TLIAPOT: Succession

32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1946) - The Fireside Uncle
  • 32. Franklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1946)

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the longest-serving president of the United States of America, later deemed as one of the founders of postwar America. Roosevelt won record four presidential elections, having come into power during the Great Depression and died in office before securing the end of the World War Two against Germany and Japan.

    Roosevelt’s latter two terms were dominated by World War Two and the question of the post-war order. Historians today criticize his willingness to cooperate with Stalin, although it is important to dispel the common myth of Roosevelt feeling a kinship with Stalin over their physical issues. While Roosevelt and his allies downplayed his paralysis, it was known that the president couldn’t walk. On the other hand, anyone who knew the real Stalin was disfigured from a self-inflicted gunshot wound would be arrested or killed, allowing Beria to later assume the reigns.

    Roosevelt and Stalin met twice, at Tehran and Yalta Conferences. Roosevelt may have cherished the opportunity to meet one-on-one in Tehran in November of 1943, having accepted Stalin’s offer to stay at the Soviet embassy compound. It is still debated if this allowed Stalin to convince Roosevelt to open a second front in France at the earliest opportunity. Churchill certainly preferred a landing in the Balkans, seeking to secure as much of Europe from the Soviet sphere of influence in accordance, or perhaps in spite of agreement with Stalin made months earlier in Moscow.

    It is certainly a popular view Roosevelt was too understanding of the Soviet Union, signing off multiple countries and areas to Stalin, but even with forthcoming military setbacks, there was little he could do. Certainly, there was a growing mistrust towards Stalin who suspected the UK and USA of plotting a separate peace with Germany. Roosevelt came to follow Churchill more as Stalin started to break agreements and foment trouble even as Germany laid undefeated and there was still the matter of Japan.

    When the Manhattan project yielded results in the Christmas Trinity test, Roosevelt was quick to approve nuclear strikes on Germany and Japan.

    The first atomic bombing in history occurred on January 2nd, 1945 when the city of Nuremberg was annihilated in the fire of the atom. The city had been chosen as the first target due to multiple reasons: it was an important economic and infrastructural hub, but foremost of all it had a symbolic value as the site of the Nuremberg rally. The second nuclear strike followed on Dresden on January 15th.

    The actions are criticized up to this day, with many claiming this was unnecessary as Germany was in ruins from conventional air bombardment and the civilian toll was catastrophic. The true aim of the bombings was to intimidate the Red Army advancing towards Berlin. Roosevelt wrote in one letter that “The world would never forgive anyone else for using such a weapon as a tool for peace,” a passage that is often used and interpreted differently by proponents and opponents of the bombings.

    Hitler disbelieved information about the attacks as American propaganda, even after the leaflets about the attacks were airdropped over Berlin. The common belief the horror of the realization was such that Hitler shot himself in desperation, recent decades have given doubt about Hitler's suicide. The Yalta conference that followed saw the Big Three celebrate the new of German unconditional surrender although Roosevelt soon found himself exhausted arguing with Stalin over reparations and borders. Fortunately, his successor followed him to the conference.

    Perhaps the most persistent critique of Roosevelt's military leadership was that the momentum was not seized to deny more of Europe to the Red Army. Despite the unconditional German surrender that followed the V-E day, Soviets were given their agreed-upon occupation zone in Germany in what Churchill later called “the Great Stain.” American and Soviet troops entered Berlin jointly, with Allied commanders being warned not to enter before the Red Army. Still, the Pacific remained and if Okinawa and Iwo Jima would tell anything, it was that Japan would not give up easily.

    The stress and guilt drove Roosevelt to a stroke in March that put him in a coma for four months, leaving James F. Byrnes to assume the presidency.

    When Roosevelt awoke from the coma in July of 1945 the act was hailed as an “act of God” in order to see through the end of the World War Two which had officially ended with Japan’s unconditional surrender. Roosevelt’s closest allies were soon faced with the horrible realization that Roosevelt is in a terrible state, much worse than those of Wilson only a few decades earlier, barely able to speak, write or even eat. Roosevelt could not attend the München conference much less direct the country or help the Hopkins plot against Byrnes. Allegedly, the idea of forging his signature on several documents was discussed among his closest collaborators, but the idea never got realized.

    On July 28th, 1945, Roosevelt "issued" a lengthly farewell speech, citing health issues as a result for resignation and warning the nations of the world of a need to cooperate in a new “global age of cooperation, peace, and prosperity.” The speech was written by his friends and carefully managed to slip references to the Second Bill of Rights and other important issues in what was to be a goodbye. Allegedly, FDR approved the text of the speech by blinking his eyes.

    Roosevelts withdrew to a friend’s estate, where FDR died peacefully in sleep on January 15th, 1946, just weeks away from his 64th birthday.
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    33. James F. Byrnes (1882-1970) - The Last Honorable Racist
  • 33. James F. Byrnes (1882-1970)

    John F. Byrnes was born the same age as his close ally and predecessor, FDR. He was one of the few politicians to serve in all three branches of the American federal government and had an illustrious career thoroughly consumed by controversy.

    Byrnes was a brilliant southern legislator and orator who found himself a close ally of President Woodrow Wilson as a capable young Congressman. Despite his skills, he was loathed by some as a secret Catholic (having converted to Episcopalian faith later in life), a rumor championed by his opponents, including the Ku Klux Klan which nearly led to him nearly losing the race for the Senate in 1924.

    Byrnes was a staunch New Dealer and a strong opponent of fascism, leading to him becoming a strong ally of the Roosevelt administration. Roosevelt favored him for the position of the vice-president in 1944 despite heavy opposition from the Democratic party bosses, ending up instead as the new Secretary of State after other candidates did not work out.

    Byrnes became the new acting-president in March as the new vice-president, William Douglas died in an accident during the Yalta Conference. Byrne was immediately faced with the prospect of an increasingly belligerent Stalin amid the end of the war in Europe. His immediate aims were to preserve international cooperation and end the war with Japan..

    Only a month earlier, Churchill, Roosevelt, and Stalin (or at least his official impersonator) celebrated the unconditional German surrender in front of the camera during the Yalta conference. In reality, the conference was plagued by tensions between the allies over the post-war governments in Europe. Germany, Hungary, and Czechoslovakia were jointly occupied while a guarantee of free elections was received for other countries. Stalin promised to enter the war against Japan as soon as possible joining in the Crimean Peace Call directed at the Japanese government while demanding concessions in Asia later on.

    Byrnes was frustrated with Stalin and Molotov being unimpressed with the atomic bomb, not knowing Stalin knew the approximate stockpiles and production plans. A slew of reports from American and British intelligence confirmed his doubts about Soviet conduct in Europe. Deciding to make an example, he set upon a plan of forcing Japan to unconditional surrender before the Soviet Union could ask its price in Asia. Byrnes approved the Roosevelt plan for the atomic bombing, even as some of his advisors claimed Japan was ready to surrender if the institution of the emperor was guaranteed.

    The move may have prompted Stalin to order a premature invasion of Manchuria, having been worried that the new American weapon might force Japan to surrender before the Soviet Union could occupy territory in Asia. The Red Army initially wanted to launch a massive invasion of Manchuria during summer but were forced to start the attack in late Spring. Stalin was clear - face Japanese or NKVD guns. Only total Japanese incompetence and withdrawal of veteran units allowed the Red Army to occupy Manchuria before Japan surrendered, although the victory was marred by several surprising defeats on the battlefield.

    Byrnes approved five nuclear strikes on Japan and may have approved more if the atomic bomb production ramped up faster. Combined with firebombing campaigns, Japan was faced with the prospect of being obliterated from the air, negating the factor of fierce resistance to an invasion. With the archives open, the conventional narrative of Byrnes stubbornly wanting to bomb Japan into ruin comes into question as there were quite a few parallel options and discussion being made, including suggestions that the terms are reworded to be more appropriate to the Japanese. Stalin also tried to use backchannels to inform Japan that the availability of nuclear weapons is limited.

    Japan agreed to an unconditional surrender with "international guardianship" custody for Akihito after the Sour Dawn Coup ended up accidentally killing Hirohito.

    The München Conference was marked by a breakdown in relations between the USA and the Soviet Union. Byrnes refused to grant Stalin occupation zones in Japan or Korea besides honoring previous agreements on Sakhalin and certain islands. Stalin refused Byrnes' idea to tour the ruins of Nuremberg and instead demanded adjustments to the Soviet occupation zone in Germany. Byrnes was convinced that the Soviet Union could still be worked with, especially with them being part of the new United Nations.

    Byrnes skills as a negotiator were of no use when faced with the paranoid Stalin of the proud DeGaulle. With Churchill out, Byrnes frequently tried to solve issues through hammering complex agreements but often not coordinating with the rest of the administration or allies. Everyone learned that the best way to negotiate was through his close advisors which led to a degree of uncertainty in foreign policy. For example, Byrnes favored a roadmap for the eventual reestablishment of Germany but was also interested in an earlier Churchill's proposal of a quasi-new Habsburgian federation to be hammered out of Southern Germany, Austria and Hungary as a suitable compromise if unified Germany was not achieved. Byrnes proponents note that the proposal was only considered as a roundabout way to extricate Hungary from the Soviet orbit, but alas nothing came of it.

    Domestically, Byrnes administration faced problems which it was ill-suited for. Byrnes opposed desegregation and froze efforts to integrate the army. The president tried to continue Roosevelt's social program by favoring the expansion of the federal government but opposed unions and strikes. "Good government is better than uncooperative unions" was an unofficial White House motto in 1946. Byrnes supported the Taft-Hartley act and used the military to break up strikes. Isolationists, anticommunist, integrationists, and labor continued to criticize the president.

    The Byrnes administration tried to push for certain reforms, but other than the GI bill, it found itself facing doubts. Harry Hopkins, FDR’s close advisor, organized opposition to Byrnes having previously opposed to his appointment to the post of the Secretary of State. However, since it became clear Byrnes had no intention of resigning, there was little there could be done even if fanciful tales of rushing through a forged Roosevelt vice-president appointment appeared during the next elections. Once FDR resigned, Byrnes was no longer the acting president but The President.

    Republicans swept the Congressional elections and Byrnes found himself doomed domestically while being forced into increased difficulties abroad. Critics attacked him for not doing anything when it was obvious elections in Hungary were subverted with the help of the Red Army and allied troops later withdrew honoring the wishes of the new government. This coincided with the newspapers learning that Stalin has been using impersonators since 1941 to hide his disfigurement, a move that is incorrectly thought of as the incident that started the Cold War.

    Byrnes strongly supported the Atlantic Alliance and the Marshall plan, hoping to build a "coalition of freedom" to oppose Moscow. It would still take several years to settle the conflicts in Greece and Iran that have been stirred up by the Communist Bloc. At the same times, there were growing issues in Asia. The civil war in China restarted but Byrnes did not want to intervene through troops, trying instead to use air superiority to support Republican China under the aegis of the United Nations. Byrnes would later be blamed for enabling military-industrial complex through his use of airforce for "police actions."

    Byrnes preferred appointing his own friends over wishes of the Democratic party. His Secretary of State, Donald S. Russell, found himself in conflict with Roosevelt's State Department over handling of Iran. Byrnes was privately informed he had no chance of winning the 1948 elections and would not be backed by the Party. But when the time came, the only Democrat who ran against him was Wallace who accused him of racism and souring relations with the Soviet Union, only solidifying his foreign relations credentials.

    In the national elections, Byrnes proved to be outmatched. His radio speeches were brilliant but many felt he was out of touch and too old. His administration had little to show for the common people in terms of legislation and he was mocked for previously defending agreements with Stalin as solid.

    Defeated in 1948, Byrnes uncharacteristically considered a run for governor of South Carolina but failed to get traction for the nomination. Byrnes unexpectedly returned to national life after he was successfully nominated and appointed to the Supreme Court in 1955. His tenure would last until 1970 and would be controversial, creating issues for future presidents.
    34. Thomas E. Dewey (1902-1972) - Clarke Gable in the House
  • 34. Thomas E. Dewey (1902-1972)

    Thomas Edmund Dewey made his name as a prosecutor in New York. successfully fighting crime that arose during Prohibition and Depression. His successful convictions of mobsters made him a national hero widely known for youth, results, and honesty. When he ran for District Attorney of New York County in 1937, signs had to be posted at other districts to inform voters that Dewey isn't running in that county.

    Dewey was also a consummate Republican and nearly won the governorship of New York in 1938 despite being only 36 years of age. Somewhat reminiscent of his future presidential attempts, he would win in 1942. Dewey was a progressive Republican who nevertheless had an equal interest in social fairness and solvency, creating a state Department of Commerce to encourage private business.

    Dewey first sought the nomination for president in 1940 but the Republicans favored older Wendell Wilkies who was older and not isolationist. Dewey became internationalist during the war but did not run in 1944 due to the consequences of a failed assassination attempt in 1943 which only reinforced his nationwide appeal. By the time 1948 rolled around, Dewey had been preparing to run in one way or another for full eight years. Just two years earlier, he was re-elected governor of New York by the largest margin in state history.

    Come around 1948, Dewey won the nomination, but not without surprises, such as unexpectedly good performance of liberal Harold Stassen. Dewey failed to capture the majority of delegates before the convention, but both conservative Taft and liberal Stassen would refuse to budge. Dewey ended the three-way stalemate by picking up Indiana Congressman Charles Halleck as vice-president and getting Indiana delegates in return.

    The elections of 1948 were fought hard between Dewey and Byrnes, especially on radio, where Dewey's courtroom experience proved to be a better teacher than Byrnes legislative histrionics in first such instance of debates. Dewey viciously attacked corrupt big-city Democratic organizations while his campaign contrasted Byrnes's support of segregation with Dewey's own record on racial equality. Dewey hoped he could get northern Democrats to at least not vote for his opponent if not even get their support. At the same time, Dewey promised to fight communist influence at home and abroad, likening it to "organized crime." In the end, elections were closer than anyone expected, and Byrnes could have lost if 80 000 voters changed their minds in the right states. Labor unions claimed that Dewey owed them the election.

    Dewey was perhaps the right president for the wrong time, as his newfound internationalism was never a natural focus for Dewey. Frustrated with Byrnes denying him Korea and Japan, Stalin encouraged Dazhao to intensify the conflict against Republican China, pouring the Soviet resources behind the second-grade Chinese communist state. AT the same time, Northern Iran swole with Red Army planes and volunteers (Greek civil war ended by 1948). Dewey coordinated with allies, especially Britain, to save Iran, organizing a United Nations intervention with 14 other allies. The war in Iran would end in a truce in late 1951 with the country mostly in ruins and full of foreign troops.

    The war in China proved to be an ongoing conflict since Dewey did not want a massive American involvement which led to MacArthur calling him a "wimp." Dewey did not want to win China with massive nuclear bombing or a massive invasion since Republican China was "less honest and less functional than the worst speak-easy". This had more of an effect on France and Britain which were worried the USA would leave them to the Red Army if their defense was deemed too costly for the US.

    Dewey is credited with leaking to the press Stalin was disfigured in a suicide attempt just after Operation Barbarossa as a slight for the Soviet Union surprise testing an atomic weapon in 1948. Evidence points to newspapers learning this from the Byrnes era State Department officials. There is however at least some indication this may have been the precipitating factor for Stalin's Second Great Purge and led to Molotov being purged for allegedly "leaking the news." Dewey certainly capitalized on the diplomatic pandemonium joking he would meet "face to face" with Stalin to discuss peace in Iran, a quip that led to the expulsion of American diplomats from Soviet client states.

    Dewey's cold, calculating personality had effects on other leaders. European leaders feared his commitment to the defense of Europe if American interests were not directly involved. Dewey was a sharp contrast with his predecessors and visibly interested more in getting breathing space for domestic issues. Despite his commitment to NATO, Dewey changed his mind on the issue of Germany, delaying its reestablishment, citing the need to fully denazify Germany. Dewey did nothing but issue condemnations after Czechoslovakia broke into the Democratic Republic of Czechoslovakia (Slovakia) and Czechoslovakian Republic (Czechia) following a Stalin approved plan. Dewey also put the brakes on the Marshall plan and tried to get private businesses involved more which prompted further concern in Europe.

    Similarly, he clashed with MacArthur in Japan, whom he believed was too permissive towards the Japanese, although some historian believe Dewey was worried MacArthur might be pushed as a potential challenger by the conservatives. Dewey was used at bullying the party members in line from his time as governor, but he vastly overestimated his influence as president. Many conservatives in the Republican party resented progressive politics put in place by Dewey while criticizing him for not completely dismantling the entirety of the New Deal. As a result, Dewey initiatives were faced with opposition from the New Deal Coalition and Conservatives for diametrically opposed reasons.

    Dewey's most historic achievement was the progress of civil rights. Roosevelt and Byrnes were reluctant to pursue them but Dewey wanted to complete Lincoln's mission. Dewey signed off on army recommendation of integrating the military, something Byrnes constantly delayed despite the near-universal support of the military. Dewey named Eunice Carter, his previous assistant, to the post of Deputy Attorney General which was high praise for an Afro-American woman. He also appointed Francis E. Rivers as the first African-American federal appellate judge. Dewey had considered naming an African-American into his cabinet during his second term but it never came to be. Many African-Americans were distrustful to Dewey since he was seen as unconcerned with lynching (compared to communism and organized crime) and believed he was just window dressing the government in hopes of getting their votes. There was some truth in that as Dewey was allegedly afraid he might end the civil rights too early before the Democratic party tears itself apart. Additionally, some of his cost-cutting measures disproportionately affected Afroamericans in all parts of the United States.

    Dewey tried to push for a nationwide anti-discrimination law on a religious or racial basis, but the law was neutered by conservatives as Dewey's authoritarian bent to party discipline prompted a revolt. He originally planned to decisively deal with the civil rights in his second term when the Congress and Senate were reshuffled a bit and he later claimed this was his greatest regret, although many a historian noted he might just be trying to portray himself better. Dewey did manage to start the National Highway System program but was criticized for a program of gradual cutbacks to government services that were supposed to cut down on the number of government employees but lead to the closure of schools or hospitals. When Dewey tried to fix the issue with a series of new initiatives he was seen as overreaching and indecisive.

