Washington reshapes America

Nice update, I'm quite enjoying the timeline. Good to see a moderate and plausible Ameriwank.

My one criticism is similar to one already posted by Faeelin, that things are behaving overly similar to OTL, not enough butterfly effect, especially in Europe.

You are right, I do not know what the effect is on Europe. Would there be a large effect with a USA that has a little more territory, A USA that is closer to the UK?

Lafayette did play a role in the French Revolution, but even with him over here, there was so much discontent that it was bound to happen. I have one butterfly effect that is a little more subtle that will be plaid out 30 years later.

I do have some questions about the development and demographics of the United States. To what degree are the Great Lakes states becoming more populous and wealthy than OTL due to all of the lakes being in the hands of the United States and not being fought over with the UK? You've already shown some effects of faster canal building.

The great lakes region will be just as industrious as today. If anything, it will be a little sooner as I have internal improvements sooner. Internal improvements are sooner due to not as much friction with Indians encouraging more settlement. Ontario is ready for statehod, but Congress is still a little weary of having a state with strong loyalst tendencies to enter the union.

Another question, is there any difference in French immigration to the US ITTL? You have Lafayette and his family over, but does that influence the French fleeing the French Revolution? And does having more US borders with Quebec affect that at all?

Yes, there is some effect, but how much, I do not know. OTL, there was sm Frenc Canadians who reocated to the USA, to the Boston area.
1815 – Second Barbary War, USA effectively ends Barbary power in the Mediterranean. Experienced navy and marines force is key to ending Barbary power in Mediterranean.
James Monroe -Fifth POTUS
1816 – James Monroe elected president, Lafayette resigns his position as Interior minister, becomes minister to France. His mission is to rebuild relations between the two nations. Zebulon Pike is selected as the secretary of the interior.
1817 – Rush Bagot treaty or Red River Purchase. Pike and John Quincy Adams work out details on deal to purchase Red River region, north. USA purchases all claims to Red River drainage basin. Treaty allows for continued trapping business of Hudson Bay Company until territory Is organized into counties and settled by the USA. USA retains Milk River area above the 49th parallel as well. Purchase is popular and propels JQ Adams to future presidency. The purchased land is added to the New Northwest territory.
1817 – Alabama becomes 23rd state (12 f, 11 s), Missouri, Ozarkia, and New Northwest territories are created.
1819 – US acquire Florida from Spain, creates Florida territory, border of Louisiana and Arkansas territory is established, attaches Guadalupe and Martinique to territory for administration purposes.
1819 – 1819 Compromise is worked out in Congress. Missouri and Maine are allowed to become states; Missouri admitted as a slave and Maine as a free state. The slavery border as defined by the Mason-Dixon line to the Ohio River is further defined to being the Missouri river across the state of Missouri to where it bends to a North/South direction on the western border of Missouri. Where the Missouri makes a bend to the North, the slavery line will continue west. Territory below this line is open to slavery while territory above this line is closed. If a territory/state is created that straddles the line, slavery shall be permitted. Part of the compromise has states being admitted into pairs, one slave and one free. When the previous pair are admitted, the planning of the next pair is to take place. The Red River purchases effected compromise by establishing the free/slave line one more state to the North.
1819 – Missouri and Maine become 24th and 25th states (13 f, 12 s).
1823 – Monroe and J. Q. Adams establish the Monroe Doctrine
1823 – Baltimore and Ohio Railroad begins construction. It is the first of many national railroads linking the country.
At the end of Monroe’s presidency, the Democratic-Republican party splits in two. The National Republicans centered around John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay and the Democrats centered around Andrew Jackson.
Territoria Aquisitions by J. Q. Adams in Monroe Administration

USA Monroe.JPG
1820's - The Second Party System in the United States - The breakup of the Democratic-Republicans. J. Q. Adams as sixth POTUS.

A changing of the guard has take place at the end of the Monroe Administration. Gone is the great generation of the revolutionary war and framers of the constitution. Lafayette is the last of them, he is more or less put out to pasture as minister to France. He does well to repair relations with France. Eventually, the little spat of the 182 War is put behind as both countries focus on trade.

