UNOCAL Oil Pipeline Deal Goes through 1997


As the tin says, the Taliban doesn't try for Bridas as a counter-bid.

So as planned, starting in 1997 UNOCAL, headquartered across the street from Osama Bin Laden and an ISI HQ, begins building the Trans-Afghanistan Pipeline for which the Taliban will get an 8% cut of the profits.

Given the large number of minefields, progress will likely be slow, but the Taliban will have a big source of Income.
The Northern Alliance gets destroyed thanks to the bolstered Taliban. However, I imagine they'd attack the pipeline as much as possible before they go down, to deny the Taliban income from it.

(That might cost them Russian support--the gas is coming from Russia, isn't it?)

UNOCAL has helped out people who live near its other pipelines--I believe in Burma they've vaccinated a lot of people--so there might be some improvements in human development.

However, the Taliban are likely to be very obdurate about certain things like female education, female doctors operating in the country, male doctors seeing female patients, etc.


The pipe is running from a Turkmenistan Gas Field through Afghanistan to Pakistan and India.

The first and last were Northern Alliance supporters along with Iran.