TLs on Muslim Colonisation?

Are there any TLs that document the history of Muslim Colonisation of the Americas?

I used to read a few, but I can't find them and for the life of me I can't remember their names.
House of lamps isn’t just about Muslim colonisation of the new world, it’s also one of the best conceived and written timelines on the site. Defo should read that
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Minaretes of Atlantis is another good one.
Moonlight in a jar is close to the colonisation era.
There's also a cool steampunkish story in the writers forum. But I don't remember the name.
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The best and only PoD for this would have to be a surviving, Muslim Andalusia.

Not the only one. In OTL Morocco thought about an invasion of Hispaniola if I'm not mistaken in an alliance with England*. Then there is a PoD for a successful Mali.
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Not the only one. In OTL Morocco thought about an invasion of Hispaniola if I'm not mistaken in an alliance with Britain. Then there is a PoD for a successful Mali.

You're not. It was part of a plan to put the Portugese pretender back on his Throne and break the Iberian Union. I think the Ottomans were also invited, but ended up stalling out.
Doesn't OTL Oman count? Expand their powerbase in the Gulf and you could ver them snatching control of some East Indies Sultanates.
Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa prior to Arabic invasion would have never considered themselves Arabic and today do.
That's more similar to the romanization of the western mediterranean and france than to the colonization of the americas, and thats what op asked for. Also I doubt that someone would call the traditional conquest and assimilation tipical of the old world colonization, that last term tends to have other meanings attach to it.
Mesopotamia, Syria, Egypt, North Africa prior to Arabic invasion would have never considered themselves Arabic and today do.
That's really a consequence of Arab nationalism these past two centuries. In 1750, in the Ottoman era, none of those places would have considered themselves Arabs. "Arab" in the Ottoman period meant an uncivilized Bedouin.
That's more similar to the romanization of the western mediterranean and france than to the colonization of the americas, and thats what op asked for. Also I doubt that someone would call the traditional conquest and assimilation tipical of the old world colonization, that last term tends to have other meanings attach to it.

People keep repeating this tripe like it's a real thing and yet there's never any objective reasons to distinguish the two. "Traditional conquest and assimilation" involves everything you can think of about colonization a-la America. Disruption and suppression of local culture, genocides, settler and slave influx, economic reorientation towards new centres, an imposition of rigid new hierarchies with the conquerors strictly at the top. Literally every bad thing applies to both situations.

The only additional "meanings" are dishonest special pleadings of the "it's not colonization if we/people we like do it" kind.