At the end of Monroe’s presidency, the Democratic-Republican party splits int two camps much like the formation of the Federalists and Democratic-Republicans in Washington's era. The National Republicans eventually become centered around John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay while the Democrats center around Andrew Jackson, John Calhoun and William Crawford.
This second party system was a result of the 1824 election. The 1824 election was won outright by Adams in the Electoral College, he received the minimum 134 votes required to gain a majority of the Electoral College. The results were along regional lines. Adams solidly won New England, Adams won the majority of NY/NJ/PA splitting with Clay, Adams won the Midwest once again splitting with Clay. Jackson and Crawford split the South. The Electoral College vote was split for many states. Southerners were not upset at the election of Adams as Adams did expand the South into Florida while he was Sec of State andsupported internal improvements for the South as well.
National Republicans and Democrats had many of the same views. The leading views of the day were and their positions were:
Federalism – Nat Reps were more in favor of stronger national government, Dems in support for lesser Nat government.
National Bank – Nat reps tended to support bank, Dems were solidly against bank
Internal Improvements – Both parties supported improvements, Nat Reps were more fervently in favor though
Indian relations – Both parties supported the presence of NE Indians to Superior territory and the SE Indians to Arkansas territory. The Nat Rep were a little more humane in that Indian removal should be voluntary as much as possible whereas the Dems were more in favor to let the eastern states decide fate of Indians within their borders.
Territorial expansion – Both favored expansion practices, Dems were more fervent. (opposite of internal improvement debate)
Compromise of 1819 – Both supported compromise and addition of states in pairs to maintain balance
Import Tarriffs – Dems seek a slightly lower tariff. Nat Reps state that Tariff money should be applied to internal improvements and that the internal improvements will in turn make US goods advantageous to foreign goods. Will bring western goods and raw materials to the developing eastern industrial base.
Immigration - Both parties wanted to take advantage of immigrants. Both parties started political machines in the eastern cities as they became industrialised. Both parties supported ample land in the Great Lakes and Midwest. As well as using immigrant labor to build the railroad network. The Nat Reps tended to be better organisers in the East.
Jackson is regarded as a solid Indian fighter and a man of the people but does not have the fame and glory that Adams has as a successful Sec of State or Clay has in brokering the 1819 Compromise or even Zebulon Pike who supports Adams as well. Also, he has little northern support as he is unable to win over Martin Van Buren.
1824 – JQ Adams elected president. After election, Jackson campaigns more fervently to gather support for 1828, he targets the Midwest and immigrants. This is countered by Adams support of internal improvements and railroads continue to garner him Midwestern support. Although the South is solidly behind Jackson in 1828, they do not regard Adams and Clay as evil doers as internal improvements benefit them as well. Adams also keeps import tariffs at a reasonable rate. Henry Clay is selected as Secretary of State wth Pike retaining his Secretary of the Interior position. This marks Clay as the heir apparant to Adams.
1825 – Another round of SE Indian movement to Arkansas territory begins
1828 – J Q Adams is reelected. Adams wins NE, East, Midwest. Jackson wins south. Jackson campaigning in Midwest and Great Lakes is countered by Henry Clay being on ticket for National Republicans. Adams wins eletoral votes 170 to 97.
1828 – No nullification crisis as tariffs are at moderate level. Money from tariffs aid internal improvement projects, this is a stated in the Tariffs.
1829 – Michigan and Wisconsin territories are created. Michigan loses Toledo strip but gains Upper Peninsula and is granted statehood once the next southern state is ready. Nat Reps favor Ohio Toledo debate, Dems favor Mich in attempt to gain support in Midwest.
1831 – Ozarkia and Michigan become 26th and 27th states (14 f, 13 s). Nat Reps want to wait untl after next elction, but Toledo compromise stated that Mich would become a state as soon as the next soutern state was ready.
Railroads are being developed more than OTL, settlements and railroads are going hand in hand. Strong ties to England are paying off as steam power that was developed in England finds it way easier to the USA.
America is seen as a land of opportunity in Europe. Steady immigration from Germany, Scandanavia, and Ireland. The lands of the Great Planes and Great Lakes are becoming populated with these new people.
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Henry Clay as seventh POTUS