    The most impactful policy Dewey launched domestically was the Red Scare. Although Dewey did not want to outlaw the Communist Party, he vastly expanded the powers of the FBI and turned it against corruption, organized crime, and communism. The FBI successfully rooted out notable spies like the Rosenbergs but led to a certain victory disease. Dewey's initiatives were supposed to supplant McCarthyism and similar initiatives but would lead to massive spying of politicians, journalists and others under the banner of looking for corruption. The extent of this program would only be learned after Dewey's death.

    Seeking to destroy mafia once and for all, Dewey uncharacteristically got involved in Cuban politics. Responding to overtures by former Cuban president Batista about a possible coup against president Prio, Dewey turned on him and had him extradited to Cuba. This prompted a crisis in Cuba as the military rose against Prio and killed him. Dewey sent troops under the aegis of the United Nations which led to Márquez Sterling establishing a government dependent on the USA. Dewey charted an impossible mission for the US troops: safeguard Cuban democracy and constitution while rooting out rumored gangster and communist influence.

    The deciding factor in Dewey's interest in Cuba was the mob Havana conference of 1946 as Dewey sought to confront his old enemy, Lucky Luciano. Luciano had previously been expelled from Cuba and Italy and it was rumored he was hiding in Mexico or Cuba again. Luciano was not found in Cuba, but many of his intermediaries were. Democrats might have prompted this by launching repeated inquiries into Dewey's relationship with the mob, insinuating that Dewey cut deals with the mob. The unending US involvement in Cuba with shifting goals and increased presence paved the way for decades-long American involvement in Cuba which turned it into a de facto vassal state and was perhaps the starting chain of events to the Bolivarian wars several decades later.

    Dewey seriously ruined his reputation in 1952 after his vice-president Halleck publicly resigned in frustration over being treated like an "unwanted dog." While there was some truth there, Dewey was under immense pressure to moderate his cabinet while he privately planned to make it even more progressive in his second term. Dewey did seek to recruit general Eisenhower to replace Halleck on the reelection ticket, but Eisenhower was not interested in a vice-presidential position. Many in the Republican establishment loathed Dewey over his treatment of the party, including outright attempts at blackmail and Dewey in return thought little of many of them. Dewey found a strong vice-presidential candidate in his secretary of state, John Foster Dulles, with whom he had previously clashed over the issue of Germany. Although the whole episode lasted only four weeks, in light of the newly passed 22nd amendment media heavily covered Dewey's pickiness and dislike among his peers. If "Clark Gable" could not build a rapport with his vice-president, how would he lead the free world? Of course, this was hypocritical given how just years earlier Henry Wallace and FDR ended apart.

    Dewey lost as he won - narrowly because of the economy. With the wars in Iran and Greece over and Dewey downsizing aid to Europe, the newly independent Federal Reserve introduced ant-inflationary politics sparking a recession that hit exactly during the election year. Since Dewey cut government spending and shuttered many programs, to the American public at large it seemed that Republicans are repeating the errors of the Roaring Twenties.

    It did not help that Dewey tried to court every voting body in America, fearful of provoking a split within his own party. Avoiding confrontation and speaking in platitudes, he downplayed his own strength. Many ordinary Americans noted that he is not the president they elected four years ago which became the unofficial attack ad of the Wagner campaign. Despite a third party run by Dixiecrats, Dewey lost to the surprise of pollsters, resulting in the famous photo of Dewey shying away from reporters pointing at the headline "Dewey reelected." It is now believed Dewey lost because many people who voted for him stayed at home in 1952.

    Remarkably, despite his unpopularity among his peers in the party and allied countries, Dewey enjoyed high approval ratings and would continue to be rated among one of the most popular presidents, regularly being voted by the public among the top ten presidents.

    Dewey withdrew to his profitable legal practice trying to mastermind a successor for the party behind the scenes. After his practice it suffered significant financial difficulties during the Big Apple Squeeze in the fifties, Dewey accepted the nomination to the Supreme Court, following his predecessor Byrnes and establishing the unusual American postwar tradition for former presidents. Dewey and Byrnes would in later years establish an unusual professional friendship despite their opposing views on issues.

    Dewey died in 1972 of a heart attack in his Supreme Court office.
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    35. Robert F. Wagner (1877-1957) - The Prussian
  • 35. Robert F. Wagner (1877-1957)

    Robert F. Wagner was the first American president not born in the USA and also the oldest one. The influential Democratic politician was born in Prussia but migrated with his family in 1885 to New York. Wagner was another lawyer who quickly rose to the top of New York politics through the embrace of reform. Al Smith and Robert F. Wagner built a coalition that embraced civil and worker's rights. It was not a surprise when Wagner became a close associate of Franklin D. Roosevelt and a major part of the New Deal Coalition.

    Wagner and Roosevelt met while they were in New York's State Legislature and quickly became friends. Wagner was taken aback with Roosevelt's health and it inspired him to champion healthy living and exercise, sponsoring several bills that promoted health care.

    The elderly Wagner practically authored the US Labour code among various other achievements, including the United Nations Monetary and Financial Conference in Toronto, the Wagner-Steagall Housing act and the National Labor Relations Act. He was also the one who introduced the Social Security Act in the United Nations.

    It was fortunate that the 22nd amendment, passed during Byrnes's tenure, allowed citizens naturalized under the age of 10 to run for president. Although conventional wisdom believes Wagner masterminded the 22nd amendment to enable his run, later research has shown that the plot actually came from Byrnes allies in order to divert the attention of the opponents in Congress with the expectation the change would never pass the House or Congress, but it did. Some Republicans even supported the motion in order to have a vulnerable opponent.

    Indeed, come around 1952, nobody thought the 75-year-old Wagner would beat the 25 years younger Dewey. Wagner proved to be more than a match for Dewey despite having been nominated only on the 12th ballot. His reputation with unions proved to be decisive while Dewey administration tried to dig up dirt on Wagner as an example of dirty Tamanny Hall politics. Even with a third party run by the Dixiecrats, Wagner managed to pull it off, although his victory was as narrow as Dewey's win. The economic turmoil and the lack of direction in Dewey's campaign resulted in the surprise win for the elderly Wagner.

    Wagner was beset by similar problems as Dewey, namely the Cold war politics. Wagner immediately sought to reinforce the alliances in Europe and emphasized NATO. His administration promoted the idea of common labor framework in the OUN, aimed at clipping the wings of communist and socialists parties abroad as well as strengthening the New Deal at home. Wagner hoped he would be able to restart Roosevelt's plans for the Second Bill of Rights, but the democratic coalition splintered over the segregation issue. In order to secure the coalition, Wagner nominated former president Byrnes to the Supreme Court as a fig leaf to the South, worrying that Dixiecrats could turn into kingmakers with two recent close elections.

    The main issue during his first term was Soviet build-up near German and Czech borders. Stalin believed that Wagner, a born Prussian, along with presence of people like Henry J. Kaiser in several American administrations, meant that the US has been taken over by German nationalists. The intelligence investigations in Soviet espionage even revealed that one of their objectives was finding out if Hitler secretly escaped into America! It is unclear if Stalin planned to invade Europe or just bluff it, but the concern in the West was enormous especially since the Soviet Union had closed the gap in nuclear technology.

    Due to fears of splintering the alliance, Wagner chose to be neutral over the issue of Suez intervention, even as it turned into a quagmire permanently staining relations between the West and the Arab world. The capture of Cairo led to a decade of unrest in Egypt and created deep-seated resentments ushering the upcoming age of radical Arab nationalism.

    It was during the middle of his term that Stalin probably died and Beria took over. Immediately, Soviets turned from troublemakers to peacemakers in every area of the world except China. Stalin's call for peace was received by suspicion in Washington as Wagner did not want to fall to the folly of Roosevelt and Byrnes before. Wagner decided to ignore Soviet overtures which led to humiliation as European powers, prompted by their own domestic problems, accepted the Soviet-backed plan for internationalizing the Suez canal, making it a UN protectorate. A further slap was when the Soviet abandoned their East Berlin enclave as a precursor for reestablishing Germany as a unified country.

    The issue of the German reunification was a difficult problem for both Dewey and Wagner as they had to clash with France which wanted Rhineland as a separate country. Dewey was also indecisive while Wagner was overcompensating over the issue, since everyone and their mother raised the issue of his parentage, and delegated it to the OUN where proposal regularly got mired and postponed. Continued occupation of Germany was proving to be a troublesome issue that everyone wanted to be solved by someone else. The Soviet plan was unacceptable as it would de facto isolate Czechia and force a NATO withdrawal from the country, so America and Britain launched their own plan, causing a rift with France which vetoed down proposals and rallied opposition in the OUN

    In an effort to settle the conflicts in China Wagner encouraged the military build-up of Korea in order to force the Communists to abide by truces, but it led to immediate and less immediate unwanted effects. The Republican China became even more adamant about trying to remove the Communist regime, incorrectly believing that the Soviet reversal in policy meant their support to China will waver. Secondly, it encouraged Rhee to plan the invasion of Manchuria in order to stifle domestic unrest with nationalism.

    Wagner suffered from severe health problems in the last two years of this presidency, prompting concerns over his reelection. If he did not run, the Democrats might lose the election as the party tore itself down over the issue of segregation. On the other hand, he was approaching eighty and could hardly keep with the immense requirements of the job. He allegedly said to his family that he cannot sleep anymore since if he "doesn't deal with civil rights, the party and country will burn, but if he doesn't deal with Stalin, the world will burn." After a heart attack in late 1955, he decided he would have to find a strong successor. He found him in NATO Supreme Commander, Alfred Gruenther.

    It was no secret Republicans were actively trying to recruit a military person as their candidate. Eisenhower, the preferred choice of both parties, was sidelined by Dewey and then suffered health issues. MacArthur used his clout to force increased American activity in China and Cuba. Wagner recruited Gruenther in 1956 to replace his vice-president and threw his full support behind him. This came at the right time as Wagner suffered another heart attack in 1956, this time public, during a state visit to Canada in the aftermath of the Toronto deaths.

    Wagner quietly withdrew during the remainder of his term, allowing the country to become entranced with the sudden discovery of easy-going Gruenther. Wagner died the next year after complications following routine surgery.
    36. Alfred M. Gruenther (1899-1968) - The Great Machine
  • 36. Alfred M. Gruenther (1899-1968)

    The youngest four-star general in the history of the U.S. Army, Alfred Gruenther became one of the favorite American presidents despite his two-term tenure being wracked by controversies and incidents. Had it not been for the 22nd amendment, Americans would have probably voted him in for a third term if he ran. He is remembered as America's great soldier-statesman and his funeral was the largest diplomatic meeting in history.

    By all accounts, Gruenther was an especially talented person but without a notable background. He was famously bullied in school. Before the War, he was called the best bridge player in the army, becoming Eisenhower's partner. This proved fortunate when he acceded to the post of head of NATO through friendship with Eisenhower. Before that, he was known as the Brain due to his strong mental capacity and major impact on planning allied invasions.

    Gruenther proved to be a massive success in his NATO post. Armed with his easy-going charm and incredible factual memory, he saved NATO support, turning skeptics into supporters. His reputation for both the big-picture and microscopic detail was legendary, and yet he found time for public appearances, meeting thousands of visitors, politicians, and colleagues.

    The Time Magazine called him a "human IBM machine" and the "most factual man of his times" in 1956, the year he assumed vice-presidency and de facto presidency. The media ascribed the sudden change in Soviet behavior to his efforts, a move he did not strongly dismiss even if it had nothing to do with him. The elections of 1956 ended up in the first landslide victory in a while, with Gruenther easily defeating the Republican ticket.

    Although many speculated Dewey might pull a Cleveland and return, he instead tried to push for several candidates of his own choosing for the nomination. The most prestigious of them was ironically Eisenhower, whom he previously convinced to retire and then unsuccessfully tried to recruit as his running mate. The Draft Ike movements were still strong in 1955 when he was assassinated by a 15-year-old Gudrun Ensslin in Württemberg. This led to a contested convention that nominated governor John W. Bricker as a compromise candidate after 66 ballots.

    Bricker led a disastrously misguided campaign, avoiding directly facing Gruenther while attacking government spending and calling the Democratic party a front of the Communist Party of the USA and insufficiently spiritual. Bricker even attacked former president Dewey for refusing to ban the Communist party and cast doubt over the legality of OUN. Publicly, the most disastrous issue was when he attacked Gruenther for allowing Eisenhower to be killed in Germany. The incredulous statement led to Democrats taking a full-page ad in major newspapers where Gruenther explained point by point the issues surrounding the assassination, most notably wondering if Bricker has yet learned if Eisenhower was succeeded by Gruenther, quoting 14 poorly worded Bricker statements and making him look uninformed.

    This resulted in the internationalist and progressive wing of the Republican base abstaining or even voting for Gruenther. Only the Dixiecrat ticket dared to debate the vice-president, and he smashed them in the radio debate with his phenomenal knowledge of figures and statistics down the decimal points. Come election time, the Republican ticket won nearly less electoral votes than the Dixiecrat ticket which was a major humiliation for the Republican party which had won only one presidential election in the past 25 years.

    Gruenther faced America mired with multiple problems: civil rights, the divide in labor movements, Suez and German crisis, the endless was in China, Cuba and so on. Despite his popularity and Democratic gains, he had little political infrastructure and capital to spend. He favored Republicans earlier in his life and found too many Democrats resistant to kind-hearted persuasion, especially in the South. With the Republicans seemingly on the decline and bitterly divided, there was correspondingly less unity in the Democratic party itself which saw this as a mandate from God.

    Domestically, Gruenther's greatest success was a series of reforms introducing nationwide health service which managed to pass in 1960, just in time for his reelection, although the legislation suffered two years of wrangling in the Congres over the possible federal overreach. Gruenther established the Volunteer Corps and ensured they were subsidized by the federal and state governments, even hoping to partner it with the national guards.

    Of course, Gruenther's term started with the Alabama Bus Fire, in which the enduring fight over segregated busing spiraled into burning 13 African-Americans inside a bus. This was followed by massive unrest all over America as Caucausian- and African-Americans rioted. Gruenther used federal troops to restore the order, but their use would be later declared illegal by the Supreme Court in a highly contested ruling.

    After police stopped a planned assassination attempt on the Supreme Court by a group of radical civil rights activists, including a former communist Harvey Lee Oswald, Gruenther preferred pressuring the Southern States through de facto economic blackmail. His supporters note that Gruenther simply continued his previous habit of forcing facts into his opponents, while critics lament that Gruenther never felt at home at the Democratic party and washed his hands over Dixiecrats who were acting unreasonably. Gruenther did not want to risk the appearance of open conflict with the Supreme Court, despite precedents, nor he wanted to give the appearance that America is turning into a military dictatorship as several countries in Europe and America saw military governments due to internal unrest. Gruenther believed the issue will resolve itself during the sixties through a generational change, but Americans wanted an immediate solution.

    America seemed to be booming during Gruenther's terms, with only short and minor recessions. America launched the first satellite in 1957, followed by the first man in space in 1960, establishing itself as the premier nation in the world. The nation boomed with pride even as problems continued elsewhere.

    Gruenther endorsed a massive American presence in Cuba ("no half-measures"), turning it into a true puppet, although the move was initially supported by most of Central America strong-armed by Washington. Dewey's folly resulted in a marked increase of Marxist guerillas on the island and the island was too big and too strategically important to retreat from without a secure government.

    Gruenther resolved to solve the issue of Germany within his first year possibly elated he was able to do something substantial over it after years of wrangling with the issue as the head of NATO. The complicated diplomacy of the FDR and Byrnes era meant that no unilateral move could resolve the issue as a provision required the Security Council to approve German reunification. Over ten years this meant that nearly every country threatened or used the veto on any plan for reunification. The continued occupation of Germany had become an administrative nightmare and a diplomatic graveyard for career diplomats. The murder of Eisenhower who was attending one such conference on reunification as the Congress emissary prompted fears of resurgent German nationalism, fears that were not without grounds. Already, there was a liberal critique that using nuclear weapons on Germany was unnecessary and Germany would have capitulated on its own in fear of the Red Army reaching its borders.

    From a practical perspective, the German reunification was a stumbling block for relations in NATO and it was important to resolve the issue before the Soviet proposal for neutralizing the country gained wider acceptance. The Gruenther administration backed a plan which established Germany but with the caveat that its military, or better said, "peacekeeping forces" were part of OUN command and subject to the purview of the Security Council and the General Assembly. This would also allow the continued presence of NATO troops in the country as well as assuage the Soviets. As the banner of Federal German Republics rose again on June 1st, 1957, Germans celebrated and president Gruenther flew to Berlin, along with the French president and the British prime minister.

    Wagner's policy towards the Soviet Union was of careful and strategic containment. He knew Beria is impersonating Stalin, but this was a boon as Beria was a strongman, not an ideologue. On the one hand, the Soviet Union would collapse in 15 years if its economy did not improve, but on the other hand ideologues might renew interest to support Marxist regimes over the world. Beria's Soviet Union was reformist and insular, although cruel towards countries inside its own sphere. Gruenther decisively intervened over violent Marxist movements in the former European colonies, a strategy that was highly divisive abroad even as Gruenther carefully chose only strategic targets.

    The nascent detente of 1958 was strangled in its crib when the Red Army put down Socialist Spring in Eastern Europe with excessive force. Although Gruenther strongly condemned the Soviet Union, America did not want to provoke a conflict. This caused a shock in the general population after Ukraine, formally a member of the OUN, was dismembered into three republics as a punishment for unrest. The brutal flight of over 750 000 people from Hungary and Yugoslavia to Austria and Italy caused much concern on the West although NATO was resolute not to intervene. The intelligence services correctly believed that the Soviet Union is on a downward spiral and saber-rattling now might strengthen the Beria regime. The general public was outraged nothing was being done for European states. The American public even believed Moscow was going to annex Poland, acting on a doomed propaganda effort in Poland extolling the virtues of Tsarist rule over Poland.

