Virginia not found first

The very first successful colony to be created in the future Thirteen Colonies was Virginia.
Virginia was established in 1607 by a charter granted to the London Company by King James I. The London Company, also known as the Charter of the Virginia Company of London, was established by a charter by King James I in 1606.
Suppose Virginia was not the first of the original Thirteen Colonies to be founded. Which colony should then be the first to be found?
Well, if the "Virginia company of london" didn't succeed at its initial colonization attempt, the most likely alternative would be a success by the "Virginia company of Plymouth" (aka the "Plymouth company"). Probably somewhere in the new england area. Ironically, this colony in the area of otl new england might end up being called " Virginia" after the "Virginia company of Plymouth". Certainly having one of otl's thirteen colonies founded before Virginia is kinda nonsense: if the pod was an unsuccessful colonization of virginia, the rest of the otl colonies would be butterflied to have different names, borders, and forms of government.
New Plymouth was aiming for OTL New York as well, which was JUST inside the colonizable area for the Virginia Company. That said, it was already common to call the northeastern seaboard 'North Virginia' versus OTL southern USA's 'southern Virginia', albeit until 'New England' replaced 'North Virginia'.