast it was but a wounded animal. I chose the death of WCW as a challenging start point. Removing Ted. Giving it an uphill fight.
For 2001 is not a wounded animal, is a zombie/already dead one, Mcmahon got so cheap mostly because no one cared about it when loss their ultra profitable TNT and TBS slots, and worse, thanks to miscomunication with TNN/Spike in the new Raw Contract...that make impossible to Vince to show Around Nitro as Shane wanted... for 2000-2001 WCW is death and buried jim, any last shot to saved it is 1998-1999 and that is barely
It's not going to start off as the beast it as but a wounded animal. I chose the death of WCW as a challenging start point.
For 2001 is not a wounded animal, is a zombie/already dead one, Mcmahon got so cheap mostly because no one cared about it when loss their ultra profitable TNT and TBS slots, and worse, thanks to miscomunication with TNN/Spike in the new Raw Contract...that make impossible to Vince to show Around Nitro as Shane wanted... for 2000-2001 WCW is death and buried jim, any last shot to saved it is 1998-1999 and that is barely

Time to give this Zombie a chance. Thanks for the input though. You're probably right but hopefully I can eke out some story from this. Think if this as the trial run maybe.

Paul Heyman. Paul E. Dangerously. The genius behind the rise of Extreme Championship Wrestling was now in the centre of a WCW ring with a live microphone and the trademark Cheshire cat grin he possessed. Wearing an ECW baseball cap he listened to the cheers from the fans that were in attendance before lifting the mic to speak.

Paul Heyman: My name is Paul Heyman. You might know me as Paul E. Dangerously or the mad scientist behind ECW. But I stand here, in front of all of you as a fan of PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING to say that this is NOT the last time WCW will be on your television screens. This is NOT the end of WCW but it is the end of this era. WCW deserves better than it's had when in the hands of butchers like Vince Russo and it's going to have better. But Paul you all ask, what about ECW? That is a story for another day.

Schiavone: Oh god. I don't know what I'd prefer now. Ending WCW on a high with that match or letting this maniac loose on our company.

Heyman: But I didn't come alone. I couldn't "save" WCW by myself. No. That took someone else that you are all familiar with. Someone that as of today is the president and chief executive of WCW. ERRRRIIIC. BISCHOOOOOFFF!

[Bischoff's music hits]

Hudson: Seriously Schiavone. What is going on? This doesn't make sense? He said last week that talks had broken down.

Schiavone: Looks like we've all been worked & lied to. Let's hear what he has to say.

Bischoff enters the ring to a sizeable but mixed reaction, the former president of WCW was now soaking in the atmosphere. An atmosphere that was still extremely hesitant and nervous.

Eric Bischoff: Thank you Paul. But most importantly thank you all for coming out to this show knowing it could very well be the last Nitro that anyone could ever see. But Nitro is not dead. WCW is not dead. We live on to fight and bring YOU the fans the absolute best in sports entertainment and the best in professional wrestling. It’s goodbye and goodnight for now but we’ll be back and soon.

[Nitro music plays as the pyro goes off for the shows end. The camera shows several fans in attendance shocked but cautiously happy.]

Schiavone: World Championship Wrestling is over on TNT. But you heard both Bischoff & Heyman. We will be back. Until next time folks, I’m Tony Schiavone and it’s goodnight from myself and Scott Hudson.

WCW Talent & Production Meeting, March 31st 2001. Smyrna, Atlanta.

In attendance was the WCW roster whose contracts were owned by Fusient and a number of talents whose contracts were Time Warner. Most notably absent were the three members of the New World Order; Hall, Nash & Hogan who alongside Sting, Flair, Goldberg & a few others had opted to sit out their contracts from Time Warner rather than join the newly independent WCW. During the meeting it was revealed that Paul Heyman had agreed to sell ECW to Fusient several months prior but retain a portion of the company, in exchange for the position of executive vice president of the new WCW working alongside Bischoff as president. Many wrestlers felt that WCW was going to become ECW 2.0 and resort to barbed wire matches rather than being a wrestling company that once was undefeated for eighty three weeks against the now dominant WWF juggernaut that had taken what worked for both ECW and WCW and rebranded it under their own banner.

Bischoff: We’re coming back to TV in late August. Just Nitro. No Thunder. Two Hours on television each week but first we are re-launching with a new PPV. We are going to start fresh. Only a few names will remain in the calendar. But most importantly there’s a massive decision for everyone to make. I don’t expect you to stay with us. But we have made our choices about who we want to stay and over the next few days we will be making some tough decisions.

