V2, last ditch attempt...

...what would have been the consequences (sp) if germany, as a last hope attempt, loaded chunks of raw uranium (i can't seem to spell today...sigh) into their V2 rockets and fired them at London...:eek:...well it wouldn't have affected the outcome of the war at this point, but could u imagine what the radiation would have done...:eek:
...what would have been the consequences (sp) if germany, as a last hope attempt, loaded chunks of raw uranium (i can't seem to spell today...sigh) into their V2 rockets and fired them at London...:eek:...well it wouldn't have affected the outcome of the war at this point, but could u imagine what the radiation would have done...:eek:

You're missing some fundamental science: the vast bulk (~99.24%) of uranium available from ore is uranium 238, which is not only non-fissionable material, but has an extremely long half-life (on the order of 4.5 billion years), meaning its radioactivity is pretty low indeed--and it emits alpha particles, which are stopped by clothing and sheets of paper. (For a comprehensive decay chain, see http://www.ieer.org/fctsheet/uranium.html )

About 0.7% of uranium available from ore is fissionable U-235, but it has to be enriched (i.e., concentrated) to form a fissionable mass--and that's a very involved industrial process.

Short version: I don't believe it would be much more than a nuisance.


That is an ASB idea but I would like to change it slightly. What if the accuracy of the V2's were better and more were lobbed at London in a larger quanity. Now you have terror and you would see more bombing on Germany. Only one problem, when would the date for the launch of a mass of V2's would be set ?


Were people onto the effects of radiation poisoning in 1945? Govts knew all about it by the '50s, but would they have believed it to be such a danger in '44-5? BTW the Germans may not have much or any U235, but they would have been able to gather a nasty cocktail of radioactive crap to load into a V2 warhead.
War heads were designed to spray Nerve Gas from both the V-1 & V-2 warhead. But I don't think they were put into production.