1832 – Henry Clay defeats Jackson, results are similar to 1828, but Clay picks up Missouri and Maryland. Jackson gains Michigan and Ozarkia. Electoral College is 202 to 98. The National Republicans continue to dominate the northeast, Midwest and great lakes. Democrats are solid in the South. Clay continues policies under Adams.
Although this is Jckson's third defeat, heis able to keep the Democratic party together.
1836 – Henry Clay is re-elected to president over Richard Mentor Johnson. Picks up Vermont. Zebulon Pike is slated as Secretary of State.
1836 – Texas Revolution. Texas gains independence from Mexico. Clay is initially cautious over recognizing Texas Independence. Secretary of State Pike is in favor of annexing Texas outright.
1837 – Texas states that it would like to be admitted to the Union immediately as a state. Clay is initially hesitant as it might upset the balance of slave and free. He sees even the acquisition of territory in the history of the USA as a balance of the two. Territory of Superior and Ontario were free, French islands were slave, Red River was free, Florida was slave. Even the Louisiana purchase divided at the Missouri River conveniently made for the opportunity for half slave and half free states. Would Texas disrupt the balance? Clay also did not want a war with Mexico.
The attitude in Congress was somewhat different as many in Clay’s own party stated that Texas was practically a US state already and ought to be one if it so wished. War with Mexico was also not frowned upon. Northern industrialists saw this as an opportunity to benefit from a war. Democrats were solidly in favor of immediate admission. Congress passes the act to admit Texas in quick fasion. Although he has his reservations, Clay does not veto the act. The long term effect though would break up the power of the National Republicans.
1837 – Texas and Wisconsin become 28th and 29th states (15f, 14 s). Iowa territory created
1838 - 1841 – War with Mexico over Texas recognition and statehood. Winfield Scott sent to Texas with army.
1837 - 1838 - After Texas statehood, Mexico immediately declares war and sends a reorganized army into Texas again. It is able to secure the Rio Grande and makes a defense of San Antonio. US reaction is to rush forces under Winfield Scott to meet the Mexican force. A defensive stalemate occurs along the line of San Antonio. Scott is unable to dislodge or outflank Mexican army. The Mexican Army is unable to push forward.
1839 – Zachary Taylor replaces Scott in Texas theatre, Scott goes to New Orleans to organize forces to land at the Rio Grande to secure the river to flank and trap Mexican forces north. The operation is a complete success as Matamoros and other towns on Rio Grande are captured and fortified. Mexican forces from Monterey and San Antonio are unable to link up. The result is the surrender of the Northern Mexican Army.
1840 – Mexico will not sign a peace treaty that simply states that Texas is a US state and the border is the Rio Grande. Taylor is placed in command of the Army of the Rio Grande. Scott again travels to New Orleans to train and raise a second force which with additions of veterans from the Matamoros landings will create the Army of the Gulf. The object is to land in Veracruz and march on Mexico City to force Mexican capitulation. Other expeditions are created and sent into West Texas, New Mexico, Chihuahua, Sonora, and California. A young John Fremont and Kit Carson form an expedition to conquer the west. They travel from St. Louis to Kansas City, down to Sante Fe, and over to California. Another expedition led by the civilized tribes in Arkansas territory capture west Texas, they also meet up with Fremont in Santa Fe.
1839 – Florida and Iowa become 30th and 31st states (16f, 15s), American West Indies becomes a territory consisting of Martinique and Guadalupe. Minnesota territory is created.
1840 – Henry Clay re-elected president over Littleton Tazewell. This is an unprecedented third term. Clay states that he will be President only as long as war is in progress. As part of the campaign, the Nat Rep state that once the war is over Clay will step down an succession will go to the VP. The Nat Rep VP candidate is Daniel Webster. National Republicans lose some seats in Congress in Great Lakes region due in part to expansion of the war and to a third term by Clay.
1841 – Veracruz landings by Scott and advance to Mexico City. Scott is able to outmaneuver and out fox the Mexican Army ad eventually occupies Mexico City. California and New Mexico are securely in US possession.
1842 – Treaty of Guadalupe is signed to make peace between USA and Mexico. US now demands New Mexico and California in addition to the legal aquisition of Texas. USA to pay for all acquired land other than Texas. Territory of California and New Mexico are not organized into civil government. US military basically governs lands.
1842 – Henry Clay steps down, resigns as president. This is the first time that presidential succession is in place, Webster as VP takes over as president with full title and responsibility. Sets precedent for future VP’s.
1842 – Railroads to link Texas and Manitoba territory to rest of nation are started. This is Clay’s last act as President.
1842- Congressional elections, Democrats pick up more seats in Congress. It appears as though the National Republicans are splitting views between Northeast and Midwest. The Democrats take advantage of Midwest.
1843 – Superior and Arkansas become 32nd and 33rd states (17f, 16s), Non-white property owners at the 1843 date become US citizens. Offspring of these residents will become US citizens as well.
US reaction to the war is unified to acquiring and protecting Americans in Texas as Mexico’s escalation is seen as an invasion into US territory. This is supported by the entire country, unifies the country. Mexico never recognized Texas independence and saw the immediate admission as a US state as an act of war. The admission of Texas and the war not only unified the USA but also unified Mexico.
As the war progresses, US public opinion is more mixed on the territorial gains of New Mexico and California. Scott’s landings at Veracruz and the expeditions by Fremont and others in the West drew some negative responses from people in both parties, more for the National Republicans. The negative turn is not that much, majority of country still supports war and expanded aims of acquiring more territory.
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The reign of the Democrats

