"V: The Second Generation" Arrives Feb. 5


Just a heads up for anyone who might be interested, besides me.

From what I understand, the novel, which is authored by Kenneth Johnson, picks up 20 years after the invasion and disregards the events of the TV series, earlier books and the second TV movie.

Here's an odd thing, though: Apparently, there are both hardcover and paperback versions coming out at the same time. I've never known that to happen before.


Just a heads up for anyone who might be interested, besides me.

From what I understand, the novel, which is authored by Kenneth Johnson, picks up 20 years after the invasion and disregards the events of the TV series, earlier books and the second TV movie.

Here's an odd thing, though: Apparently, there are both hardcover and paperback versions coming out at the same time. I've never known that to happen before.


Hmm. I've seen trade paperbacks come out simultaneous with hardcovers before... or is this a mass-market paperback? That would be rather unusual.
How can they disregard everything? How heretical and blasphamous! Twenty years? I imagine that they'd have significantly ravaged and descimated Earth's resources and devoured a good chunk of animal (humans included) life by then.
Hmm. I've seen trade paperbacks come out simultaneous with hardcovers before... or is this a mass-market paperback? That would be rather unusual.

Beats me. I guess we'll find out Monday. (The bookstore let me look at the hardcover version on Friday, but not buy it since it was before the street date.)

Oh, I hate it with these "disregards" things. Can't they have a united canon, like Star Wars?

From what I understand, Kenneth Johnson was none too pleased with the second "V" television movie, nor the follow-up television series.

But, yes, I, too, like united canons.

How can they disregard everything? How heretical and blasphamous! Twenty years? I imagine that they'd have significantly ravaged and descimated Earth's resources and devoured a good chunk of animal (humans included) life by then.

**LOL** Good points, all. But if I can get a true paperback version of the book, rather than a trade paperback, I might spring the $6 to $8 for it. I really did like "V" back in the 1980s ...

From what I understand, Kenneth Johnson was none too pleased with the second "V" television movie, nor the follow-up television series.

But, yes, I, too, like united canons.


I'll agree most of the TV series was none too good and strayed far from the original concept. V - The Final Battle wasn't that bad, as long as you could stand the crazy technobabble.

Still, I think they should at least have tried to salvage it.
Makes two of us. Damn, I'm disappointed now..

Woud have been to hard anyway to do anyway :D

what would it have been about, we discover V actually was a fascist also and just faked his death and now he took over England and Evey must stop him
From what I understand, the novel, which is authored by Kenneth Johnson, picks up 20 years after the invasion and disregards the events of the TV series, earlier books and the second TV movie.

So then what exactly is it the "second generation" to?

Here's an odd thing, though: Apparently, there are both hardcover and paperback versions coming out at the same time. I've never known that to happen before.

The same thing was advertised when Settling Accounts: The Grapple was first released. It's just a mistype.
So then what exactly is it the "second generation" to?

The *first* movie, I'd imagine.

The same thing was advertised when Settling Accounts: The Grapple was first released. It's just a mistype.

Not according to the bookstore I do business with. They looked it up, precisely because a HC and a PB coming out at the same time seemed odd. Best guess, the PB is actually a trade paperback.

On Amazon.com in 2006, TG was mentioned to come out in hardcover on July 25, and the trade paperback to come out three days later.

As for V...I must've glossed over the implication that it's based on the first movie. My bad. My. Bad.