    Come elections 1960, the popular soldier-statesman had to defend himself against accusations he is weak on communism despite America getting involved in conflicts in Indonesia, West Africa, Yemen, and Indochina. This was due to the activities of middle and upper-class immigrants for Eastern Europe. In the first televised debate in America, Gruenther used charts and graphs to explain how America is rolling back insurgent movements back and tried to explain how NATO couldn't just roll into Hungary and Yugoslavia without provoking a war with the Soviet Union.

    A much greater problem was the civil rights movement. Gruenther was unwilling to provoke conflict with the Supreme Court, resisting calls to stack it with liberal judges instead of having the Court continue to seesaw 5-4 on a variety of civil rights issues. The strategy adopted by Gruenther, of forcing states into submission by suspending their federal funding, contributed towards the creation of the new party system. The Democrats become a federalist, civil rights party that supported interventionism, social services, and a strong executive branch that increasingly found itself in service of richer states. The demoralized Republican reformed around the tenement of moderate isolationism, strengthening the state governments and reducing the power of the executive branch. The disastrous Bricker turned out to be accidentally prophetic. The once thought dying branch of the Midwestern Old GOP transformed into a new leading faction that supplemented its ranks with Galtians.

    Gruenther believed that dissatisfied citizens of the South would vote in civil rights supporting Democrats, not wanting to risk losing federal funding, but the Dixiecrats endured and started running joint tickets with the GOP on the local level. The Civil Rights package could not pass both Houses since a part of the GOP blocked it on the grounds of federal overreach and being weak on crime, especially after the Triple Prison Riots of 1961. Twice, the civil rights package failed by a mere handful of votes. Gruenther's famous televised address about the "shame on the pristine face of America" was well-received, but failed to move the Congress. After the midterm election, the Civil rights package finally passed in 1963, but the success was sidelined as the world nearly plunged into World War Three.

    That same year Korean dictator Rhee launched a long prepared invasion of Manchuria, coordinating with Republican China, seeking to reclaim Korea's historical borders using the opportunity of Communists being wracked with famine and other problems. The offensive was much more successful than anyone expected and Communist China seemed on the brink on the collapse, publicly calling for the Soviet Union to intervene with nuclear weapons. America could not back nor restrain Rhee who directed the army towards Bejing. A massive buildup and mobilization ensued in Europe and the situation worsened as Soviet "volunteers" were shot down over China. Gruenther warned that he does not want "to win China and lose the human civilization" even as America moved to DEFCON 3.

    The situation was resolved by the Lavender Plot. The corrupt "democratic" Republican government in China was highly unpopular and internally divided. One faction used the opportunity to coup the Republican government, believing that with most of the army occupied the transition of power would be swift and backed by the OUN in the promise of a truce in China. Instead, victorious Republican China split in two and the offensive was halted, forcing Korea to withdraw from most of Manchuria. President Gruenther and Premier Beria negotiated in Tokio a ceasefire which resulted in China being split in three, instead of two, at least for the time being. The Tokio Peace would result in Nobel Peace Prizes for Stalin and Gruenther next year.

    Beria returned from Japan to the country that tried to arrest Stalin for his misdeeds and had to escape the Moscow airport to another city in vain. Beria had enraged the party, and once the famine was followed by a humiliating defeat in China which saw the main Soviet ally cut in half, the Party had enough.

    Gruenther admitted that he would run for a third term if the Constitution allowed him. The situation in the Soviet Union would indeed become volatile and Gruenther was worried since Beria was replaced by a cabal of fervent ideologues trying to outcompete each other with their revolutionary zeal. A disastrous combination of a country that was recently humiliated and armed with hydrogen weapons. The Democratic candidates were quick to promise Gruenther the post of the Secretary of State in the new Democratic nomination, allowing a virtual "third term" for Gruenther.

    The elections of 1964 did not result in a Democratic victory and Gruenther returned to private life. He became a sort of elder statesman, holding speeches and publishing essays on foreign policy. Some even called him the American Winston Churchill. Others considered him a warmonger, blaming him now for tens of thousands of American troops serving aboard in "imperialist wars." Gruenther unexpectedly died in 1968 in a car crash.

    Gruenther's funeral in Washington was attended by over 170 current and former heads of state and government, making it the largest such gathering in history until that point. Comedians noted that he should have been buried in the OUN lamenting the catastrophic traffic jam that paralyzed the city during that week.

    Alfred Gruenther consistently tops the lists of top ten American presidents, and there have been initiatives to add him to the Mount Rushmore. His image as the great statesman has endured despite the public study of his mistakes over the years.
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    37. Barry M. Goldwater (1909-1967) - The Virtuos Conservative
  • 37. Barry M. Goldwater (1909-1967)

    The first (ethnically) Jewish president was born in Phoenix, Arizona to a family that hailed to emigrants from Russian Poland and a prominent New England Episcopalian family. His family ran a department store and he had a normal childhood. Goldwater performed well at the Staunton Military Academy in Virginia but failed to complete college at the University of Arizona, returning home to take over the department store.

    His entrance into politics was unlikely one as Arizona was heavily democratic. As a decorated WWII pilot and upstanding community member, he entered politics as a part of the nonpartisan team of candidates in 1949. Goldwater became part of the City Council and only a few years later entered the Senate, taking the Democrat seat.

    Goldwater made himself known as a capable organizer who rebuilt the weak Arizona Republican party from scratch, which was definitely an asset in the era when Republicans could not capture the presidency. Goldwater was also an outspoken critic of Democratic New Deal policies and criticized even Dewey as being unwilling to shutter down existing programs. Goldwater became the face of the criticism of the federal economic blackmail of segregationist states and later the face of the conservative movement after he published his bestseller, Conscience of a Conservative.

    Come elections of 1964, Goldwater easily captured the primaries in an atmosphere of heated debate and numerous strong candidates. Goldwater found himself at odds with the remains of the moderate Republicans who were afraid he would cede yet another election to the Democrats due to his uncompromising fiscal conservatism and militant anticommunism. Goldwater proved to be difficult, attacking the East Coast elites who have driven the party into the ground (despite steady gains in the House) and refused numerous compromise vice-presidential candidates.

    Media smeared Goldwater as a madman who had criticized Gruenther for not pushing for a full military victory in China, famously claiming that nuclear options should have been on the table. Goldwater also became infamous for attacking the UN, especially the growing military involvement of Germany and Sweden in Africa, calling Germany a "dagger in the heart of Europe," belonging to an organization without a people. Media claimed he would destroy civil rights although Goldwater had a credible record of supporting civil rights and desegregation on local and state levels. Finally, Goldwater was smeared as a sexist who would force women into the kitchen despite his personal support of women's rights, including contraception, and even his veep pick.

    The elections of 1964 were noted to be the nastiest in recent history. Every possible smear was directed at Goldwater, galvanizing his base. One television debate had to nearly be rescheduled due to massive protests paralyzing the city. Goldwater persevered and invited criticism, claiming that Democrats have nothing to hurl against him but lies. In the end, Goldwater would manage to achieve a nearly 400 vote sweep, surprising even the Republican party. Many factors contributed to such a landslide victory, including public being tired with so many years of Democratic presidencies, a number of spending scandals, the ambiguous federal approach to the integration in the south and a growing anti-establishment feeling.

    Goldwater's inauguration was followed by protests from various groups concerned he would end all anti-poverty programs. His wife was accosted by protesters in the weeks before the inauguration and saved by Galtonist counterprotesters. Goldwater promised he would restore liberty to America, defeat communism by the end of the decade and end wasteful spending on "frivolous pet projects."

    Goldwater proved to be a man of his words. Bolstered by gains in key states in 1966, he managed to force a drastic set of reforms which would lead to massive cutbacks of the federal government. The comprehensive reform sought to restore federal funds back to the states and replace many of the programs with negative income tax. Federal agencies would face budget cuts of 5 to 25% per year until target dates would be achieved. Goldwater praised this as returning the money to the American citizens although it in fact increased military and research spending. The Golden Ebb, as his economic program was called, would be particularly disastrous in the long run as it allowed state governments to defund various programs targeting minorities. Many analysts believe the Golden Ebb broke the civil rights momentum as it allowed the South to continue on with wanton segregation leading to the dark unrest for the decades to come.

    Goldwater's belief that the federal government is inherently flawed lead to a peculiar situation where his White House would spearhead efforts to curtail and limit the federal government. Goldwater reminded in the 1966 address that America is a "Union of States, plural" and proclaimed that government help is an oxymoron. Under him, White House would willingly cede many of the executive privileges back to the House control, neutering the government.

    Goldwater would spend his presidency butting heads with the Soviet Union worldwide. After Beria had fallen, a crisis erupted in the Communist Party, with various factions divided on what to do next. Stalinist believed Beria sullied his name with errors while the opponents were disunited, forcing a temporary triumvirate. A surprising, non-political, non-military man emerged in early 1965 as the sole leader, pseudoscientist Lysenko. Lysenko reversed the mostly isolationist policy and encouraged various inexperienced "New Soviet Men" to stir trouble for the West, proving Goldwater to be prophetic.

    The Black War of 1965 nearly escalated into the Third World War after Goldwater threatened to intervene with the full might of America to the rescue of both Pakistans, souring American-Indian relations for years to come. Although Moscow betrayed Sanjay Gandhi, there were other problems. In Eastern Europe, many communist regimes were forced or allowed to allow for younger men to assume positions on the mistaken belief they are Stalinists. This would lead to the Spring of 1967 and the violent rebellion against the Soviet army. To the shock and horror of the world, Goldwater announced he would guarantee the sovereignty of any nation willing to leave Soviet military-political umbrella, a blatant attack against Soviet interests. Within days, the USA was on DEFCON 2.

    Fears and panic ensued in American cities as Democrats and Republicans alike warned against Third World War and European leaders placed concerned calls. People fled cities and NATO mobilized. But Goldwater was right. The two chaotic years under Lysenko have dealt a death blow to the Soviet Union. The nasty famine of 1966 turned even fervent Stalinist against him. Despite angry rhetoric from Moscow, Lysenko blinked. The army would have to be used to preserve his authority against hardliners and reformers alike. In the chaos that ensued, Moscow fell into a full-scale riot and radical zealots killed and burned throughout the city, even killing Lysenko himself. In the aftermath, Goldwater "liberated" every Eastern European country except Romania and Albania, and presided over reunification of Iran.

    Within 35 days Goldwater transformed from a madman, rumored to be impeached or removed, to a worldwide hero of democracy. The Christmas Miracle was widely celebrated and even harshest critics admitted Goldwater's promise to defeat communism by the end of the decade may be right on target. The new collective government in Moscow withdrew behind its borders and few loyal satellites. The course of history was forever changed on 29th December 1967 when Goldwater was assassinated in the Chicago hall by Thomas Hagan. Hagan was a militant black nationalist and a convert to Islam who considered Goldwater to be a "loathsome kike" and "KKK enabler" furious at various Goldwater policies at home and abroad (including support for Israel's forced expulsions of Palestinians to the Sinai territory). Hagan was immediately shot by the secret service and six people were killed by stray bullets.

    Many conspiracy theories surround Goldwater's death. Instead of a lone attacker, Hagan was a patsy for the Army who wanted to stop Goldwater attacking the USSR, Democrats, Unions, teacher's unions, communists, Cubans, Chinese, KKK, Palestinians and so on. The official investigation concluded his death was result of the chaos following fears of war, police incompetence and an overly optimistic holiday atmosphere, but many of the findings are sealed even today.

    Goldwater became a national hero, but his legacy quickly faded away as many ugly problems that followed had their origin in policies spearheaded by Goldwater. The Conservatives would conduct a near hostile takeover of the Republican party, forcing liberals and moderates to run as independents or even join the Democratic party. In other cases, policies and theses that had nothing to do with Goldwater were ascribed to him. Goldwater was a convicted but a complicated man. He would attack president Dewey as a wannabee New Dealer but would later nominate him to the Supreme Court as the best man for the job. Goldwater also staunchly opposed racism from his earliest days although he became the hero of the segregationists who believed the Democrats betrayed them. Goldwater's widow would later publicly attack the right for calling the pro-life amendment the Goldwater Guarantee. In fact, a fascinating amount of legislation was dedicated to Goldwater, including the flag-burning amendment and the voting amendment.

    Perhaps the most encapsulating moment of Goldwater's character was that his death led to the historic first in the American presidency, defying his image as the father of modern conservatism.
    38. Margaret Chase Smith (1897-1980) - The Iron Rose
  • 38. Margaret Chase Smith (1897-1980)

    The first female American president, Margaret Chase Smith was born as the oldest child of six to a worker's family in Maine. Chase worked various jobs until she married her husband, Clyde Smith, 21 years her senior. Clyde Smith encouraged her to go into politics and various organizations. She initially served as secretary to her husband after he was elected as a Representative to the House in 1936.

    Her husband's heart attack in 1940 changed everything. She took over her husband's seat following his death and won a term of her own soon after. Smith was distinguished by a strong interest in the military and national security, establishing her credentials. Dewey named her Assistant Secretary of State during his administration, helping her further cement her future in the party. Margaret was well known and respected by 1964 when Goldwater accepted her as an honest candidate of the moderate Republicans, impressed by her honest record and firm pro-military credentials.

    The relationship between Goldwater and Smith was not a particularly pleasant one as Smith opposed Goldwater's plans to cut the federal government, even speaking against it although she never came to jeopardize Goldwater's agenda. She cried publicly at Goldwater's funeral, lamenting that every "man and woman" should "shed a tear" for such an unjust murder. Smith was soon faced with criticism and pressure from her own and Democratic party. The extraordinary pressure was also based on prejudice against her as a woman and a widow, but Smith persevered under pressure. She continued the firm anti-Soviet stance throughout 1968, winning popular acclaim and becoming easily elected on her own, notably publicly wiping the floor with the Democratic nominee, senator Thomas Lynch of California.

    Smith gradually broke with Goldwater legacy during her first term, notably pushing a lot into space exploration, especially establishing the Freedom orbital space station and setting 1980 as the goal for the manned lunar landing. Her two other initiatives, the Healthcare Amendment and Equal Opportunity Amendment successfully passed the House although EQA would fail to be ratified by the states.

    The first sign of trouble came in 1969 when her nominee for the Supreme Court, Richard M. Nixon, was rejected during confirmation hearings for suspected corruption. The situation snowballed into chaos as several prominent judges apriori refused to be nominated. The Supreme Court had become a problematic issue since it appeared to land decisions on the basis of coin tossing. It continued to allow for segregation on the basis of state rights but also decriminalized sodomy, homosexuality, and contraception on the basis of individual rights. When the issue of abortion came to Supreme Court, Smith ended up in a situation where nothing she would do would anger a part of the population, especially as the media hounded her for her opinion as "a woman" who had never given birth. Smith's ultimate choice, not to involve the federal government into abortion based on the Goldwater philosophy angered the conservative base.

    Various trumped up rumors emerged about Smith, from her being a closet lesbian or a closet Democrat, and her early beginnings, including even early coaching basketball job was examined for any sign of illegal activity.

    What probably saved Smith was her image as the "Iron Rose." Tough, uncompromising and always adorned with a red rose, Smith continued the militant anti-communist policy of Goldwater that banished Communism back to its borders. Smith's administrations saw a massive rise in military activity all over the world, leading to her being called a "frigid bitch" drafting thousands to send them to die all over South America, Africa, and Asia. She dominated the Krakow conference and established the treaty that enabled the former communist countries to join the Non-Aligned Community under the UN guarantee of sovereignty. Unlike Goldwater, Smith was much more friendly towards the United Nations which earned the 1968 Nobel Peace prize.

    Smith started the long-running disastrous Bolivarian wars, seeking to permanently eradicate Marxist guerillas. The American military involvement ballooned during the Seventies making Smith deeply unpopular among the young. The Bolivarian wars would make America deeply unpopular, lead to massive dodge drafting and permanently destroy the stability of much of Central and northern South America. The returning soldiers would return with drug addictions and carry the mysterious Bolivarian disease.

    Smith also destabilized the Middle East, encouraging the loyalists in the Gulf War and even emboldening Iraq. As a result of her policy, Iran entered a period of conflict that would reduce the country a century back.

    One thing that went for Smith was her lack of global opposition. The Soviet Union turned insular and unwilling to even use the veto in the UN, concentrated on rebuilding. The White House was content with this as it seemed the Soviet Union was permanently on retreat, leaving the US to run rampant all over the world. China was divided, India struggled with famine, and Europe was struggling with its own problems. Italy, plagued with corruption, broke into an unexpected revolution after millions came forward for constitutional reform. Smith exacerbated the crisis by supporting the demochristian government in fear of the socialists. This started the period of tensions with Europe which was concerned Europe was meddling too much into internal affairs worldwide.

    The 1972 elections saw Smith face strong opposition in the Democratic ticket. Governor Terry Sanford called Smith a hypocrite, overcompensating for failures with an overly aggressive and uncoordinated foreign policy, while popular Congressman Robert Kennedy blamed her for the continuing race riots. Smith would be on the defensive for much of the election until rescued by a foreign crisis- the Yom Kippur War. Israel faced a combined attack supporting by nearly the entire peninsula, outraged over the continued expulsion of Arabs to Sinai. Although Israel had no trouble fighting back the attackers, Smith intervened by providing airstrikes to the criticism of Europe and the rest of the world which saw the act as needlessly opportunistic during the election campaign.

    Although Smith won the election by a narrow popular and electoral margin, the Arab world punished America with an oil shock which started the Long Recession. Smith's second term was dominated by creeping unemployment and inflation amid government confusion. Smith moved from the gold standard and tried to combat inflation to no avail. Throughout the seventies, America would be plagued by malaise and Smith refused to cede ground on a single issue, even the highly unpopular draft.

    Smith's staunch support of right-wing governments led to the seventies being marked by public images of the burning of American flags, especially after the downfall of autocratic governments in Europe and the breakdown of the Triple Alliance. Smith found itself powerless in her second term, trying to refocus on restoring national pride. She was called a callous shrew and conservatives urged her to find guidance in God and remarry.

