Two vs Three a minor change with big results?

So on a foggy morning that would turn into sheer hell as guns fire and shells explode. Shrapnel flies and fires burn as ships explode or sink and the RussIan’s slim chance end in the disaster that will forever be know as the Battle of Tsushima. We turn our attention not to the Battles Ships and the admirals and captains who command them but to the armored Cruiser Nisshan, and one very junior officer. An officer that will be wounded. As a shell strikes his ship he is injured and loses his index and middle finger on his left hand.
But what if..
What if the ship is just a smidgen farther up, or down or forward or back or left or right.
What if instead of two fingers the young officers loses three? (I believe that would have disabled him out of the navy) Or the whole hand?
What if this officer is discharged due to injure.
After all how can one less junior officer have much of an impact on the world.
So What could it possibly matter to anyone other then the junior officer and his family if Isoroku Yamamoto is disabled at Tsushima?

So the question is what would the changes be in the world if Isoroku Yamamoto was forced to take a medical discharge?