Was El Salvador fascist?

Maximiliano Hernández Martínez was the dictator of El Salvador from 1932 until 1944, I found this El Salvadorian documentary about him:


According to wikipedia he was either a fascist or a proto fascist, he led a one party state during his whole government, and while he did not descended into totalitarism, he was higly authoritarian, and he called a german mission to equip the army of El Salvador, I found this photo of their troops at the time:

He was responsible for the 1932 peasant massacre, were 10 thousand peasants were killed in a shootout with the army. On other hand he allowed woman to vote, expanded civil rights in general but also contained political rights, while also crushing any dissent. He remains as a Vargas or Ataturk like figure today in El Salvador because he was responsible for building the modern face of the country, but at the same time many people dislike him for being a explicit dictator. So, what do you think?

P.S. Just like Vargas he joined the allies in WWII, thus creating a divide because he was a nationalist dictator on a alliance of liberal democracies, but unlike Vargas he was not able to contrl the democratization and got couped. He died in 1966 stabbed, being the oldest politician to be murdered.


Maximiliano Hernández Martínez was the dictator of El Salvador from 1932 until 1944, I found this El Salvadorian documentary about him:


According to wikipedia he was either a fascist or a proto fascist, he led a one party state during his whole government, and while he did not descended into totalitarism, he was higly authoritarian, and he called a german mission to equip the army of El Salvador, I found this photo of their troops at the time:

He was responsible for the 1932 peasant massacre, were 10 thousand peasants were killed in a shootout with the army. On other hand he allowed woman to vote, expanded civil rights in general but also contained political rights, while also crushing any dissent. He remains as a Vargas or Ataturk like figure today in El Salvador because he was responsible for building the modern face of the country, but at the same time many people dislike him for being a explicit dictator. So, what do you think?

P.S. Just like Vargas he joined the allies in WWII, thus creating a divide because he was a nationalist dictator on a alliance of liberal democracies, but unlike Vargas he was not able to contrl the democratization and got couped. He died in 1966 stabbed, being the oldest politician to be murdered.
Sounds kind of like Franco at times.