    Her disastrous push to land a man on the Moon on the bicentennial led to the catastrophe after the ship's thrusters malfunctioned stranding the landing mission to overshoot the Moon and die later. The Democrats in the House were delighted to open impeachment hearings which revealed the White House indeed pushed for a shortened time table but ultimately absolved the White House of any guilt, only leading to the resignation of the USAF leadership.

    The highly unpopular Smith was kept out of the campaign in 1976 although her announcement of the ending of the draft that year led many to accuse her she is trying to undermine Kennedy's campaign. Smith withdrew to private life, participating in the leadership of many humanitarian organizations and teaching at universities. She died suddenly in 1980 after an accidental overdose of various medication that was ruled out as suicide.
    39. Richard Viguerie (1933 - 1990) - None Above me except Allmighty
  • 39. Richard Viguerie (1933 - 1990)

    Richard Viguerie was born in Texas to a middle-class family with no interest in politics. Viguerie graduated law from the University of Houston and was pushed by politics by Joe McCarthy. He was outraged when Dewey turned on McCarthy and this colored his future worldview.

    Viguerie found himself working for various evangelists and conservatives leading to his ascendancy as a strategist, campaign manager, and an idea man. Viguerie ended up working for the successful Goldwater campaign and was rewarded with a junior position in the administration, ending up as one of the contact people with the House of Representatives for the administrations. This tremendously helped him in his future career. Viguerie had considered going into private business in 1968 but chose to run for Congress inspired by Goldwater's martyrdom. Viguerie launched a longshot run for senator in 1970 and managed to defeat senator Ralph Yarborough who only narrowly survived a challenge by a more conservative Democrat.

    Viguerie ended up spearheading the new right among Republicans, criticizing even Smith for her liberalism. By 1976 he had built a coalition of various conservative interests that aimed to transform the Republican party into a vessel for conservative ideals.

    Entering the primaries Viguerie was the dark horse candidate, thought to be unelectable. However, his staunch criticism of Smith and the events in Portugal, Yugoslavia, and Iran gained his reputation as a Warhawk. The conservative mobilized to support him in primaries due to his support of the Pro-Life Amendment and come convention, Republicans were in a bind as Viguerie refused to concede, forcing repeated ballotting. Viguerie eventually persevered and the party believed 1976 was anyway lost to Democrats. Viguerie was to the right of Goldwater and Smith and entered the election polling poorly. His choice of running mate did not help as he picked another first-term senator.

    The 1976 elections were heated, turning into a quagmire. Whatever people feared would happen in 1964 was now happening. The Kennedy campaign painted Viguerie and Helms as dangerously extremist and inexperienced. Viguerie promised to punish draft dodgers, ensure the supreme court is conservative for times to come, review membership in the United Nations, end foreign aid to a minimum and oppose any arms control with the Soviet Union.

    The Democrats seemed to have the election in hand when media revealed Kennedy's campaign had bugged offices of the Republican campaign, including their offices in Senate. The resulting investigation started to uncover additional problems, including taking possible bribes from unions and an alleged affair with a staffer. The death blow to the campaign was the revelation his campaign was in contact with Kosygin over possible collaboration on the reunification of China, an act which the Republicans painted as treasonous. For a campaign that started by withdrawing the vice-president Eagleton from ticket amid controversy over depression, the Democrats could not recover in time.

    Viguerie was elected as the second-youngest president (and youngest elected) at the age of 43. Viguerie immediately set upon enacting his agenda although he did not reinstitute the draft as some feared.

    Viguerie appointed numerous conservatives to various posts and reduced funding to the United Nations to the minimum. The White House pushed for the Pro-Life amendment despite widespread protests nationwide. Viguerie also broke the long-standing tradition by nominating three additional judges to the Supreme Court, trying to increase its membership to 12. Viguerie withdrew from the Nuclear Limitations Treaty causing worldwide criticism and pressured Canada to deport draft dodgers, even toying with the disastrous idea of supporting Quebec independence.

    The willful Viguerie frequently attacked the Republican party, calling for a grassroots removal of elites and courted the right and the now powerful Galtonists. Viguerie was impeached in 1977 for abuse of power, exerting excessive pressure in Israel's domestic politics in order to force out secular parties out of the leading coalition. Viguerie agreed to resign if he was allowed to oversee the first man on the Moon but the manned lunar missions never came as the Gabriel 10 disaster resulted in a moratorium on manned Moon missions. Viguerie resigned in January of 1978 amid threats of Republican and Democrat unity in the Senate.

    Viguerie spearheaded various new conservative movements and dedicated himself to finding new successful candidates, but found himself on the outer side due to his reputation as a loser and a quitter. However, he had successfully inducted many of the young conservatives in politics. Viguerie ran thrice for Senate but failed to get nominated every time due to the stigma of resignation. However, he served as a special advisor to several future presidents.

    Viguerie's think-thank, The American Consciousness would have a far-reaching influence for future American politics. It aggressively lobbied for a coalition of Christian and Galtonist values, pushing young candidates to push out moderates out of the party.

    Viguerie died in 1990 after contracting pneumonia and subsequent complications.
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    40. Jesse Alexander Helms Jr. (1921 - 2006) - The Indomitable
  • 40. Jesse Alexander Helms Jr. (1921 - 2006)

    Jesse Helmes was born in minor town of Monrie, Carolina. His family was poor and Helms worked on the farm during the Great Depression. Helms would not complete College, turning instead to a career as a journalist. Covering sports, he turned to politics during World War Two. Helms was unsatisfied with the liberal tendencies of the Democratic party and ultimately entered politics as staunch conservative Democrat in fifties.

    During the sixties Helms was highly critical of "negroes," frequently lambasting them as a naturally criminal and irresponsible in editorials for various newspapers. He became popular for attacking liberal values on universities and the long Democrat hegemony during fifties and sixties, claiming liberals are infested by communism and morally degenerate.

    Helms ran for Senate in 1972 on a conservative platform, managing a surprising win although on the wings of the Smith reelection. Helms was helped by pouring a lot of money into television commercials portraying him as a folksy conservative. In Senate Helms became champion of opposition to abortion and fathered the Pro-Life amendment that failed to pass the House. Helms promised to push it until the "liberals are driven out of House" and attacked the moral character of Republicans that did not support it. Helms also pushed for a return to the gold standard, also crafting an amendment for that purpose.

    Helms publicly supported Smith's aggressive foreign policy and attacked the peace movement as a gathering of leeches and traitors that would undo Goldwater's legacy. Helms was picked by Viguerie based on their friendship rather than political considerations. It would later turn out Helms did not believe the election was winnable.

    With Viguerie's resignation, Helms would become the president in 1978. He would be as unpopular as Viguerie with Democrats hoping to force him to resign too if any wrongdoing was uncovered. Helms favored a massive boost to police spending and favored quelling civil unrest with police, calling for a moral majority to back him. Helms was declared an enemy of civil rights multiple times, in all three marches on Washington.

    Helms would try to push for statehood of Panama, even encouraging federal grants for immigration to the territory, while continuing Bolivarian wars. The elections of 1978 increased Democratic gains in the House but produced a Republican majority loyal to the president. As a result, one Viguerie nominee and one Helms nominee were appointed to the Supreme Court, resulting in an 11-member Supreme Court that was now decisively conservative. Disaster ensued as in 1979, a fast-tracked case enabled a ruling that allowed states to ban abortion, citing that life becomes at conception.

    One of the stranger efforts by Helm was his mission mandate to the USAF to put up a cross at the Moon and baptize the Moon, despite public opposition from the USAF. This came against the backdrop of the apparently resurgent Soviet Union that had launched a successful manned program.

    Helms was impeached in 1978 over his support to South Africa, but the Senate failed to reach a majority, saving Helms from the fate of his predecessor. Helms, in turn, tried to veto a record number of bills and pushed for the expansion of presidential authority, defying Goldwater's legacy. The shameful conduct of Republican party under Viguerie and Helms led to moderates running as independents (such as Rockefellers) or even joining the Democratic party which became the new big tent party.

    One policy Helms was successful in, mostly due to having been launched independently of him, was the energy independence initiative, aimed at decreasing the United States reliance on foreign fossil fuels. Helms called for a massive expansion of nuclear power plants and called for research in orbital solar plants while calling for increased drilling in oil. The policy enjoyed bipartisan support although there was troublingly little federal regulation, which would later result in a disaster.

    The Secret Service prevented four assassination attempts on Helms, two of them at the location. Helms continued to appear at public events, despite frequent protests and his car being pelted with vegetables and paint from time to time.

    Helms unsuccessfully tried to avoid the label of racist, by pushing for desegregation and gimmick appointments to governments. Helms was also the first president which received official reports on the spread of the LAS but ignored it as it seemed to favor "morally degenerate."

    Helms hated his vice-president, Alan Shephard, having him forced upon by the House and the Senate. As his appointees were ignored, the House used the ability enumerated in the 22nd amendment to nominate and appoint a candidate of their own, governor Alan Shephard, the first man in space. Shephard was a popular choice, prompted by the national enthusiasm for space following the Gabriel 10 disaster but grew disillusioned as popular support for manned space exploration waned.

    Although Helms greatly respected Shephard, he justifiedly considered him a shadow arm of the Democrats in the House. Unfortunately, reforms aimed at returning powers to the House and the Senate meant that the vice-president could act fairly independent of the president. Helms collaborated with Shephard on the important issues of national security but otherwise avoided him, fearing he would face him in the 1980 elections. This marginalized the president especially since the powers of the president have been reduced considerably since Goldwater, enabling foreign nations and state governments to ignore or overrule federal rule.

    Helms ran for president in 1980, facing off two challengers in his own party. Although he won the nomination, he only received about 70% of the votes, for which he blamed Democratic operatives and cross-party voting. In the 1980 elections, Helms faced a Democratic ticket that had moved surprisingly left on the issues. Helms tried to emphasize national security and promised tax rebates to alleviate poverty and unemployment but this time there were no election surprises.

    Helms returned to the Senate where he had more success, proving to be a thorn to the Democrats and the Liberty party, serving many more terms and even running fairly successful candidacies for president in 1984 and 1988. Notable is his 1987 filibuster against bills funding support for women health programs which saw him collapse of exhaustion. He would later refocus his efforts on opposition to homosexuality and other forms of sexual deviancy. Helms continued to push for legislation encouraging immigration to Panama and support its eventual admission as a state to the Union, expanding his support to Cuba and Puerto Rico, being a proponent of enlightened expansionism and crossing party lines.

    Helms died in 2006 out of lung cancer, four years after retiring from the senate.
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    41. John James Conyers Jr. (1929 - 2017) - Back to Progress
  • 41. John James Conyers Jr. (1929 - 2017)

    The first African-American president grew up in America's perennial industrial city, Detroit, in Michigan. Conyers was a decorated officer having served in Cuba. Conyers followed military service with a degree in law, followed by early work for labor unions and early civil rights movements.

    Conyers easily won his seat as a Representative in 1964, becoming one of the members of the Congressional Black Caucus, just following the Alabama Bus Fire. He was a prominent critic of Goldwater and Smith for their retreat on civil rights and their disastrous economic policies aimed at reducing or replacing social services with negative tax income rates and guaranteed income. Conyers achieved national prominence defending the health service from defunding and deregulation.

    Conyers became one of the most prominent critics of the Republican governments for the following 16 years. He is attributed to have coined the phrase "they keep getting worse" as regarding the political trajectory of the Republican Party. Conyers was also highly critical of the Democratic party, especially Robert Kennedy for handing over the election to the "two worst presidents" in history.

    Conyers argued that as Republicans found their base in conservative values, Democrats should also find their core in progressivism, instead of "trashing wildly as a sack of cats." The animosity between Helms and Conyers was especially strong, hailing to Conyers proposal of Alabama Bus Fire date as a national holiday. Helms frequently attacked Conyers as a communist and enabler of the worst excess of the blacks.

    In the 1980 primaries, Conyers was drafted by civil rights and union activists as a possible candidate, owing to the public feud with Helms. Conyers would eventually become the nominee on a pacifistic platform that called for an expanded role of government, expansion of social services, widespread civil legislation and secularism. He partnered with governor Brown of California, choosing him over senator McGovern.

    The elections of 1980 were vicious, with Helms insinuating Conyers recent marriage was a sham and that Conyers was funded by black gangsters. Conyers, in turn, condemned the Republican party for getting out of touch with America and becoming beholden to the interest of the anti-constitutional minority. The Helms campaign received historical large contributions from various companies fearful of Conyers's taxation and regulation proposals resulting in the Republicans having a tough fight despite party inertia and long recession. The Conyers-Brown ticket in return promoted unity, abolition for draft dodging and spoke in favor of the forgotten workers. The unofficial motto of the campaign became "jobs, not Bibles." Both campaigns faced an independent Connally-Romney ticket which ran on the motto of "moderation, reason, and unity." The campaign was marred by gaffes on both sides, with Brown seemingly attacking the Democrat platform while Helms new running mate, Representative Steve Symms, was revealed to have been cheating to his wife, leading Helms to drop him from the ticket at last hour.

    Conyers swept the electoral college but he had nearly come second in popular vote mostly due to Connaly-Romney ticket capturing an incredible 18% of the vote. The election was followed by strong Democratic gains in the House, although Senate still remained divided.

    Conyers promised a new day for America, focusing on the righting of societal wrongs. Conyers appointed many new young, progressive and liberal members to various posts in the government. Conyers appointed the first openly atheist member of the government, Congressman Pete Stark, to the post of the Secretary of Health, Family and Generational Services, although his religious affiliation would be uncovered only in 1982 by Conservatives.

    Conyers immediately started to implement his pacifist agenda, promising the end of the era of pointless wars. Draft dodging amnesty failed to return many of the Americans now living in Canada or elsewhere, although it ended the long national tragedy of the seventies. Many of the Conyers's withdrawal policies were in fact inherited from the Republican administrations which downplayed the retreat and paced it along with professionalization of the army, but Conyers expedited and praised the process, inviting United Nations troops to replace American ones. Americans remained in places such as Cuba or Venezuela, although now partnered with Swedes and Germans.

    Conyers's economic reform featured a large guaranteed income, vouchers and a federal jobs guarantee. The Democrats passed various public works, including modernization of national infrastructure, expansions of public transportation and various vocational and college programs. The program was accompanied by imposing various new taxes on companies and banking, leading to Republicans decrying the policy as communism, comparing it to Kosygin's Red Plenty promise. In reality, due to weakening of the federal government, the program actually amounted to funneling cash to various states for poorly defined goals, leading to the program being highly popular in practice as everyone wanted a share of porkbarrel spending, but attributing it differently, either to state or federal level.

    The Conyers economy was marked by a renewal of protectionism, spurred by the strong influence of unions. Despite warnings from economists, the economy was on the upswing throughout the eighties allowing the Democratic party to embrace protectionism more and more. It would lead to the Galtonists becoming a prominent political faction in American life, especially since they seemed reasonable when compared to the runaway train of Conservatism.

    Conyers tried to salvage the Supreme Court, packed with highly conservative judges. A House plan to normalize the membership by setting a fixed limit of judges repeatedly failed to pass the Senate and the Supreme Court itself later ruled out that such attempts were unconstitutional on highly contested legal reasoning. Conyers tried appointing a 12th member three times with each attempt ending in disaster. The first appointee died after less than eight months due to a stroke, the second one withdrew due to a sex scandal during the confirmation hearings and the third one withdrew after he was uncovered to have taken bribes from the tobacco lobby. The term Conyers nominee came to signify a political kiss of death.

    The eighties began the era of safe, secure and self-expression in America, with Congress looking particularly into civil rights. The Equal Opportunity Amendment was passed after decades and sent for ratification while the House explored the possibility of reparations for slavery and segregation as a solution to black unrest. Americans turned inwards, focusing either on repairing social or civil harms.

    Conyers effort to partner with the world instead of leading left a host of hotspots to erupt in the vacuum and leave America as an untrustworthy mediator. Soviet Union used the opportunity to reemerge as the fixer of American problems, although its clout mainly came through political rhetoric and UNSC veto. Conyers found himself under fire from the Jewish community for his meek response to the establishment of New Palestine. Israel opposed the move, mostly since oil had been discovered there, but Conyers refused to veto the UN resolution. Israel refused to recognize the New Palestine and there were even armed incidents with Israeli troops firing on Swedish and Italian troops deployed by the UN. America neither recognized New Palestine nor opposed it, a solution that pleased no one.

    In 1984, the new German government withdrew its recognition of the western borders of Poland, prompting a massive political crisis in Europe. Practically, this meant little since the Security Council would veto any German deployment of the army, but provided another wedge between Paris and Rome over the economic interest of the European Community and the Non-Aligned Community. Conyers careful approach for mediation resulted in accusation of double-dealing from both Europe and chairman Kapitonov. There was some truth in that as Conyers hoped to secure a peace agreement during the reelection campaign since he was accused of a chaotic foreign policy. Conyers was also supportive of an earlier German proposal of Eurocorps during his time in Congress, earning enmity from Europeans in both blocks.

    Although Conyers managed to repair the relations with India, the success was marred by Tibet. Tibet was nearly annexed by both Republican China and India during the past decades only to regain autonomy and liberty due to foreign pressure and resistance. By the late seventies, it became a flashpoint between reunifying China and India and survived as neither wanted a border war. The conservatives in America wrote-off Tibet as the source of the godless Buddhism which would be better under a more traditional government opening the ground for constant civil war.

    Conyers tried to bring peace to Tibet, famously meeting with the Dalai Lama, but the stalemate between five factions was unresolvable. The UN could not secure the Tibetan plateau since it was surrounded by three countries blocking deployment of UN-backed troops. Conyers's attempt to have India allow for their deployment led to the agricultural trade agreement backfiring and being canceled by India only a year after it was signed. Conyers was nationally mocked for being ineffective and calls intensified for Congress control of foreign policy. Tibet embarrassed the White House as a hot mic revealed vice-president Brown called Conyers a fool.