The now infamous “I’m not here for barbed wire bullshit” line uttered by Booker T had caught the attention of Heyman who had earmarked Booker T to be the face of the new WCW.


Heyman: As part of my position here in WCW I want you all to know that this is purely business. Nothing personal. I know many of you will doubt me but here I am, in a company that fired me and I swore to destroy, working alongside someone I had little to no respect for and even now it will be a tough relationship. But I chose to risk my career with the WWF and did so because what I wanted was to make professional wrestling not just entertainment but remind people that this is also a sport. A goddamn sport that doesn’t need the over the top bullshit week in and week out. I know because I relied on it way too much and now it’s being used by Vince and called “Attitude”.

The understanding was that if there were to be anything ECW based it would be used sparingly. A blow-off to a feud or a gimmick match under “ECW Rules”. Heyman declared that the era of wanting to see two guys bleed like stuck pigs or burning tables was done. Interest in pro wrestling was waning and something needed to change. As part of a revamped hierarchy in WCW, notable backstage personnel would be retained and reshuffled. Dusty Rhodes, Arn Anderson, Bischoff, Heyman and a selection of former TNT-WCW employees including Stevie Ray Huffman as part of the new talent relations team that Heyman oversaw alongside Dusty Rhodes. The new WCW/ECW merger was planned out to the smallest detail but the wrestlers themselves weren’t entirely convinced. Many of them had been there for the failed ‘reboot’ of WCW and had seen the idea fail miserably with the old guard. News of ECW’s amalgamation into the new WCW structure upset and angered many ECW loyalists; fans and wrestlers alike. Vince Russo, without an employer as both the WCW or the WWF wanted anything to do with him, started out of New York & Philadelphia; EVE: Extreme Violence Evolved, to galvanise the support of the fans that believe Heyman abandoned and betrayed them for money.


Bischoff: We are going to air on ESPN. Wednesday nights. Two hours. Pro wrestling, sports entertainment. Whatever you want to call it. Nitro has a home and we’ll be there from September 2001. There’ll be a few things leading to the relaunch on ESPN such as our first new PPV. But until then as Paul said. There will be cuts. There has to be. We aren’t funded by billionaires or a TV network anymore.

Mike Awesome: With all due respect Eric. I know this is going to be hard for a lot of us to swallow. But are we going to be cut loose because you’re keeping guys like Hogan and his buddies on payroll?

Heyman: With all due respect Michael. You’re lucky I haven’t fired your ass for the shit you pulled jumping from ECW to WCW. So before you get on your high horse and demand answers you may want to listen, and shut up.

Bischoff: No. They won’t be in WCW. Their contracts are with Time Warner and as such we were offered them but declined. Do I think the star power would have helped us going forward? Of course. Do we need them? No. We need WW to be new, exciting and invigorating. And as much as I love Terry as a friend and colleague he would not be suited to what we want to achieve. September 12th we go live on television. Until then we’ll be speaking with you all one to one about where we are going.


I find this highly unlikely as a timeline as others have said in 2001 WCW was done and dying. If Bischoff was going to buy it and couldn't once a tv deal was pulled by Jaime Kellner who ran Turner Broadcasting and even Bischoff himself said he went to Disney and they passed and Vince with Viacom and the USA Network offering him stupid money at the time couldn't get a tv deal for WCW so it's unlikely Eric is going to get one especially since WCW was losing 5-6 million a month there is no way that kinda loss is going to go on for long while you try and sort out a TV deal, Also you can't have ECW as a WCW partner as it was dead and in the hole by 7 million at the time this starts and who owned ECW's Trademark wasn't sorted until late 2001 which is why the WCW/ECW Invasion angle had to refer to them as the Alliance as Vince technically didn't own the trademark until 2002. If you want to save WCW the best thing would be to have them sold the year before as WCW was up for sale for 600 million and there were legit offers but this timeline sadly based on OTL won't work.
Nice to see someone else beside me doing an WCW what if story after the last nitro. Probably won't continue my story now but atleast there a good alternative to it.

I recommend making threadmarks so you can create chapters for new parts of the story.

Outside if that, good job. Can't wait for more.
I'm on the side of the ECW fans here. Paul just killed off Hardcore Wrestling with that decision and I hope EVE becomes Kinda like the TNA or ROH of this TL.
I'm on the side of the ECW fans here. Paul just killed off Hardcore Wrestling with that decision and I hope EVE becomes Kinda like the TNA or ROH of this TL.

Eh, there is still CZW (founded in 1998) getting a bump from this.

Edit: Also, will Gabe Sapolsky and Rob Buffone (ECW's producer) be going with Paul to WCW?