Too Sweet!: A WCW Survives Collaborative Timeline

November 2, 1998

Citing a sharp decline in television ratings and pay-per-view buys, along with the WWF regaining market share thanks to Stone Cold Steve Austin's feud with Mr McMahon, Ted Turner announces World Championship Wrestling (WCW) will be put up for sale.

November 10, 1998

TimeWarner begins to mull offers for WCW from Comcast, News Corporation, Viacom, The Walt Disney Company, General Electric (who owned NBC at the time) and Seagram and Sons (then-parent company of Universal Studios).
Hm, those are some interesting choices, although wasn't WCW still going fairly strong until mid-1999? As for who'd buy WCW, would have to be a company that would give some leeway while still willing to take control. After the pure mess that was it's structure in OTL, a firm hand is certainly needed.
Hm, those are some interesting choices, although wasn't WCW still going fairly strong until mid-1999? As for who'd buy WCW, would have to be a company that would give some leeway while still willing to take control. After the pure mess that was it's structure in OTL, a firm hand is certainly needed.

I'm sure it was still strong, but I was trying to find an early enough POD to save WCW from Vince Russo running it to the ground.
I'm sure it was still strong, but I was trying to find an early enough POD to save WCW from Vince Russo running it to the ground.

Well, we got until September 16th, 1999 until Shitstain arrives, I think what would need to be focused on is finding another creative mind to push back against Hogan and his buddies to hire in place of Russo. If we can snag Cornette, we might have a chance.

November 12, 1998

While the shock of Ted Turner's announcement barely starts to wear off, WCW extends an offer to Jim Cornette, formerly of Smoky Mountain Wrestling, to become WCW's next creative director.
Sounds interesting for sure.

14 November 1998:
Jim Cornette ultimately accepts the offer to be one of the creative directors going forward despite an offer from the WWF to become their head of creative

17 November 1998: WCW Offers Paul Heyman the same role as creative director as well as offering to buy out ECW. At this stage it is well known that Heyman is behind on payments of wages and staff and is at risk of losing talent.

20 November 1998: After prolonged negotiations. WCW has bought out ECW for $3 million as well as taking on the contracts of all the wrestlers (with WCW wanting to do an invasion angle). Some wrestlers are not expected to stay beyond the storyline however (such as New Jack, Axl Rotten, Balls Mahoney etc) as WCW will not be going the hardcore route.

22 November 1998: Eric Bischoff is signed by the WWF to become of their heads of creative alongside Vince Russo (though Bischoff is said to ultimately have creative discretion). It is said this does not bode well for WCW retaining their top talent from the NWO (in particular, the WWF has made it their top priority to bring back Hulk Hogan and Ric Flair).
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Surprised Cornette would stay in WWF, given it means having to work with Russo and Dunn already and was coming off the dissolution of the NWA stable cooked up by Archbishop of Talent Bury to rib him. But hey, Heyman's a good choice as long as he isn't left to manage the finances.

For frame of reference, World War 3 is on the 22nd and here are your champs.

WCW World Heavyweight: Goldberg (let's try and keep this going for a while.)
WCW United States Heavyweight: DDP
WCW World Television: Chris Jericho
WCW Cruiserweight: Juventud Guerrera
WCW World Tag Team: Rick Steiner and Kenny Kaos

ECW World Heavyweight: Shane Douglas
ECW World Television: Tazz
ECW World Tag Team: The Dudley Boyz
Surprised Cornette would stay in WWF, given it means having to work with Russo and Dunn already and was coming off the dissolution of the NWA stable cooked up by Archbishop of Talent Bury to rib him. But hey, Heyman's a good choice as long as he isn't left to manage the finances.

Yeah i edited that, i realised Russo was in the WWF by this point. So i had him accept the WCW role and work alongside Heyman.

Russo + Bischoff in the WWF and Heyman + Cornette in WCW will be interesting (at least Cornette doesn't hate Heyman).
World War 3 1998

Venue: The Palace of Auburn Hills in Auburn Hills, Michigan
Attendance: 17,670
Announce Team: Tony Schiavone/Bobby Heenan/Mike Tenay​

Wrath d. Glacier
Stevie Ray d. Konnan by disqualification

Two OTL matches to kick things off. Not much to note.

Ernest Miller/Sonny Oono d. Perry Saturn/Kaz Hayashi

The first seeds of the ECW invasion begin here when Raven suddenly appears out on the entrance way, sitting and watching. Then the Dudley Boyz jump Perry Saturn, beating him down while Hayashi takes the pin.

