Victoria 2

They didn't screw up either EU3 or HOI3.

They very much did.
A nerdy strategy game that requires a epic super computer from the future to run properly= a failure.
Even ignoring the horrific speed of it EU3 just doesn't have the same feel that EU2 did...And even still does. It just feels...wrong.
They very much did.
A nerdy strategy game that requires a epic super computer from the future to run properly= a failure.
Even ignoring the horrific speed of it EU3 just doesn't have the same feel that EU2 did...And even still does. It just feels...wrong.
I've never had speed problems with EU3, even when running it on a five-year-old machine.
HOI3 did get off to a rocky start with the community, you've got to admit.

They very much did.
A nerdy strategy game that requires a epic super computer from the future to run properly= a failure.
Even ignoring the horrific speed of it EU3 just doesn't have the same feel that EU2 did...And even still does. It just feels...wrong.
Most of the complaints on the HOI3 forum as well as at the beginning of EU3 were cases of They Changed It Now It Sucks. I haven't experienced any particularly bad speed issues in HOI3, but apparently some people did have been. And the AI does need some changes, which Paradox has said they are working on.

But let's not get this discussion going again in this thread. This is supposed to be about Vicky 2. Which I am really excited about! I'm particularly excited about how they'll implement the upper house/legislative branch in Vicky (I've never played Vae Victis) and the spheres of influence system.
I'm particularly excited about how they'll implement the upper house/legislative branch in Vicky (I've never played Vae Victis) and the spheres of influence system.
There's been some theorising about how the spheres of influence system could work on the Paradox forum. One idea is that it'll be kind of like the Axis/Allies/Comintern system of HOI3, except with the Great Powers instead of the Axis, Allies and Comintern (and not as connected to alliances). Of course, that brings the problem how they'll handle changes in Great Power status, Great Powers influencing each other...

Interestingly, their new EU3 expansion will also add a spheres of influence system. That could be one reason why Vicky2 will come out so soon, relatively speaking- they can take H3T's SoI system, and modify it, just as they've taken HOI3's map, and modified it. Or the systems could be different, or it will be/is H3T's team that will take Vicky2's SoI system and modify it....
Sweet. I liked Victoria...although the POPs needed some serious reworking along with some of the excessive micromanagement. Other than that it was a fun game.