1844 – Debate in Congress over expansion of slavery to Mexico Cession. No organized territories are created for Mexican cession. A governor is appointed by Congress to govern from California or Mexican cession. The territory is called California and New Mexico. Nat Rep power is broken over question, Democrats are able to unify under middle ground of keeping balance in Congress. The Democrats gain Mid West votes. They are a national party, they are solid in the South, have picked up the Midwest, and have support in NY and PA to contest those states.
1844 – James Polk (Dem) is elected ninth POTUS over Webster (Whig) and Van Buren (Nat Rep).He has four campaign goals. 1.) Settle Oregon territory with Britain, 2.) Construct transcontinental railroads linking California and Oregon to rest of country, 3.) Purchase of land south of California for southern railroad, 4.) No re-election.
Aftermath of Mexican war splinters National Republican party into several factions, the Whigs with the support ofcurrent presidet Webster is the main third party. The Democrats are united and shall dominate politics. Also, the election of Clay to three terms alienates some Nat Rep voters. Nat Rep stronghold in Midwest is broken up as Polk wins Midwest and South.
1845 – Gold discovered in California
1845 – Sonora purchase, US purchases Sonora and Baja, Territory is added to California an New Mexico territory. USA forces really never left the area after Mexican War.
1846 – Oregon treaty with Britain, 49th parallel from Milk River across Rockies and across Vancouver Island. US purchases Queen Charlotte islands off the mainland. US also pays for all British improvements south of 49th parallel that they have made, mainly forts along the Columbia river. Victoria to be an open port to the British for 15 years. US aids the British in building Vancouver, BC. Eventually, Britain grants contracts to American railroads to link Vancouver to Hudson Bay to Montreal in future. The land of the Oregon territory is added to the lands of California and New Mexico.
Some in Congress wanted all of the Oregon territory to the 54th parallel. Polk countered by stating that the 49th was enough, splendid relations were to be maintained. Polk also mentioned that a British port in what was to be the city of Vancouver would aid trade and commrce in the region between the two countries. The British position is that they wanted a port in the region to be a Pacific base and would lead to continued trade in the region. This would be another anchor in BNA with Halifax, Montreal, and Quebec in the Atlantic.
1847 – Northern and Central continental railroads are started.
Mormon migration to Utah begins.
1848 – Zachary Taylor elected 10th POTUS president (Democrat) over Van Buren (Nat Rep) and Webster (Whig or anti-war party). He rides his Mexican War fame of capturing Monterey as Scott went on the Veracrus expedtion. Scott is courted by the National Rpublicans but does not see interest in national politics.
1848 – Minnesota and American West Indies become states 34th and 35th (18f, 17s). Manitoba and Kansas territories are created.
1850 – California Act is debated, instead of extending the Missouri line across Mexican Cession, popular sovereignty should apply to the territory obtained from Mexico. Would not apply to California since slavery was already banned in territory. Part of Act is to set up territories of Oregon, California, New Mexico, and Deseret. Debate leads no where. Population of area continues to rise especially in California, Deseret and Oregon. Act is not passed. Area is still one territory.
1850 – Southern continental railroad is started, it was the only part of the California act to pass Congress. Railroad is from New Orleans, through Texas, through the Sonora purchase to San Diego.
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