Billy Kidman d. Juventud Guerrera (c) for the WCW Cruiserweight Championship

Another Dudley attack, this time after Kidman wins and they 3D him through a table while Raven watches from the corner. Raven's after the ones who turned on him in the Flock.

Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner (No Contest)

This time, it's the team of Sabu and Rob Van Dam who make the run in, armed with kendo sticks and steel chairs to batter the Steiner Brothers, hitting an Arabian Facebuster on Rick and a Five Star Frog Splash on Scott. As a final statement, RVD takes Rick's tag title, putting it around Sabu as they depart. Crowd probably gonna pop hard for these guys because it's Michigan.

Chris Jericho (c) d. Bobby Duncum Jr. for the WCW Television Championship

Then out comes Lance Storm, beating down on his former tag partner shouting about how Chris "left him behind."

World War 3 Battle Royal: Kevin Nash Wins

The match does have some surprise ECW guys, but it'd be unrealistic to expect Big Sexy to give up his spot even with the new creative team that had just been established.

Diamond Dallas Page (c) d. Bret Hart for the WCW United States Championship

The final run-in comes from Tazz, choking out Page and grabbing the US title... then tossing it down and holding up the ECW TV title. "We're running this place now. Hogan, Nash, Flair, Goldberg, Sting. We don't give a s**t. This is our playground, big boys. And this is what's gonna happen when you get in our way." Tazz warns as the PPV goes off the air.
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World War 3

It's November 22 at The Palace and the arena is packed for World War 3. There are eight matches on the card.

1. Wrath d. Glacier
2. Stevie Ray d. Konnan (DQ)
3. Ernest Miller/Sonny Oono d. Perry Saturn/Kaz Hayashi: This is where the first seeds of the ECW invasion begin, when Raven suddenly appears out on the entrance way, sitting and watching. Then the Dudley Boyz jump Perry Saturn, beating him down while Hayashi takes the pin.
4. Billy Kidman d. Juventud Guerrera for the Cruiserweight Title: Another Dudley attack, this time after Kidman wins and they 3D him through a table while Raven watches from the corner. Raven's after the ones who turned on him in the Flock.
5. Rick Steiner vs Scott Steiner goes to a no-contest: This time, it's the team of Sabu and RVD who make the run in, armed with kendo sticks and steel chairs to batter the Steiner Brothers, hitting an Arabian Facebuster on Rick and a Five Star Frog Splash on Scott. As a final statement, RVD takes Rick's tag title, putting it around Sabu as they depart. Crowd probably gonna pop hard for these guys because it's Michigan.
6. Chris Jericho d. Bobby Duncum Jr, retaining the Television title. Then out comes Lance Storm, beating down on his former tag partner shouting about how Chris "left him behind."
7. World War 3 Battle Royal: Kevin Nash wins. The match does have some surprise ECW guys, but it'd be unrealistic to expect Big Sexy to give up his spot even with the new creative team that had just been established.
8. DDP d. Bret Hart, retaining the United States title. The final run-in comes from Tazz, choking out Page and grabbing the US title... then tossing it down and holding up the ECW TV title. "We're running this place now. Hogan, Nash, Flair, Goldberg, Sting. We don't give a s__t. This is our playground, big boys. And this is what's gonna happen when you get in our way." Tazz warns as the PPV goes off the air.

Palace of Auburn Hills, right?
Alright, a few notes as we move on: WWF has Capital Carnage on December 6 and Rock Bottom on the 13th. Starrcade will be on the 27th. Billy Kidman is the new WCW Cruiserweight Champion. Paul Wight will be heading out on February 8 and I doubt there will be much to stop him.

And now for the WWF championship line-up as of November 22.