    The Polish crisis in 1985 led to renewed fears of nuclear war since chairman Capitonov and president Titov reminded that Soviet Union guaranteed Polish sovereignty according to the terms of the Krakow treaty. The Conyers solution was to propose the return of German military command to Germans themselves, a move that faced complete opposition from nearly everyone, especially France.

    Conyers managed to win a second term in 1984 mostly due to a reduction in unemployment and inflation being curtailed, seemingly having salvaged the economy. The Republican efforts to mobilize the base on the basis of communist danger proved to be unpopular due to the country filled with veterans and draft dodgers, while the seeming resolution of the abortion issue meant that the conservative base was not as successful in mobilizing for further moral issues. Homosexuality was not seen as grave as the murder of unborn children, while attacks on divorce and the downfall of the traditional family just made the Republicans seem laughably out of touch.

    Conyers managed to get reelected, mostly on Democrats voting against Republicans than for him. His second term would be catastrophic.

    Conyers soon found that his greatest obstacle were not Republicans but Democrats. With House firmly under their control, the new left sought to transform the country into a Congress run republic. This divided the nation as Democrats were hostile to the Senate where Democrats could not achieve a two-thirds majority and passed an amendment ending electoral college, sending it into ratification. Furthermore, Democrats wanted to offer immigration amnesty, leading to a massive scare that Democrats wanted to permanently tilt the scales by relying on immigrants. The traditional wisdom that the president is the party leader was no longer true by eighties as Conyers found himself unable to take the helm. The House could override vetos leaving the White House frequently at the mercy of Republicans in the Senate.

    In 1987, Conyers wife, Barbara Jordan Conyers killed herself with scissors in the bedroom. The event shocked the nation as Conyers tried to sweep the investigation under the rug. This prompted a legal conflict with the White House and further discoveries revealed that Conyers had an open marriage allowing Barbara dalliances with women. Furthermore, it was speculated that Barbara was diagnosed with LAS, at the time still thought to have originated as a Soviet bioweapon. The Conservatives had a field day with Conyers marriage. The 1988 investigation revealed that Barbara once attacked Conyers, inflicting a superficial wound during the 1983 Christmas. Conyers appeared defeated as his personal life was examined, uncovering evidence that their marriage was a political one.

    The same year the economy crashed and Conyers was blamed. Inflation sharply rose as media uncovered massive evidence of ineffective and corrupt spending.

    The greatest achievement of the Conyers administration was his end of apartheid in South Africa. As the symbolic black president, he successfully reversed Republican policy and threatened South Africa with total isolation and publicly exposed their nuclear program. The government collapsed, although critics blamed more the 1987 economy crash that afflicted the world.

    Following the 1988 election, Conyers tried to return to his seat in Congress but was pressured not to run. Although the first African-American president, his tenure was seen as a mostly ineffective one. Many black politicians accused him of ruining the chances for the rest of them. Having been barred from political life, he faced humiliating defeats such as his disastrous campaign for the Detroit major. Many corporations and conservative organizations continued to fund efforts to stymy his every effort. A smear campaign led to his autobiography being considered as lies and plagiarism even if the courts decided otherwise. Conyers was finally forced out of public life after a sex scandal in the nineties, making him seem too toxic even for civil rights.

    Conyers turned to writing books on the issue of law and politics, staying away from controversial topics, He had published sixteen books between the end of his presidency and his death in 2017, including a dystopian novel The Candlemaker, portraying a bleak near-future United States that collapsed due to the elimination of government.
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    42. Edward Michael Harrington Jr. (1928-1999) - The College Professor
  • 42. Edward Michael Harrington Jr. (1928-1999)

    Michael Harrington, the first atheist and socialist president of America, was born in St. Louis. From his childhood he was interested in both left idea and Roman Catholicism, becoming editor of the newspaper Catholic Worker. Harrington would become disillusioned with the religion despite being protective of the progressive and compassionate ideas of Judaism and Christianity.

    Harrington turned to secular socialism and espoused the need for democratic socialism different from authoritarian collectivism prevalent in communist states. He was highly critical of the direction Republicans made under Goldwater and Smith, but also believed this was an opportunity for the left to redefine itself under Democratic party. The socialists could not succeed under their own and had to push for their goals under the wings of the Democratic party.

    Harrington had a long career as the giant of leftism, debating Galtonists, Conservatives, and Progressives. He edited and wrote for a large number of journals, media and became famous for his series of television lectures during the eighties. Harrington became the favorite target of Galtonists who had named him the number one enemy of America.

    Harrington was pushed into running for president in 1988 mostly by the New Left which wanted a more passive and intellectual president. After Brown's campaign fizzled out, the 1988 primaries saw a heated battle between factions in the Democratic party but Harrington won over mostly due to his support for the strong Congress.

    The polls predicted Harrington's defeat in 1988 but the division between Galtonists and Conservatives marred the opposing Republican ticket. Ron Paul had the support of the Galtonist faction while the Conservatives reluctantly rallied behind Midge Decter Podhoretz. The 1988 elections thus became the most intellectual elections in the twentieth century with Harrington frequently debating Decter in public and through articles. The presidency had passed from the realm of trudging through the country meeting voters towards the debate on issues.

    The campaign was nasty as Democrats launched antisemite attacks against Midge Decter while Republicans attacked the godlessness of Harrington and alienated Catholics by equating them to communism.

    Ultimately neither could win the required electoral votes due to interference of an independent run b PeteMcCloskey though Decter held an advantage in the popular vote. The election went to House where the Democrats elected Harrington, intensifying the calls for a popular vote. Prior to the inauguration, police prevented a bombing attack intended to prevent an atheist from becoming the president.

    Various conservative politicians opinioned that Harrington could not be trusted as he did not truly believe in God and could abide by the presidential oath. The new president invoked the spirit of Christianity in his inaugural speech after swearing to be helped by the "spirit of the founders."

    Harrington's tenure as president was mostly ceremonial as the country was run by the House majority leader Mickey Leland. Critics noted that the Party installed him as a puppet president. Harrington's cabinet included mostly intellectuals and technocrats which implemented House policies. Harrington was viewed with particular suspicious in parts of Europe, but fears were alleviated by the Soviet Union entering another interregnum. Harrington used his position to criticize the Soviet Union and call for reform and free elections, inviting the Russians to follow the democratic path to socialism and abandoned authoritarian leaders.

    He expressed support for the international Peace space station despite criticism from the American military and encouraged cooperation with the Soviet Union on space exploration. Harrington famously visited Somalia to offer peacekeeping advice and witness as Soviet launch (ironically, the rocket failed to reach to orbit, crashing into the Indian ocean). The Leninists in the Soviet Union hated Harrington recalling Lenin's warning about naive leftism and recalling the glorious Bolshevik betrayal of the Democratic government.

    Harrington publicly met with many sufferers from LAS, fully endorsing the House plan to combat the disease. "It is a disease, not a moral punishment," he said.

    Harrington's tenure was marked by three trends. A string of elections in Eastern Europe meant that most of the Non-Aligned Community was now run by authoritarian populists. The same happened in South America, blaming America for decades of war and deploying bioweapons (the persistent rumor about LAS being an American biological weapon). Harrington found himself under criticism for being a socialist by authoritarian and right-wing presidents, marking an ironic shift from only decades ago.

    The second was the continuing scandals in America. Various state programs were revealed to have mismanaged federal funds but the worst happened in Arkansas in 1990 where the "Byrnes" nuclear plant vented radioactive material causing a scare. Investigation revealed that the Democratic government in Arkansas pushed for enlargement of the power plant but skimped on the budget and forced skipping security tests in order to further governor Clinton's career. This was followed by a massive lashing out against nuclear energy nationwide as Americans panicked over the security of nuclear energy.

    The third trend was the refocusing of political spending and advertising to the state level. Corporations and lobbyists poured millions into the state legislature races. Regional issues dominated political life. Many of the amendments were successfully paralyzed by states refusing to ratify them or even moving back on them, while states started to sharply diverge in their internal laws. The states were divided on whether they allowed legal abortion, creating abortion tourism to the horror of conservatives. Many states did not allow for guaranteed income while the unemployed moved to states that did, causing concern about the tide of sponges and leeches draining state funds. Illegal immigrants fled more conservative states to Democratic-controlled ones, exacerbating the issue. A proposal to allow the states to control their own borders had surprising popular support even as everyone noted it was dangerous and unimplementable. Controlling the plurality of states meant that serious politicians refocused on the Congress and governorships furthering the trend of runs for presidents being open to traditionally radical candidates.

    Harrington declined to run for reelection in 1992, citing that he is of more use to the republic as a professor. Analysts speculated he was disillusioned by numerous foiled assassination plots and Conservative hatred against him, which was reflected in his later writing that rural America has been lost to "atavism." Others believed that Leland offered him as a sacrificial lamb for the nuclear disaster in Arkansas after Harrington promoted the independence of Panama territory, disagreeing with the House report. Harrington, despite lacking influence, was a rallying call for both Galtonist and Conservative gains in the Congress due to his criticism of free markets and openly socialist beliefs, coupled with his atheism.

    Harrington would later turn his presidential library into a university and institute of democratic socialism but grew critical of the Democratic left, calling leftists ineffectual and prone to divisive and impulsive politics. Harrington was kidnapped in 1997 by a radical religious group but released after a ten-day standoff with the police. The harrowing issue saw his left index finger cut-off. Harrington would die two years after years of struggling with poor health.
    43. James Edmund Caan (1940 - 2004?) - The Macho Man
  • 43. James Edmund Caan (1940 - 2004?)

    James Edmund Caan, America's most controversial president, was born in New York to a family of Jewish immigrants from Germany. Caan's family encountered trouble during the Dewey administration, after the more powerful FBI ruined the reputation of his family due to a perceived connection between his father, a meat dealer, and organized crime. Caan's family never recovered especially in the economic recession that followed.

    Caan was forced to work every job he could, abandoning his dreams of college, and eventually ended up working as a cop. During that time he became devoutly evangelical after converting for his first fiancee. Caan would leave the police force in the seventies following his dissatisfaction with the permissive attitude shown toward "no-good negros." Caan was persuaded by his friends to run for office and started a successful political career.

    The impulsive and masculine Caan espoused the virtues of self-made men, although troublingly flirting with dominionism, white nationalism, Galtonism, and various other radical conservative trends. Caan was highly popular as a leader despite reservations from the Republican establishment. After New York faced twin bankruptcies, Caan emerged as the highly popular strongman governor.

    Caan radically cut corporate taxes in New York and implemented various Galtonist favored measures to encourage investment. During his tenure, New York reimplemented the death penalty, banned abortion except for medical reasons and heavily expanded the powers of police and state government. He was largely seen as a law and order figure who had saved New York after years of mismanagement. Caan's reelection was highly controversial with accusations of every dirty trick in the book and even fraud being levied against his future chief of staff, Roy Cohn.

    Caan became highly popular in the eighties for criticizing the dismal state of government, favoring a return to the strong federal government and a strong presidency to bring about order. He was famous for promoting "One Way" politics, which promoted uniform laws and practices for all states. The message was attractive to all sides of the spectrum, although for different reasons. For example, conservatives wanted to abolish abortion states while progressives wanted to spread the practice of union and minority quotas.

    The deciding factor was a shift within the Democratic hydra. A new generation of pro-business Democrats challenged the New Left creating division within the party. Starting with 1990, Republicans used the division to roll back Democratic strongholds and capture the Congress and many states, riding on dissatisfaction among Americans.

    Although Democratic policies managed to technically end poverty, economic mobility had nearly ceased and people dependent on federal funds to supplement their income were viewed as second-class citizens. A moderate Galtonian cry called for Americans to be unshackled by the support of the lazy and useless. For many New Left Democrats that meant letting conservative and rural Americans languish in their stupidity. Conversely, it meant for Galtonian and Conservative Republicans to get rid of frivolous overeducated and unpatriotic Americans.

    Caan managed to gain to capture the mind of Americans through the rise of 24-hour news channels. As his machismo distinguished him from the rest of the political crowd, his message gained national recognition despite the heavy investigation into his practices and abuse of power in New York. The man who tamed democratic New York could tame America.

    Caan also rode the support for the military which had turned hostile towards Democrats as a whole, having either lived through years of adventurism started under Gruenther or chaotic retreat under Conyers.

    Caan famously idolized Hemingway, putting his portrait in the Oval office. America had forgotten the virtues of leadership and dedication. Caan even considered supporting Cuban membership in the states, a widely known pipedream among different politicians. In 1998 he nearly orders another invasion of Cuba to save the collapsing regime but was faced with unanimous opposition from the military which had learned from decades of meddling that Cuba is a lost cause.

    Caan's early years were mostly stifled by Congress being evenly split between parties although his house stirred controversy by urging states to request federal aid for "emergencies." In the South, using riots or even robberies as a pretext, the military was ordered to patrol black neighborhoods or search for illegal immigrants. Caan championed the death penalty, which had been on the retreat throughout the eighties, and promoted a national Death or Deportation policy for repeat offenders and heavy crimes. The practice would outlive him and lead to the prosecution of minorities, including recidivist African-Americans who would often end up deported in lieu of being sent to the death row for drug dealing or car stealing.

    Caan's moment came after 1994 elections delivered solid gains for the Republicans, enabling him to enact his promises. His agenda combined various elements of Galtonism, Conservatism, and authoritarian populism, unconstrained by the Supreme Court being deadlocked 6-6.

    Caan, working in tandem with Speaker of the House Harriet Miers, restored the balance between the executive and the legislative branch. Their 1995 No Double-Dipping act planned to force low-income Americans between using federal/state services or government income stimulation. The bipartisan end to the protectionist policies enabled economic upswing throughout the nineties, although some manufacturers were forced to file to bankruptcy after losing federal subsidies. The problems were publicly blamed on the unions since protectionists were split between factions.

    Caan sympathized with president premier Ivanov, even comparing him to a kindred spirit, wanting to eliminate corruption. When Poland slid into open dictatorship, Caan did nothing to prevent the Polish regime allying again with the Soviet Union in a marriage of convenience. Only during the Second Cypriot War was Caan forced to act to preserve NATO as Turkey prepared for a land invasion of Thrace.

    Caan also admired Japanese nationalism. The domestic split between parties had come to reflect in support for either Korea or Japan, both unwilling American allies. Republicans favored Japan, believing the country could fully embrace Christianity. Meanwhile, Korea, which had a thriving Christian community turned to the Soviet Union to preserve Manju against China. Japan remembered the Democrats as the party of nuclear bombings and embraced Republicans in tandem with revisionism and revival of militarism. Caan believed Japan should be allowed a larger military to balance "Korean threat" and supported Japan acquiring nuclear capability.

    Caan's White House nearly blundered into nuclear war after it promised to deploy nuclear weapons to Arabia, following Soviet deployment of short-range missiles to Iraq. For two weeks in 1998, the world held its breath until the diplomats on both sides resolved the issue. Although Caan believed he had won, the world believed Ivanov had humiliated the United States.

    Caan won reelection in 1996 mostly due to the economy performing well. Caan's second term was fraught with difficulty as the tenuous Galtonist-Conservative alliance broke down with Republicans running against each other in places much to the delight of Democrats. Without congressional protection, the Caan White House suffered an unending series of criminal investigations. Caan was impeached, but saved in the Senate, for multiple counts of backchanneling to organized crime in order to attack opponents in a plan organized by his former Chief of Staff.

    Caan increasingly turned to promote ethnonationalism, stressing the need to defend Christianity, white pride and prevent immigration. During his second term, nearly 15 000 Afro-Americans were deported in lieu of the death penalty earning Caan the moniker of "KKKlaan." The vaguely worded "Caan Amendment" guaranteed that education could not be dominated by one theory, allowing for the catastrophic consequences in the years to come. Caan also publicly endorsed the pseudoscientific theory that the rise in autism, depression and other mental illnesses was due to the lack of strong father figures in childhood. Caan remained popular among evangelicals despite divorces and having been found to have cheated on his wife with several White House staffers.

    It is highly suspected Caan turned to alcoholism in his final years in the White House. Foreign diplomats confirmed as much. After 2000, Caan faced various criminal charges but with no presidential pardon forthcoming, Caan simply chose to prolong his visit to China in 2001 indefinitely. Popular in China and taking a fifth wife, Ling Bi, Caan disappeared from public life somewhere around 2004. The official investigation concluded he likely fell off a bridge into a river, but his body was never found.

    Rumors, mostly among nationalists, would continue to swirl he would return to America in her hour of need, making Caan a lasting symbol.
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    44. Robert George Kardashian (1944 - 2010) - 'The Beverly Hill-elitist'
  • 44. Robert George Kardashian (1944 - 2010)

    Robert George Kardashian was another prominent political figure descended from immigrants from the former Russian Empire. His great-grandparents, the Kardaschoffs, were Armenians who sought better fortunes in the land of freedom, a statement president Kardashian would later be mocked for repeating ad nauseam on the campaign trail.

    Kardashian was initially a business lawyer before turning to politics in the seventies during the "Iron Rose" years. Kardashian was fairly popular, managing to acquire many friends in the Democratic and Republican parties during his tenures as a state prosecutor and later as a Congressman. His personal relationships were noted to be unusual, as his on-off friendship with the Commissioner Jack Kemp which included an incident while both were under the influence. Kardashian was considered to be average at best or uncharismatic at worst, but he had an uncanny knack for befriending sportsmen, businessmen and even celebrities which eventually helped him with national recognition and funding. In 2000 he achieved a new record in campaign contributions and outspent every opponent.

    Kardashian was considered a moderate Democrat although critics point to him just playing it safe instead of staying wisely above the fray. His later claims about foresaw the folly of the Conyers and Harrington years are nothing remarkable compared to the rest of his colleagues. His voting record was unexceptional and in certain issues appeared to be flip-flopping. Only during the nineties, Kardashian emerged to prominence, mostly due to frequently appearing on CNN and NBN as a commentator. His departure from the Congres to the private field proved to be fortunate as he tried to parlay himself as an outsider with experience.

