Tracking down obscure or outdated novels


I've read several books years ago that I'd like to track down again. Unfortunately, I can tell you in great detail what they were about, just not the name or author. Does anyone know of any database or resource for tracking down books?

Some of the one's I'm looking for include a Japanese/American WW2 analog in space, a dystopian future technical society that is slowly fading away alongside a culture of barbarians - I remember the main character was a food specialist to developed the strawberries and cream food stick, and one where Earth was kept as a natural preserve for militarism so the Galactic society could skim the best military leaders to lead the Galactic armies.
one where Earth was kept as a natural preserve for militarism so the Galactic society could skim the best military leaders to lead the Galactic armies.

Poul Anderson has some stories where Earth is kept primitive by Galactic standards and the Emperor of Mankind has to return there for seasoning, but that doesnt' sound exactly what you are talking about.
I've read several books years ago that I'd like to track down again. Unfortunately, I can tell you in great detail what they were about, just not the name or author. Does anyone know of any database or resource for tracking down books?

Some of the one's I'm looking for include a Japanese/American WW2 analog in space

Could be Enemy Mine by Barry Malzberg ( which ISTR had a close resemblance to a WW2 film with Japanese and US pilots who had both crashed on an island; or even the expanded version which I haven't read:


Poul Anderson has some stories where Earth is kept primitive by Galactic standards and the Emperor of Mankind has to return there for seasoning, but that doesnt' sound exactly what you are talking about.

No, this one was very strange. Earth was slowly recovering from the effects of the 3rd World War. India was the top power, and the United States was a junior partner, trying to reclaim its mantel of superpower. Russia was destroyed. A couple of people are researching ESP and mental powers, only to find most of their work is vanishing. Turns out, the great galactic civilization is syphoning off Earth talen.

The galactics (forgot what they called them) had a system that recognized the youngest and most vibrant civilizations would assume the leadership of galactic society until they too turned decadent and passive. Since there was a limit on the number of worlds in the galaxy, one world was set aside so that it would never develop the peaceful ways of the rest of the galaxy, thus always providing the needed leadership. That planet is Earth. Psychic powers are encouraged and highly competent people from Earth are taken and placed in positions of power. Oh, and the galaxy is involved in fighting off an extra-galactic invasion, thus the driving need for competent military capability.
No, this one was very strange. Earth was slowly recovering from the effects of the 3rd World War. India was the top power, and the United States was a junior partner, trying to reclaim its mantel of superpower. Russia was destroyed. A couple of people are researching ESP and mental powers, only to find most of their work is vanishing. Turns out, the great galactic civilization is syphoning off Earth talen.

The galactics (forgot what they called them) had a system that recognized the youngest and most vibrant civilizations would assume the leadership of galactic society until they too turned decadent and passive. Since there was a limit on the number of worlds in the galaxy, one world was set aside so that it would never develop the peaceful ways of the rest of the galaxy, thus always providing the needed leadership. That planet is Earth. Psychic powers are encouraged and highly competent people from Earth are taken and placed in positions of power. Oh, and the galaxy is involved in fighting off an extra-galactic invasion, thus the driving need for competent military capability.

Sounds like "Ballroom of the Skies."



Well, just wanted to say thanks once again. Got a package from Amazon and now re-reading these treasures. The pages are so fragile, I'm afraid to open the books all the way. Heh, wonder if I can scan them and put them on a kindle.