WWF World: The Rock
WWF IC: Ken Shamrock
WWF Tags: New Age Outlaws
WWF Women's: Sable
WWF European: X-Pac
WWF Light Heavyweight: Gillberg
WWF Hardcore: Mankind
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Thinking of maybe having the main NWO guys going over to the WWF some time in 2000 (cause Bischoff and you know Vince loves him some Hulk Hogan) and maybe due to jealousy and being relegated somewhat, having Austin, Angle and possibly the Rock jumping to WCW (cause of the politicking of the Kliq and Hogan combined).
Bischoff will definitely take center stage in some capacity on the WWF and I can see Cornette and Heyman (if the two can come together in agreement on this, but I imagine Cornette would have some reservation over an authority vs. authority battle taking focus away from the wrestlers) and with the talent trade, that's really dependant on how long the higher ups can retain their creative control in contracts when ratings were starting to dip and there's now a new hot angle with the ECW Invasion to argue for any uptick or Goldberg's World Title run finally getting the focus it deserves. It's also unlikely that Austin/Angle/Rock would jump since they're loyal to Vince and Vince won't have much love for the nWo given that they betrayed the WWF (Hogan taking the stand against him in the steroid trial and Hall/Nash partaking in the Curtain Call) which could create some internal difficulties with McMahon and Bischoff (and possibly Bischoff and Russo over creative philosophies.)
Bischoff will definitely take center stage in some capacity on the WWF and I can see Cornette and Heyman (if the two can come together in agreement on this, but I imagine Cornette would have some reservation over an authority vs. authority battle taking focus away from the wrestlers) and with the talent trade, that's really dependant on how long the higher ups can retain their creative control in contracts when ratings were starting to dip and there's now a new hot angle with the ECW Invasion to argue for any uptick or Goldberg's World Title run finally getting the focus it deserves. It's also unlikely that Austin/Angle/Rock would jump since they're loyal to Vince and Vince won't have much love for the nWo given that they betrayed the WWF (Hogan taking the stand against him in the steroid trial and Hall/Nash partaking in the Curtain Call) which could create some internal difficulties with McMahon and Bischoff (and possibly Bischoff and Russo over creative philosophies.)

Yeah I could see Bischoff, Russo and McMahon all being major figures (maybe less so McMahon with these two involved).

I could see a bit of Heyman involvement but Cornette will probably stay backstage. I could see Heyman being a manager for the ECW wrestlers during the invasion whilst Ric Flair and Sting are the main figures against ECW.

Idk, Vince may not like Hogan personally but the man values the draw. Also Hall and Nash would be certainties to jump though, one, Bischoff is there, two, Micheals and HHH are there.

Also Austin, Rock and Angle would be loyal to the extent that they're main eventers.
Capital Carnage

10k fans fill London Arena (in London) for a UK-exclusive WWF PPV. 11 matches on the card.

  1. X-Pac d. Gillberg for the Light Heavyweight Title. Match is a quick spot where Gillberg gets thrown to the outside, where a waiting Triple H hits the Pedigree and tosses him back to his buddy for the easy pin. Could be either a shot at Goldberg's own title reign (the 'Fed saying this is how easy he'll lose the WCW World Title) or Bischoff wanting a joke at his best creation out of his face.
  2. Gangrel d. Al Snow.
  3. The Headbangers d. The Road Warriors (Animal/Droz)
  4. Val Venis d. Goldust. Cornette's probably gonna fight to get Dustin over to WCW. He's Dusty's boy and a Southern bred wrassler. Get him out of "That cartoon bullshit" and he's got a bonafied upper midcard guy.
  5. Mark Henry (w/D-Lo Brown) d. Tiger Ali Singh. Because who the fuck said Tiger Ali Singh should win anything?
  6. Jeff Jarrett d. Marc Mero. Jarrett gets a win here, but you know Corny's just waiting for a chance to sign him.
  7. The New Age Outlaws d. The Brood (Edge/Christian) for the Tag Titles. It's looking to be DX night tonight, huh? Speaking of.
  8. Chyna d. Sable for the Women's title. Bischoff is basically trying to make DX into diet nWo, so he gives Chyna the strap after a squash.
  9. Ken Shamrock d. Steve Blackman for the IC Title.
  10. The Rock d. Triple H for the World Title. And DX Night comes to a stop here as Rocky keeps over his longtime rival.
  11. Mankind d. Steve Austin d. Undertaker d. Kane. Fatal Four-way for a title shot at Rock Bottom: In Your House (can you imagine a worse name for a PPV with Eric Bischoff as the guest referee. Bischoff is in an interesting position in TTL. He comes in not as another guy from a dead WCW, but as the guy who lead WCW to ratings dominance then jumped when things were dropping. He plays his role in WWF as a smug snake who latches onto the hottest thing, but he has people he hates. There are two kinds of people Uncle Eric doesn't like: WWF loyalists (like Kane and Undertaker) or WCW traitors (Austin and Foley) so the man with the most heat in the match is the ref. Mankind ultimately gets the Mandible Claw on Kane to win but as the show ends, Bischoff promises that he's gonna make Foley's life hell. Maybe have Triple H come in and Pedigree Mankind to close out the show.
We got a new Light Heavyweight and Women's champion. And X-Pac's got two belts now! His pants are never falling down!
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