    By the turn of the century, the Democrat party moved back to the center, abandoning dreams of a Congress run Republic and accepting austerity as necessary, cribbing it from the apparent success of Republicans. Kardashian claimed he wanted a "reinvention of smart Keynesiasm." The government is neither a friend nor foe but a "capable son-in-law" trying to impartially work out how to assist the family. The awkwardly worded message proved to be popular with the Americans where second-generation unemployment became the defining phenomenon of the new millennium. During the Democrat primaries, many criticized Kardashian for him being too lax on Caan, going for the cheap and easy shots against his alcoholism and white supremacism while avoiding to touch upon his economic record.

    The Kardashian administration was criticized for its novelty appointments. Many of the "new voices" had little experience or education, only soundbites. One editorial noted Kardashian is appointing people to the government based on shows seen on CNN, NBC and on the pages of People. While there was a holdover of career bureaucrats and diplomats, the confusion in the upper echelons was harmful.

    The first indicator was the Korean/Japan Naval War in 2002 in which America flailed pointlessly. The issue was exacerbated with the Republicans goading Japan to persist, promising to block White House policy aimed at mediating the conflict. The invasions and counter invasions of the Jeju islands saw an increasing number of dead and both Japan and Korea suspended their alliances with the USA, although for different reasons and motives. The forced peace mostly imposed due to China/Soviet Union starting to conduct military operations near the Korean border, sent Korea into a tailspin and a new military junta sought to reorient themselves with Sterligov's Soviet Union. America seemingly lost two important allies for no good reason.

    Another crisis when Israel invaded New Palestine after the Dome of the Rock was unsuccessfully damaged in an ostensible alleged triple-cross false flag operation. America firmly supported Israel, even when Sterligov threatened to pick a fight with the UN by invading Germany, but a leaked recording revealed Kardashian wished "there was no Israel since the greedy bastards are responsible for half the world problems." Despite the initial shock, Kardashian recovered from the polling mostly due to many bankers coming in favor of defending him and the incident being framed as talking "unofficially" to appeal to a constituent (although the statement was made in a reception intended for the new Turkish ambassador). Critics would later note that Kardashian's popularity was inflated by right-wing racists, a body that hated Kardashian but approved of antisemitism.

    The banking crisis of 2003 seemed to signal a recession and Kardashian tried to avoid Congressional deadlock by appointing a moderate Galtonians to the Fed and other institutions, including Deputy Secretary of Treasury. This alienated Kardashian from his party and backfired as Galtonians drafted reports which lambasted the 2001 and 2002 budgets. However, a bipartisan probe into the collapse of General Motors uncovered a string of fraudulent stock fixing, fund embezzlement and various other misdeeds that seemed to span the economy. The shocks send the world economy into a panic. Although various central governments managed to prevent a worldwide economic collapse, with some critics noting India and China readily picked up most of the burden, the Long Recession started in 2004.

    This was catastrophic as Kardashian appealed to take care of dissatisfied and unemployed Americans, many of whom were now fanatically distrustful of government especially after Caan's rhetoric proved empty. Kardashian's main promise to join the Free Trade League failed repeatedly in Congress and the president basically gave up after Democratic gains in 2002 were mostly "careful free traders" in favor of bilateral deals. Kardashian found himself consistently ten votes short leaving to him lamenting "he could invade Britain while in his bed but could not get the King even a discount card at Disney's."

    The reduction in government income resulted in the American debt continuing to accelerate. Kardashian sought to increase government income through a simplification of the tax code which also included mild increases in taxation all over the board caused angry Americans to camp at major sites in Washinton D.C. Many of them were unemployed veterans, and their numbers reached 80 000 at one point although averaging at 20 000. Nobody dared to forcefully evict the veterans, many of them armed with automatic weapons or even grenades, even if the blocked sites like the Lincoln memorial or parking access to various government departments. Only White House blockade was forcefully lifted and even then, Kardashian opted to use the helicopter instead of forcing the issue for the first three weeks.

    The Supreme Court continued to be deadlocked 6-6 in most important cases and critics increasingly pointed out both parties are using the Supreme Court deadlock as a mobilizing call to ensure base comes out to vote. There were a few notable exceptions, notably the Henderson vs The State of Florida in which the Supreme Court effectively deemed all laws discriminating Americans on the basis of their sexual orientation illegal. The other exception was The American People vs General Plastics which ruled out that negative tax income cannot be used as the basis to calculate any insurance rates, eliminating the loophole that allowed companies to claim negative income as income for purposes of calculating base rates favorable to them. The 2003 ruling saw a rare 10-1 consensus (judge Grammer recused himself).

    Democrat polling was awful, but so was Republican. A poll in March of 2004. showed that 45% of Americans would like an independent president, prompting chaotic primaries in both parties. Kardashian was challenged by no less than four Democrats, mostly small names with no real chance who wanted to improve their name recognition, but this was shameful enough for a sitting president.

    During the 2004 elections, Kardashian was frequently attacked as the Beverly Hills president, seizing upon his Califonia estate and three visits he made there as a President. His one achievement was Panama narrowly voting for statehood, although as of 2020, Panama is still a territory.

    Kardashian's patchy personal history was seized upon mostly by a surprise candidate on the right. Although rumors of his marital infidelity proved to be false (and incredibly hypocritical when comparing him to Caan), Kardashian was considered to be a person who cannot be trusted. The public opinion at the time was overly negative, but not because of perceived failing, but because of perceived failed promises. Kardashian failed to bring change and many of his voters stayed home or voted for the third party alliance ticket of Carruther-Sampson

    Kardashian did not go quitely into the night, remaining even more visible in the public space. Although nominally managing his company, he frequently criticized subsequent presidents. This proved to be dangerous when he was briefly investigated for his alleged participation in the investigation of the Rice sex ring. His friendships gave the credence to the theory Democrats were run by "deviant sex fiends." Kardashian was placed twice on trial (at state and federal level) for conspiracy to commit and hide sexual assault and although he was cleared both times, this damaged America's reputation tremendously.

    Kardashian survived an assassination attempt in 2009 by a former veteran believing he had a commando squad kill former president Caan in China, but the incident led to persistent health issues. A botched orthopedic surgery eventually led to his left arm get gradually amputated and Kardashian died in 2010 out of sepsis. His presidential library is incomplete as of 2020, after the Republicans repeatedly used bureaucratic measures to obstruct it, even claiming it could be a potential base for the fringe Californian separatist militia.

    Kardashian has widely seen today as a president to whom the history was unfair, especially as he bridges two (three) terrible administrations. He had tried to save America from a downward spiral but could implement only celebrity solutions.
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    45. John David McAfee (1945-2005) - The Maverick
  • 45. John David McAfee (1945-2005)

    John David McAfee is considered the weirdest fluke in American presidential politics which is no small accomplishment given the presidents since the Second World War which included openly socialist atheists, domestic violence, mandates to baptize the moon, alcoholism and even a 19th century Prussian.

    McAfee was born in an Army base in United Kingdom to an American soldier and an English mother. His father abused the family and eventually shot himself and his mother while McAfee was still in high school. McAfee studied mathematics and became a programmer for the United States Air Force. McAfee later claimed his calculations nearly helped Americans land on the Moon although records show he was only one of the hundreds working on Gabriel missions. McAfee later claimed he left the military frustrated over the moratorium on planned manned missions to the Moon, although records show he was forced to leave due to unreliable and bizarre behavior.

    McAfee became a millionaire during the eighties and nineties as his company, McAfee Industries, rapidly grew. The initial boost came from government contracts owing to McAfees string of dubious connections made under the influence of drugs in Las Vegas and Cuba. McAfee frequently criticized the government and explored running on the Liberty ticket as early as 1984. During the nineties McAfee benefitted from government favoritism stemming from Galtonists in the Caan administrations, paradoxically giving him virtual monopolies on several government contracts. McAfee Industries transitioned to providing network service and security, even foraying into media, making McAfee an alleged face of Galtonian success. Behind the public success, McAfee was considered a borderline maniac whose maverick reputation was based on luck and the hypocrisy of Galtonians.

    Come elections of 2004, McAfee campaign employed increasingly strange tactics, including hiring thousands of escorts to bedazzled judges, delegates and governors. The Party which had legitimized Caan could not dismiss the maverick who had near-unanimous support of the Galtonian faction. McAfee announced he would run either on the Republican or Liberty ticket - in the end he accepted both tickets.

    The maverick Galtonian tried to appease the conservatives by picking the septuagenarian evangelist media mogul, Pat Robertson as his running mate. McAfee claimed Robertson's preaching helped him overcome the tragedy of the death of his parents although this was easily proven as impossible. McAfee became popular for attacking the bias of the CNN which claimed the McAfee-Robertson ticket was as natural as the Molotov-Ribbentrop pact.

    The elections of 2004 proved to be cursed. With the economy going down the drain, Americans wanted radical change and every criticism levied at McAfee only affirmed his message. Lack of political experience was a bonus. Dubious and contradictory policy proposals were innovative. Wild personal life was unimportant even if his running mate had previously condemned him for marrying a former "erotic adult entertainer". Owing to his credit, McAfee moderated his message on the campaign trail, which mostly meant focusing on established talking points while putting his outlandish proposals, such as the establishment of American Legion corporations, on the backburner. One exception was his initiative to deport all the "welfare leeches" under the aegis of the expansion of the Caan laws even Caan was reluctant to even implement.

    McAfee won over 300 electoral votes in 2004, although the third party alliance ticket (which gathered nearly every third party except the Liberty party, fascists and prohibitionists) managed to get 17% of the popular vote, disproving McAfee's claims to have won the support of people dissatisfied with traditional two-party politics.

    McAfee proved to be unpredictable as he immediately promised to find the whereabout of Caan, the president he previously criticized for his alcoholism, even if meant sending special forces to China, provoking a crisis before he was even inaugurated. McAfee famously refused to meet with Kardashian, leaving the transition to proxies and even Robertson.

    The McAfee administration lasted only 98 days before McAfee was found dead of a heart attack, having apparently overdosed himself on unprescribed erectile dysfunction medication, alcohol, and classified substances. During that time McAfee created immense damage and chaos in the world community, possibly emboldening President-Chairman Sterligov to act openly aggressive. McAfee refused to act upon Sterligovs annexation of the puppet Tibetan Bod Republic, contravening decades of international law and tradition. Indeed, McAfee praised the act as legitimizing the existing situation, despite advice to use the opportunity to repair relations with China.

    McAfee failed to implement any new legislation, with its only accomplishment having a statue of John Galt put into the White House and firing via fiat nearly every existing government official, even if many of them were Republicans. His election prompted former president Conyers to write the dystopian Candlemaker. During the years after World War Three, it would be revealed McAfee tried to promise the King of Britain "best girls" of America in an "unforgettable weekend," managed to confused Iraq and Iran twice in phone calls with their leaders and even confuse Austria and Antarctica.

    The alarmists who breathed a sigh of relief with the news of his death would soon find themselves holding the breath again. They have traded the devil they didn't know for the one they knew - the septuagenarian conservative.
    46. Marion Gordon 'Pat' Robertson (1930-) - The Man Who Killed America and the Soviet Union
  • 46. Marion Gordon 'Pat' Robertson (1930-)

    The septuagenarian televangelist from Virginia, Pat Robertson would lead the United States through World War Three and win the Cold War, before seeing the American system brought down to ruin.

    Marion Gordon Robertson came from a conservative family in Virginia. His father was the conservative Democratic Senator Absalom Willis Robertson whom president Gruenther allegedly referred to the "Pox from Virginia," willing to fight for "a cause more lost than Amelia Earheart." His mother was a former beauty queen from Ohio.

    Robertson was nicknamed Pat at an early age by his older brother who enjoyed patting him on cheeks. Having been cursed with an effeminate name, he opted to use the childhood nickname as friendly and folksy. Robertson excelled in college, getting a degree in history and later being one of the American troops sent to China during Byrnes administration. Robertson claimed he participated in combat despite no such mandate existing during the Byrnes years, pursuing litigation against all who claim otherwise. His two years in China apparently consisted of lounging around the kitchen, supplying the Chinese and Americans with alcohol, and chasing women. The issue was a thorny one as Robertson eventually forced the surviving army colleagues to flee the country during his years as president in retaliation for them publishing a book, Pat in the Back.

    Robertson benefitted greatly from the influence of his father, pursuing law. He found God several times, first after meeting Dutch missionary Cornelius Vanderbergen and then after Barry Goldwater won. Robertson started an early evangelical empire, using family wealth and deregulation of broadcasting to great effect. Robertson was always involved in politics and is considered to be crucial for the election of Viguerie and Helms, praising them as true, honest men of faith. Robertson toyed with the idea of going into politics, although he refrained from running in 1988 due to his business running into difficulties. The lection of Harrington, a proud socialist and atheist, as the president sent Robertson into a renewed political and personal frenzy. He would later claim that was the third time he found God.

    Although Harrington largely ignored constant attacks by Robertson on his network as irrelevant, Robertson started to dabble strongly into conspiracy theories linking Conyers and Harrington as the leftist conspiracy to destroy America and introduce satanic communism. Robertson was widely thought of as a popular figure who had no room to grow as Robertson. A possible kingmaker, but never the king.

    Robertson pulled his weight behind Caan in a marriage of inconvenience. Caan allegedly nearly socked Robertson behind private doors after Caan offered his guidance to stop marital infidelity, although details of the incident vary. Robertson ran for the Republican nomination in 2000 and placed third. In 2004 he was far too popular due to his increasing media presence and years of experience shaping the conservative message.

    Come election 2004 Robertson accepted playing second fiddle to the man who was known to snort cocaine off bodies of prostitutes. The McAfee - Robertson relationship was tenuous at best, with McAfee all but banning Robertson from approaching him after the election. Robertson was patient, claiming God has a plan for him, and readily accepted roles and tasks McAfee hated. When McAfee managed to kill himself in preparation for an alleged night with escorts, Robertson readily stepped up to the position of the president.

    The McAfee administration managed to fire or put on notice nearly everyone while failing to fill many positions due to McAfee's mercurial and inattentive mood. Robertson came in with a base of followers and ready with lists of people loyal to his cause. 2005 saw the government filled with radically conservative Christians, appointed by fiat if Congress disagreed.

    The Robertson administration proved to have a more far-reaching agenda than his predecessors, furthering and implement every plan Viguerie, Helms or Caan failed to do. Even his allies were surprised at the scope of the changes, believing Robertson to be a far more reasonable man who was equally driven by money as by religion. The rooms of the Republican party whispered that Robertson may have had another revelation and truly believed he is on a mission from God, forgoing his usual pragmatism. Robertson was a new man wearing the history of the old Part claimed his defenders. Critics believed Robertson only became what he always intended.

    Oval Office was adorned with paintings of Jesus blessing the founding fathers and recent political figures. The Goldwater and Smith estates jointly continued trying to unsuccessfully remove the painting in question, believing both would recoil from Robertson. A large cross was placed on the White House and many of the traditional decorations depicting former American presidents were replaced with crosses and images of Jesus, Virgin Mary, and various biblical scenes. Only a few presidents escaped such treatment, like John Quincy Adams whose words about Christianity being indissolubly linked to the founding of America became crucial to the new administration claims it is returning to original America.

    Robertson became (in)famous for conducting sermons from the White House Chapel (also known as the Viguerie room) broadcast every Sunday under the auspices of the presidential address. Critics compared Robertson to Turkey which had slid under the rule of populist imam Ekrem who had an entire channel dedicated to this. While most Americans ignored the sermons opting to hear the summary in the papers, European and other foreign politicians believed America is turning into a theocracy. Robertson has pushed America towards fundamentalism but outside of preaching, he was considerably less hands-on than the media had believed. Given his advanced age, he left running much of the government to his appointees, preferring to enjoy the media limelight and issue stubborn directives.

    The government was filled by appointees considered to frequently be too fringe even for his media empire. Although some believed evangelists will replace the government, many of them did a worse thing and recommended people with little to no practical skill or experience. Prayer group organizers and community managers found themselves directing agriculture or trying to conduct diplomacy with countries they knew little outside of the Bible.

    The education department, which over the year was recreated by Democrats and removed by Republicans, was reestablished with Robertson using it to mandate the teaching of Intelligent Design through enforcement of the "Caan Amendment." Secretary Eidsmoe spearheaded a dramatic change in direction. Theories of evolution and even cosmologies were reduced to an obligatory endnote. Abortion was depicted only as a ninth month operation with more quotes from religious authorities than statistics. Latin American Syndrome was taught as transmitted by condoms and biochemical contraception. The autism/depression-working mother theory was mandatory for all schools and universities relying on federal funding. Critical perspectives on slavery both emphasized Democrats having a major role in it as well as the benevolent salvation of poor African denizens from jungles. A new initiative on communication standards south to ban pornography, even aiming to deny licenses to cable channels that had any "immoral" programming. Network providers were forced to implement restrictions on data or face sharp fines or investigations.

    Initially, the nation was shocked and protested, then saddled in bemused spectatorship amongst the chaos. Many of the Robertson appointees or allies seemed to die of old age before Robertson could use them. Others were considered senile such as Secretary Dornan. The is little evidence fellow evangelists such as Jerry Fallwell were seriously considered although they certainly were valued as allies. Evangelist Jim Baker was revealed to have fraudulently tried to sell positions in the new administration.

    Despite miserable polling numbers, Robertson was insanely popular among his base, and two factors helped bolster his support. The first was Sterligov's aggressive behavior. The second was the road to free college degrees which many Americans saw as a possible bargain with the devil - surely Robertson would go the way of the Viguerie. Foreign scholars today believe Robertson was too unpopular, allowing his opposition to remain divided, being certain of their victory. The 2006 elections disappointed Democrat and Liberty party, resulting in minor changes in the Congress although dramatically reshuffling some of the incumbents in favor of the new evangelical or nationalist candidates. The Family Pledge, an idea concocted in the late eighties by a failed law student, grew over nineties into a significant conservative institution, tracking every candidate who had strayed from family values even a bit and publicly shaming them. Although they were marginalized during the Caan years, come 21st century they readily sabotaged Republican incumbents in the primaries for offenses as trivial as hanging out with liberal celebrities. The Family Guardians, as the newly minted representatives and even one senator, called themselves, averaged forty years in age, for many of them Goldwater and Smith a murky memory with Viguerie being the dark hero. More concerningly, Republicans effectively controlled 25 states.

