Victoria: 1700 Mod

To Russia: Add a couple of province bordering the Kazach steppes... Make sure NOT to color in the one that is pointy in the west, however...


Here is the list of members: If anyone wishes to add duties just post it. Some, like Thande, did not explicitly show interest in working on the mod but he helped a lot so I added him as Resarch.

Thanks - I would help, but I don't have Victoria or any real experience with Paradox games (though I may buy it if you make this mod...)
Well Thande we can keep you in as research anyway, you are a whole load of knowledge!

An euio, ok maps it is for you as well.

Also, no one edit the map right now, me and chunkey are editing it. Will be posted soon.
French flag:

France Flag.png
Well Thande we can keep you in as research anyway, you are a whole load of knowledge!

An euio, ok maps it is for you as well.

Also, no one edit the map right now, me and chunkey are editing it. Will be posted soon.
I could also test.
Ugh! I accidently saved as a .jpeg (which irreversibly messed it up)! Well, I added a bunch of new regions though and while they're still quite rough (errors likely abound), at least they're there. Chingo shall be correcting this and putting the additions on an editable .png.


Also, we're moving to a forum for organization purposes. Please join us at


Why is there what looks like one state in Sudan and in Arabia? :confused:

EDIT: and what are the states in India? Weren't they still fully part of the Mughal Empire at that point?
Even though we have a forum for organization we wish to remain in this thread also to keep those that don't want to come over just to keep track of the mod updated.
There are so many nations now, that I used duplicate colors. There are only a few nations that are non-continuous, so if the two colors are far apart, they're likely two different nations.

Additionally, Europa Universalis III may have some errors, but these can be remedied later if that's what they are. If that's accurate though, at least we know they're there.


There are so many nations now, that I used duplicate colors. There are only a few nations that are non-continuous, so if the two colors are far apart, they're likely two different nations.

IMO you don't need that many nations: you've included some, like that one in Australia, that aren't states by any definition. But that's just my view (and euio's).
Could someone ahow me where the attachment button is on that site? I looked under the smileys but still did not see it.
Get rid of that one, I'm not sure how it got on there (probably my own carelessness), but it doesn't belong. The others though, perhaps should be although without a good reputable map, it’s difficult to say. Some may have been autonomous regions, which may be where the discrepancy lies.
I believe Oman has a bunch of territory you've given to Portugal, which also seems to have a bit much in Africa anyway...
Yeah I agree with that too.

I'm working on the .png map right now, will be posted in the graphics section in a bit.
Most of the maps I've looked at featured Portugal with substantial colonies along the Eastern African coast... Perhaps someone who is well acquainted with Portuguese history could rectify this though (I'd look it up, but I'm currently writing a history essay).