Vikings in America, Skraelings Questions?

So I'm working on an ASB thread that's screwing things up bad for Native American Wankers (they will turn out stronger in the end though). Yet I need suggestions on what will make staying in Vinland easier for the Vikings if the Skraelings had anything to say about it. So I realize the Skraelings constantly attacked the Vikings. Let's handwave that away and say the Skraelings willingly traded game and ivory for farmed vegetables and iron would that encourage more colonists?

I realize a huge problem with these "Vikings in Vinland" things are European politics but what's the best possible thing that the Native americans could have done to encourage population growth?
Native Americans encourage Vikings settling in NA??? :eek:

They would probably be sorry as the Vikings/Norse OTL brought cattle to Vinland.
Give some months and you have a local pandemic in the North East of pox or such.
But perhaps that would play out to Norse advantage pawing the way for settlement.

Real trouble as you've already figured out (have done this here a zillion times) lack of Norse manpower.

If you get a thriving colony exporting timber to Greenland and Iceland you would have a far away wonderland up for graps and then just throw in a major eruption in Iceland like in the 18. century and those 50000 icelanders may migrate to Vinland. Then come the little ice age you get another 4000 norse from Greenland.
Along the way the Church have made its entry with bishops, monasteries etc. etc. You may end up with Norse Earls along the East Coast - perhaps a Kingdom or two.

Add to cattle, seafaring, horses, ironworking, the wheel ... are we playing civ! :D
In the 16th century it sometimes went like this:
- Early ship kidnaps some natives.
- Indian either kept as a prestige slave or ends up working on a ship.
- Indian pines for home and after years and years finally makes it back.
- Indian ends up helping more Europeans who are trading or colonizing in New World.

Maybe the same thing could be made to happen 500 years sooner? Vikings do some raids and kidnap skraelings. Years later skraelings sets up trading post in New World and is friendly toward viking traders.
Ok...That COULD work in my TL where I have a competing tribe with the friendly one.

Anyway I realize that the NA's will suffer a bit, but that's the idea in order for them to improve later, and not suffer as much by health problems later on. I realize the Norse have lack of man power but I need something, just maybe a permanent settlement there, like Greenland. I wouldn't mind it losing touch with the homeland or getting isolated, I just need a strong Viking-touch of a settlement in North America.