    The worst came in 2008 when two Supreme Court judges died. Filibuster rules were completely eliminated after Roy Moore's nomination faced rabid opposition, allowing Robertson a shocking amount of liberty in choosing appointees. "They are not fit for 20th century, much less 21st", lamented Nicholas Coppola on his show. The Supreme Court could not easily undo previous rulings, being forced to make loopholes for outright abuse. Robertson tried to declare homosexuality a disease but managed to only get promiscuity to be considered as valid criteria for potential risk, allowing a convenient loophole.

    Various self-taught official espoused dubious policies. Particularly noteworthy is the endorsement of scholarship claiming Afroamericans are naturally inferior to other minorities since only "the most incapable" would be captured by slave traders while the more capable Africans would escape. Given the poor state of many of the African countries, this had particularly nasty implications with former president Conyers claiming the White House has "declared every seventh American a subhuman breed of subhuman" and distinguished Representative McLeland launching an impressive 42 points impeachment program and promised a new contract with America.

    The White House was dramatically unpopular with Galtonian faction all but abandoning the Republican Party, horrified at the intrusion of civil rights. In fact, they launched investigations into president McAfee's death and tried to unseal records about the classified compounds found in his body. In return, Robertson "opened up" about McAfee's sinful tendencies causing Galtonians to start their own Freedom Party (since the Liberty Party already existed). Even the Mormons were concerned about the party. Despite copying some of the Utah policies, part of the administration was increasingly considering Mormons a sect that had to be dealt with. John Lithgow, the host of Hardpoints claimed: "Americans would never reelect the person who took away their pornography."

    Scholars note that Robertson received covert support from agents as diverse the mafia and various entertainment organizations, delighted that the demand for immoral material had not dwindled but the price rose up. Democrats were also endorsed by Sterligov as the party "ready to listen to his proposals," a move that was either incredibly calculated or incredibly brash.

    The two issues Robertson was strong on, came to prominence during 2008.

    Sterligov tried to upstate the United States by attempting to launch a translunar mission through the conversion of one of the Soviet Union's shuttles. The Soviet Union, a newcomer to the space race, was indeed the top provider of spaceflight through the friendship twin cosmodromes maintained in Somalia with oil baron money. But the Soviet Union lacked a lunar module while the United States nearly landed on the Moon in 1976. and had pursued the project for decades waiting for funds to come in. Robertson promised to plant and colonize the Moon by the end of the decade. There was some confusion about the exact institution responsible. The USAF was more aligned to the Robertson administration but focused on satellites and orbital space. The young ASA had been founded only in 1981 by Conyers as an effort to have science exploration independent of military oversight but inherited access to the purloined Gabriel lunar program and many of the engineering and scientific talent

    The USAF was wary of Robertson administration and noted it could adapt its orbital program to land a man by 2015 at best and only with the transfer of talent from the ASA. Since USAF leadership stood firmly behind their decision the Robertson administration had to turn to the civilian agency. The ASA was better equipped, having taken over the lunar exploration program, and more importantly, the scientific talent. The civilian agency inherited the pipe dream project of sending a mission to retrieve the Gabriel 10 spacecraft, using it as an excuse to secure the completion of the Freedom space station and pursue robotic lunar exploration. They even had completed a test for the new lander prototype owing to the Kardashian budget. The ASA was however led by liberals and atheists and refused the Robertson mandate to baptize the Moon (another Viguerie idea). Moreover, ASA fast-tracked an Afroamerican and a woman for the lunar landing, as a middle finger to the administration which had allowed alternative theories about the existence of the universe beyond the solar system to be taught in schools. The Robertson administration was forced with the ASA management threatening a collective resignation backed by 112 employees promising to do the same after it tried to pressure director Kerry to resign.

    The ASA was promised independence and money as long as it could deliver a lunar landing. Robertson remembered Viguerie could never force the "damn eggheads" to do what they wanted and Smith's meddling was fatal for three Americans. Various pundits continued to claim ASA was dragging its feet to sabotage Robertson administration and deliver the Moon to the "Reds," out of spite or interest. Experts noted ASA was moving incredibly fast. The space race captured the mind of the nation with a manned lunar flyby successfully being completed just a month before the elections.

    Another factor that renewed the conviction of the Robertson supporters was the discovery of the so-called Rice ring. The 2007 death of Annabelle Ryan, an up-and-coming actress, who had just appeared on CBS started a string of revelation no one expected. Ryan was found dead on the shore of New Jersey, but investigation revealed rape drugs present in her system, along with evidence of her being tied and bound. Forensic scientists determined the presence of sperm from at least three different men. The shocker came when camera footage revealed her body being removed by a friend of the CBS host William Cosby. The Cosby had organized a group rape of Ryan and the two other people turned out to be Alexander Wiener, a businessman noted for supporting Democrats, and Brian Wolf, an NBC reporter. Another surprise was that Michelle Clark, a television producer, was present during the rape and participated. Ryan was accidentally choked to death by Wiener and Cosby tried to organize a clumsy coverup. Despite an abundance of evidence, the Rice Ring (named after the codeword for sexual assault) of influential businessmen, politicians and other figures used connections and political pressure to stop the investigation, only implicating themselves in the long run.

    Robertson's administration claimed victory in its combat against pornography and immoral values, launching attacks against Democrats of whom many were associated or part of the Rice Ring. The national outrage was fueled by the White House trying to implicate any opponent in the mess, including former president Kardashian. Some Democrats tried to do the same, but this backfired as it turned out former president Caan was "aware of it" and tried to shut down any person affiliated with it which was ironic given his own history.

    The third and most decisive factor was decision by President-Chairman Sterligov to invade Iran in 2008, followed by the invasion of Afghanistan in 2009. Sterligov was possibly trying to link up with Iraq and drive oil prices in the process. Sterligov also never forgave Kosygin for allowing Iran to be pushed into perpetual civil war. Robertson responded by increasing support to Israel and American allies in the peninsula as well as renewing commitment to NATO and promising to guarantee the safety of European League (a position that was impressed on him by the JCS over his objections to limit it to governments not run by "secularists").

    Even with all these factors in play, the 2008 elections were thought to be lost to Robertson. Once again, Democrats proved to be their own worst enemy. The Democrat nominee was Ohio senator Alan Keyes, a moderate Afro-American Democrat with a seemingly distinguished career who boasted of his tough policy towards the Soviet Union. Keyes became a convinced Democrat inspired by Conyers although evidence pointed to Keyes having meandered politically over the years. Notably, he was mentioned as the Liberty Party hopeful in 1992.

    Keyes rode the wave of support on populist measures such a popular election of Supreme Court Justices and claiming he had a list of secret members of the Rice ring. Keyes also supported a flat tax proposal that was rejected by nearly every expert and supported mandatory minority quotas in the government. It would be an understatement Republicans were overjoyed with his nomination, even before he unraveled. His early lead in the polls came due to a fluke chance - the murdered Afro-American actress Annabelle Ryan had mentioned him as "a kind and wise man" having met him on a public event only days before her final public appearance.

    Keyes had jokingly called her Democratic opponent, Senator Barbara Mikulski, possibly mentally handicapped. The Great Old Man of the Democratic Party, Congressman Mickey Leland, twisted every arm to try to get him to drop his nomination, appealing delegates not to vote on the color of his skin. Former president Conyers publicly denied knowing Keyes and Kardashian politely described him as a person who "erroneously gives the impression of competence".

    Keyes managed to narrowly capture the Democratic nomination on the third ballot to the horror of the party. A series of journalists emotionally called upon Keyes to bid his time for another election, noting that the future of the world may be at stake.

    Alan Keyes certainly tried to play the role of center-left moderate and unifier, but at the age of 24 television he easily came off the hinges. Keyes liberalism and smart Keynesianism came under doubt on the campaign trail, as they were incompatible with the mathematically impossible flat tax proposal. Keyes, who represented one of the pro-choice states, was friends with controversial reverend David Trosch, a former Catholic who favored the death penalty for abortion providers. His alleged support for homosexual rights came out as support for the mentally ill hedonists. Keyes also believed Mormons were a dangerous cult, had some doubts about the survivability of the Van Allen radiation belt (known as the Fantastic Four gaffe) and promised to posthumously sentence former president Harrington for treason. Keyes choice of running mate, Senator John Edwards did not help as it turned out Edwards was a prominent member of the Rice Ring in Washington. Edwards would be questioned (and eventually sentenced to jail) for two counts of rape.

    Even then Robertson had a hard time winning reelection. Both Liberty and Freedom party captured 7% of the vote amidst calls of unity against the "crazy man" and Jay Bybee won Utah, resulting in both Keyes and Robertson without an electoral majority. The public called for electors to throw the election to Keyes and Bybee refused to endorse anyone. There were four faithless electors - one of them threw the vote to the Democrats, but one of them balanced it by throwing the vote to Robertson (the remaining two voted for Bybee and one for vice-president Allen West).

    Robertson's second term was fraught with tensions. Galtonists split the vote in many races leading to large gains for Democrats, but Liberty party also captured impressive 35 seats in the House, which combined with Freedom seats meant the Congress had a significant third party representation. Robertson administration was forced on the defensive, relying on temporary acting appointees and the Supreme Court to maintain their agenda. Concerningly, several state legislatures openly defied federal government citing precedents established during Conyers and Harrington years. Violent incidents escalated with veterans returning to Washington D.C. "to safeguard the Republic" reoccupying various public spaces with the support of the Robertson administration. Former president Kardashian was shot by a veteran who had been a fanatic supporter of Robertson, while former president Conyers withdrew from public life to a friend's farm, following an incident trying to calm down anti-police protests following a violent bombing attack against a Florida police station.

    "What differs socialists and liberals is that the liberal will never risk being considered unpatriotic," Robertson was known to have said in 1993. Warnings from the "atheist" European League were ignored as the White House openly considered forcing the UN to move to Germany, an idea first considered during Viguerie. Only the staunch opposition of New York prevented that although United Nations moved many of its operations to the city of Neu Nürnberg.

    Robertson would enjoy the favorable circumstances of continuing confrontation with Sterligov while the Democratic Party started to devour itself. The Democratic Party had reinvented itself over its existence, but Alan Keyes's nomination over the near-unanimous opposition of the party leadership brought a crisis upfront. There were longstanding grudges ever since McLeland had Harrington elected, with many older Democrats believing the eighties permanently lost them the white working class. A proposed reform, limiting the influence of delegates won through open primaries, caused a public crisis in the party. Keyes left the Democrats for the Liberty Party with all his baggage. One pundit noted that the Republicans had become the party of evangelic nationalists while Democrats became the party of passing trends with no permanent identity since Gruenther. A twenty-two-year-old Stanford student launched her Refounding Movement directly after Keyes left the party, a movement that would apparently lead to the end of America as we know it.

    Foreign diplomats noted that the second Robertson administration moved from pushing various evangelicals to promoting various tough military and policemen. A massive expansion of domestic intelligence network passed after a Soviet spy ring was uncovered in 2009 was overshadowed by the American flag being planted on another body. The great occasion was immediately ruined by Robertson blabbing on a running mike why ASA had not chosen a white American as the first person to walk on the Moon. Robertson also complained of Alan Crews not mentioning God in his landing speech although Crews had mentioned "providence of God" during his transmission preceding lunar injection.

    The most vexing question was the relationship between Robertson and Sterligov. Even Kardashian made erroneous assumptions about the personality of Sterligov, but many believe Robertson purposely enabled Sterligov to ramp up support for his agenda. Robertson praised Sterligov as a believer after the President-Chairman replaced the bust of Lenin with a lavish Christ figure. The French president Mohed Altrad would famously declare in 2011 than no one could believe "the Third World War will be fought between two Christian fanatics," a sentiment which although widely shared, gave too much credence to Sterligov. Democrats claimed Robertson's free tuition for select federal and state universities was "Sterlignomics," an accusation with no credibility given the long history of free education in communist countries.

    The proxy wars in Iran and Afghanistan intensified as military buildup continued in the Middle East. A crisis emerged in 2009 after it was leaked Robertson tried to persuade Israel to invade Syria and Iraq, promising to recognize its gains and even push for ceding of the UN mandate over Suez to Israel, believing Israel is inserted into fulfilling an alleged Biblical promise. The United States had shielded Israel occupation of New Palestine and Robertson now offered to recognize is as a part of Israel. The move, unsupported for the JCS led to America losing the support of its Arab allies while only destabilizing Israel.

    Pakistan independently invaded Afghanistan in late 2009 which prompted India to occupy most of the Kashmir Republic. Second Korean-Japanese Naval war started in 2010, this time complicated with Korea being allied with the Soviet Union. China supported rebellions in Manju and Tibet while border incidents with the Soviet Union multiplied. The disastrous campaigns in Iran and Afghanistan strained the Soviet economy which lost most of its income after America took over previous fossil fuel exports to Europe. An alleged coup in Iraq was prevented by the Soviet presence, which noted the country wanted to abandon the risky alliance with the Soviet Union having grown rich in exports to India. An uprising in Poland revived the spirit of the 1968 revolution and removed the pro-soviet dictatorship forcing Sterligov to occupy Poland like during the days of the Warsaw Pact. Germany and Sweden joined the European Command fearing an invasion by the increasingly unbalanced Sterligov.

    Robertson publicly condemned Sterligov as a madman an a liar, concerningly drawing parallels with Antichrist and passages about a northern empire from the Apocalypse section of the Bible. In September of 2011 Soviet jets shot down two of American jets patrolling over the international area of the Black sea leading to American planes shooting down two of the Soviet ones. DEFCON 2 was on, people raided stores for food and a planned draft was in place (over objections of JCS). Robertson publicly claimed in November of 2011 he would finish Goldwater's work and win the Cold War, a mentality echoed by Sterligov across the ocean out of desperation. The various attempts at peace mediation failed. Soviet fighters shot at American and British planes in January of 2012, and a similar thing happened near Bering sea a few weeks later. In February it would be American planes that violated Romanian airspace and in April American and Soviet submarines apparently fired warning shots at each other in Artic, a description of the incident that was deemed highly unlikely.

    The world was constantly bouncing towards DEFCON 2 with president Robertson aggravating Sterligov through his Sunday sermons. Millions fell prey to the theory Mayans predicted a nuclear exchange and the economy struggled as consumer consumption entered the apocalyptic boom-boost cycle with people splurging on short term gratification crisscrossed with survivalism. Sale of various luxuries collapsed between 2011-2012 while a minority tried to speculate and corner the market regardless of the outcome of the war. The sharp rise in the value of gold and the Swiss franc caused a savings crisis all over the world, hitting Europe especially hard. The Long Recession turned into Depression. The only saving grace was the Soviet Union was hit the hardest.

    Impeachment proceeding against president Robertson was introduced during the summer of 2012, based on the abuse of power. It is speculated that the JCS and Republicans covertly conspired to remove Robertson from power after the cabinet failed to reach the consensus needed to declare Robertson unfit for office under the Constitution. Whispers circulated that Robertson is willing to see this to the end and was increasingly pushing for a direct military attack on the Soviet Union, possibly even a nuclear first strike. Robertson supporters claim the president wanted to sit out the Soviet Union until its collapse, and they would be proven correct.

    President-Chairman Sterligov was faced with the complete collapse of the Soviet Union. Korea was facing a combined attack by Japan and China, Iran was in chaos and Poland was in flames. His own military command was planning a coup ever since rumors spread Sterligov wanted to annex irksome Poland, a move that even Beria abandoned as foolish. Sterligov gambled on the superweapon gambit. Believing that America would back down just as Hitler killed himself after the nuclear bombing of Dresden ürnberg, Sterligov approved the Cosmostorm.

    Cosmostorm was an improvised attempt to modify the aging Nauk space station into a starting point of collision of orbital objects. Sterligov had looked for a previous superweapon for the Soviet Union for decades. He had shown great interest in bioweapons despite them having been discredited by Lysenko. Sterligov may have honestly believed LAS was an American bioweapon but abandoned interest it during Ivanov years. During the nineties, Sterligov's favorite proposal was to crack the planet's crust with superbombs and cause a supervolcano eruption (the issue is sometimes conflated with the purported plan to force a supereruption of the Yellowstone). Finally, Sterligov took a particular interest in space-based weapons, including a theory that a cascade in space debris could make Earth orbit too dangerous for space launches. The plan was approved in 2009, possibly as a response to the failure of the Soviet space program to reach the Moon (which surprised no one but Sterligov and his sycophants).

    On October 23rd, 2012, a detonation in low orbit (sometimes called "the Sterligov grapeshot") expelled a drastic amount of debris in the orbit. The abandoned international space station Unity suffered damage and hundreds of satellites were destroyed including an unknown amount of military satellites. Within hours, the 82-year-old Pat Robertson addressed the American nation and threatened the Soviet Union with war. Unless Sterligov resigned and the Soviet Union sued for peace, America would launch a first strike, backed by the "righteous fury of the free nations of the world."

    Even today it is unknown what actually happened in America. According to one version of events, Robertson was presented with a nuclear retaliation by the JCS which believed a nuclear attack is in progress. Robertson believed God is shielding America. According to another version, Robertson himself wanted to launch a full nuclear strike, believing the "north of Megiddo" passage from the Bible referred to the low orbit explosion but was opposed by the JCS which had contacted by its Soviet counterparts.

    Sterligov was arrested by the combined forces of the presidential guard, Moscow garrison and the special forces on October 24th and the Soviet Union declared a unilateral halt to hostilities, withdrawals from Poland and Romania, termination of agreements with Korea, Iraq, Yemen and a host of other countries and Sterligov being placed under arrest for abuse of power and "terrorism." President Robertson took to the nation and declared a miracle, declaring victory in the retroactively declared Third World War (considered now to have started either in 2008 with the invasion of Iran in 2011 with the Black sea incident). The Soviet flag official went down the flag pole for the last time on December 31st.

    Robertson was shocked when the Republicans lost the 2012 elections (postponed for December due to fears of war). His vice-president, Allen West, did not manage to pass 100 electoral votes. America had finally won over communism. How could this be? Over the next several days Robertson considered his options before deciding this must be a secret plan by the communists to defeat America. In an ill-fated effort, Robertson a dressed the nation expressing his concerns, citing passages from the Bible and called for Christians to arm themselves and defend against the forces of the Antichrist which had used satanic influence and secret voting to steal the election.

    For the first two hours, the reaction of America and the worlds were just flat-out what.

    The outgoing American president had just committed numerous acts of treason including calling for a downfall of a republic and possibly calling for a nuclear war, merely weeks after the Cold war ended after a confrontation that destroyed the world economy and caused millions to flee their homes. The military and the cabinet immediately rallied around vice-president Allen West. About 86 minutes after the broadcast, president Robertson was declared medically unfit and taken for medical care under provisions of the 22nd amendment and an express Supreme Court ruling.

    A medical examination later determined president Robertson suffered from lapses in memory and had a psychotic break. Robertson had been commanded to psychiatric care where he remains today. His declaration caused about two million Americans to barricade their homes, the number possibly being more but undistinguishable due to the Cosmostorm panic. Some of the most devout believers shot at their neighbors, policemen, or soldiers while awaiting the Rapture on their roofs. It was 2012 and it was Christmas after all? In other cases, Americans known for their devoutness were preemptively attacked by their neighbors fearing they will come for them first. Most of other evangelists in America publicly called for peace and media immediately broadcast the theory that the presidential Sunday address has been hijacked by terrorists or possible Soviet agents.

    President West allegedly called Robertson the greatest bastard in history. Even the Soviet provisional government panicked, believing they will face an immediate nuclear attack, and they were not the only ones. There was an alarm in China, Japan, even France, and Britain.
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    47. Allen Bernard West (1961-) - The Caretaker
  • 47. Allen Bernard West (1961-)

    The second African-American president was born in Atlanta to a family of military servicemen. Allen was brought upon believing the proud American military tradition had been tarnished by the Democrats during the Conyers years. Allen served in Panama during the Harrington administration in a noncombat year and distinguished himself in command of Operation Firefox, having been personally decorated by president Caan. There are however sealed records regarding his time in Venezuela, an issue that has been raised during the 2012 elections.

    West briefly enjoyed a career in the private sector, working for the Pershing Private Military Company, but his career attracted some attention by president Caan which pushed him to politics. West successfully ran for office in Congress where he immediately found himself popular with the conservative circles. West was tapped by Robertson later as a possible rising star and also a counterbalance to his age.

    Congressman West was mostly famous for criticizing the Kardashian failure in Asia and the loss of Korea while enjoying favorable ratings from Galtonists. West faced the threat of censure for calling former president Harrington mentally ill, a traitor, and claiming all atheists are incapable of moral behavior. West proved to be an invaluable asset to Robertson, although he was his third pick for the vice-president (the first two have declined). West was an effective campaigner during the 2008 election and managed to convince the party to support Robertson for national unity after Galtonians abandoned Robertson. West would claim in 2013 that he regretted this act and should have recognized Robertson was too old to bear the pressure of the presidency alone.

    West was not ignored by Robertson in the administration, having been included in policy discussion, but he was markedly on the outer ring of the influence dominated by sycophants. West had privately expressed his concerns to friendy, although cynics note he was more disappointed with Robertson thinking him a "lesser human" due to his race.

    West easily won the primaries in 2012, dominating the field by having the advantage of the White House, alleged military credentials and being a furious opponent of the Democrats, claiming "a third the party are openly communist, a third are covertly communist, and the last third are confused fools." West was also frequently called a misogynist, although compared to McAfee and Caan, he was quite a gentleman.

    During the 2012 elections, the West could not turn the tide that had swung against the Republicans. The 2008 elections were believed to have been stolen, Robertson government was seen as alien to two-thirds of America, and the race relations were at the lowest point in decades. West famously fumbled after accusations he was a wannabe "House Negro" and attacked for his claims most African-Americans were killed by other African-Americans, not the police. West was declared an "honored white supremacist" after he claimed only 9000, no 90,000 people, were deported since Caan years in the controversial "Deportation or Death Row" program and refused to abandon the policy. His running ticket was incredibly poor on the economy and his running mate, governor Sandra Froman, faced an unpleasant accusation she used coercion to deliver her state to the Republicans in the 2009 House contingency vote.

    West ended up losing the election but by becoming president after Pat Robertson decided the Apocalypse must at work. West would prove capable enough for the task, immediately rallying the government and the entire party against the apocalyptic pronouncement while averting a possible accidental nuclear war.

    The Dark Christmas of 2012 saw between 26 000 and 47 000 deaths, along with possible 200,000 casualties in America due to devout Christians heeding Robertson's words and attacking suspected Satanists. The later analysis had shown America was lucky - even the most ardent believers were reluctant to just fire, and the majority of the deaths coming from a minority wielding automatic weapons. The exact numbers are an extreme point of contention since non-lethal casualties have been calculated from as low as 50,000 to upwards of 10 million by opportunistic politicians, pundits, and lawyers seeking to find clients for lawsuits.

    Westin had served under the second-worst president in American history (or worst in case you are a Holmes supporter) and ended up heading a five-week transitional period which saw millions of Americans displaced, national hysteria and the end of the Soviet Union. While people in Romania and Poland joined their European brothers in celebration, America stumbled through shock despite having just defeated its rival.

    Westin decided to forgo the politics as usual and spend all his weeks into healing the nation, trying to convince Americans the good pastor Pat had suffered a terrible health problem, even possibly getting poisoned. Seeking to absolve half of America, or perhaps just himself, in the role enabling Robertson, he had enabled the strengthening of the myth someone is killing off Republican presidents (Caan, McAfee, Robertson).

    Westin announced plans to eventually run for his old seat but lost the elections. He has turned to lobbyism and he is most notably advocating for Japan to develop its own nuclear weapons. He has published a panned memoir of his five weeks as president.
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    48. Mona K. Sutphen (1967- ) The Great Hope
  • 48. Mona K. Sutphen (1967-)

    The current American president Mona Sutphen is considered the most popular American president worldwide. The famous three-for-one, Sutphen was born in Wisconsin. Her mother was Jewish and her father African American, making her a dream candidate for the Democrats demographic wise.

    Unrelated to her background, Sutphen was a successful student of economics, getting a master's degree at the London School of Economics and having a successful career during the nineties in the private sector. She had served in the US Foreign Service during the nineties and advanced to National Advisory Board under president Kardashian. Sutphen also served in a number of independent think thanks, taught at college and became a successful millionaire during the Robertson years through international trading and domestic software boom.

    Sutphen ran for the Democratic nomination in 2012 after her being talked into by her colleagues from the Kardashian administration. Sutphen checked all the boxes, was charismatic, likeable and without dark secrets. The gutted primaries saw her opposition capitulate by April, which was an incredible accomplishment for someone without military experience during a war year during World War Three.

    Sutphen proved to be a capable debater and a great analyst, with some declaring her the second coming of Gruenther. Sutphen advocated a return to normalcy in America while advocating for a continued blockade of Sterligov regime predicting it will soon collapse due to a lack of foreign currency and complete collapse of trade.

    Her stellar 2012 win surprised even the Democratic party, given that the Republicans managed to win the World War Three. Her (or victory of any opponent) was not in question with many still believing the Cosmostorm and subsequent fall of Sterligov harmed Republicans instead of boosting their numbers. With the enemy gone, Americans had little reason to reward the party that stole the 2008 election and plunged the country in a Depression. The election saw significant vote splitting with Freedom ticket taking 18% of the vote and Liberty party not running a candidate. The vote-splitting worked in Sutphen's favor and she captured even states thought to be inaccessible to Democrats. Her shock victory prompted president Robertson to all-but call her the Antichrist, possibly as a result of her ethnicity and sex.

    Sutphen had a national mandate, global supremacy but a nation traumatized by the Black Week and Depression. In any other circumstances, Sutphen would be a superb American president, but even her considerable accomplishment would run in vain of the Americans simply not trusting one another.

    Sutphen oversaw incredible world changes.

    The Soviet Union dissolved into League of Independent State, with the United Nations welcoming back Ukraine, Tatarian, and others. The Federal Republics of Russia proved to be a vastly unstable country, more than willing to abandon its decrepit military for foreign help. The new elections saw Russians elect a scam artist for premier. Sergei Mavrodi basically ran on the pyramid scheme to avoid getting back to the jail. Russia suffered a miserable collapse with even toilet paper and bread getting scarce. United Nations had to send food to Russian cities. The price Russia paid was incredible, Mavrodi signed off 80% of the Soviet nuclear arsenal in an agreement president Sutphen and secretary-general Fayed claimed a victory for peace. The state companies were sold to the highest bidder at any cost. Some of the buyers gutted the companies of any equipment and technical expertise. The fully open Russia saw a flood of Russians trying to leave the country. It also saw drugs of every kind flood the country - heroin, cocaine, opium, meth. Even some border posts of Russia had been occupied by Afghanistan, Iran, and Turkey, with local commanders selling their positions for foreign currency. It is believed Russia is effectively a third world country with a nuclear arsenal, a country rampant with the disease of every kind. Russians are dying of tuberculosis, measles, LAS.

    Instead of Russia threatening world stability or peace, Russia of today is a massive shelter for criminals of every kind, where safety from extradition is guaranteed for anyone who can pay. Corrupt directors, pedophiles, slavers, everyone is welcome in Russia as long as he has foreign currency.

    The consequences of the Cosmostorm proved to not be permanent. The low orbit was dangerous but not closed permanently as the Cosmostorm could not affect all levels of orbit. Geosynchronous satellites were unaffected in the medium earth orbit although much of the world lost satellite television. It is unknown how many spy satellites were lost although America claimed it replaced the capacity through "innovate solutions and orbits." The Freedom space station was deorbited in 2015 after suffering minor damage and ASA got a mandate to develop a space removal system.

    America saw an unprecedented rise in the trade as a number of countries warmed up to America. The Paris accords of 2014 saw the creation of the Levantine Confederation, a complicated way to have Israel and New Palestine recognize each other without having to admit it. Increased oil production saw the prices drop. Sutphen was also awarded the Nobel Peace prize for helping negotiate the peaceful independence of Manchuria.

    White House lost the ugly looking cross, having it moved near the Viguerie Chapel. Portraits of previous American presidents and legislators returned to the White House, with Sutphen limiting herself on one Bible in her office.

    Sutphen suspended the Deport or Death program and passed a stimulus package aimed at saving retail chains and banks from collapsing. The depression officially ended in 2014, although millions of Americans lived in poverty and unemployed. Furthermore, the trauma of the Black Week meant the Second Amendment organizations were now reviled and Democrats started to push for forms of nationwide gun control. All attempts at censorship and moral standard in media were abandoned. The economy was growing again by 2015 and is experiencing accelerated growth, although inequality is a major issue with the middle class all but have disappeared.

    Sutphen administration found itself handicapped not by Republicans but by the rapidly rising Refounding Movement. Victorious America was divided. Most Americans did not trust each other. Conservative Christians found themselves publicly discriminated by liberals and moderates. Nationalists wanted a second Caan and called for the clean United States. The New Left wanted Democrats to return to the eighties. Galtonists wanted their own president. The list went on and on. Some states made abortion illegal; others had adopted mandatory quota laws for companies.

    The Refounders sucked in discontents for various groups. Their unifying call was to reset America. Initially, this manifested in the main demand to have every seat run for reelection in 2016. There were other populist demands - the end of the first-past-the-post system. An end to gerrymandering. Popular elections of Supreme Court Justices. Amnesty for all victimless drug and sex crimes. A drastic reduction in the size of House and the Senate. Term limits across the board. A ban on immigration. A punishing tax for companies relying too much on manufacturing in Asia. A communal housing program.

    Sutphen found itself unsuited to combat the Refounders. They took over the Liberty party and won massive success in the 2014 midterms. The Refounder leader mobilized an army of fervent followers to harass government institutions with the demand for full elections in 2015. Their leader also called for a Second Constitutional Convention where the states could trim down the constitution removing the chafe placed inconsistently by previous governments. The Refounders were adept at using the digital media for their cause and rode the popularity of the demands for the Second Constitutional Convention along with a number of other points such as free housing and popular election for Justices. Galtonians could not resist a demand to renegotiate the federal government and a new bloc was born.

    Sutphen erroneously focused on the Republicans in 2014, leaving to the Liberty party sweeping the election. The Congress was paralyzed and Holmes demanded full elections, a new year one. The remainder of Sutphen's term was spent going after Holmes as a dangerous con artist who had not either completed her degree in political science. A woman going after woman, this was a dramatic shift for American politics.

    Only the minimum age of 35 prevented Holmes from running in 2016. Sutphen eeked out a victory due to the vote splitting between the Republicans and the Liberty party, but this only intensified the calls for a reform of the election system. Sutphen received only 36% of the popular vote and a narrow electoral college majority.

    Sutphen continued achieving major successes in the foreign policy, managing to restore command sovereignty to Germany after decades of French objections. Zimbabwe reunified, the genocide in Madagascar was halted (although some note too late). The global pollution accords were ratified in 2017.

    The successes were marred by disasters such as Panama. The movement, which started under Viguerie and Helms, saw private interests fund WASP migration to Panama based on a loosely worded interpretation of the Bible that ascribed special significance to the Panama canal. In practice, thousands of unemployed white Americans were encouraged to move to Panama where a friendly population awaited, including servile wives. Panama, plagued with LAS and various refugees from the Bolivarian wars was quite hostile to the hillbilly immigrants who found the climate not to be a tropical paradise, but found themselves unable to return to the mainland due to the fine print in movement debt. The new immigrants segregated themselves from the rest of the country. Helmsvilles had become a serious problem by 2016 as they housed nearly half a million people (Americans and various other outsiders) while enjoying extraordinary protection of the American military, turning out to be beds of organized crime or capturing jobs outsourced to the territory of Panama. Although Panama had applied for statehood, the application had been killed in Congress since the Kardashian years. Mismanagement resulted in the disastrous Tocumen raid where Americans were reponsible for deaths for up to 600 civilians.

    America has also supported the increasingly violent government troops in Morrocco and condoned the indefinite postponemnt of elections in Nigeria.

    The Peng China also became ambitious, possibly as a response to America ensuring an independent Manchuria. China has supported Tibet and invaded parts of Mongolia.

    Sutphen also opened up the Omega Collider in Texas which discovered detect the Higgs boson in 2018. A planned test of the experimental thorium reactor was planned for 2019 but was moved to 2020 over errors in construction.

    The Refounders now effectively control 14 states. Holmes promised in 2018 to run in the next presidential election and to resolve all major political issues via plebiscites. Through legislative reform, Florida became a Refounder state all but in the name, effectively implementing proportional presentation, eliminating gerrymandering and electing all state justices through popular elections. A number of conservative eras regulations were abolished and abortion procedures were once again legal. State-owned land was redistributed or sold, environmental regulations trimmed down. The same or similar followed in South Dakota, Oregon, Tennessee, Colorado, Indiana, Idaho, Montana, Michigan...

    The Refounder led states also showed a darker side. Holmes de facto operates a paramilitary organization of the bodyguards run by her former husband Miscavige. The Refounder led states have shown a concerning trend to leak or openly reveal compromising information on any critic. An army of volunteers stalks her opponents and boycotts their clients, partners, and family. Elizabeth enjoys a fanatical following bordering on being a quasi secular messiah, despite nominally being a protestant. The national guard in their states has been used to expel the homelessly or launch massive crackdowns against organized crime, managing to make the Fourth Amendment a prominent issue.

    The Refounders have been found to attack and destabilize other countries. Thousands of paid volunteers sit in front of computers in warehouses owned by Refounder supporters. An alleged pet project is trying to gain control over Mavrodi's regime through economic blackmail. Another has meddled in the French election forcing the National Republicans to drop their candidate during the election. Classified information about the Ping administration has been leaked in China leading to purges in the military.

    With Sutphen unable to run for another term and vice-president Jimenez in hot water over the Whitegate, the Democratic party finds itself without a strong flag bearer. Sutphen's legacy may be leaving the country to a messianic con woman who openly promises to rewrite the Constitution, a proposition that also enjoys the support of socialist Democrats, evangelic Republicans, and others seeing the opportunity to redress their grievances.

    Holmes has suggested that the post of the president should be replaced with the post of director and she would serve as the first director of the United States of America. Given the polling at the time this series of articles has concluded, Sutphen's legacy may be being the last president of America.
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  • Fifteen years ago, the United States of America elected its last president.

    Born in 1984, Elizabeth Arianne Holmes grew up in the seat of the old republic, Washington D.C. Her family was well-off and moved around business and political circles, but always as second-stringers. Even today, little can be ascertained about Holmes history due to official misinformation and censorship.

    Holmes learned Hindi and Spanish as a child while toying with programming and biology during her high school years. Reportedly she admired Caan. Caan, despite his odious macho nationalism, inspired admiration from disparate, disaffected groups who wanted a leader to sort everyone out. Holmes who had barely entered puberty during the Caan years decided to pursue psychology and political science.

    Holmes was a quick study of leadership. She picked apart every leader for his or her strengths. Studying political science she noted the wave of authoritarian populism that swept parts of Europe in the nineties, a trend which could lead to seemingly impossible results such as Poland moving back to Russian sphere of influence. America seemed poised for such a moment, especially since the country had increasingly swung to random opposites since at least the Smith years. Democrats were aimless as a big tent party that had no unifying theme except selling a "normal life." Republicans saw off the branch they were thriving on, appealing to the lowest common denominator of their voting groups. The various moderates ineffectively tried to rally around the Liberty party or form bipartisan caucuses. Every election, they would gradually be picked off in favor of loyalty to the Party.

    The common American believed in America, but not the dream. There were now generations of disaffected families. Aging fathers who lost their manufacturing jobs during the seventies and eighties. Their educated children who had to walk dogs and wash windows to survive. Mothers who had to cross state lines for certain health care options. Americans remembered all the half baked ideas over the years. The McLeland public works campaigns. Caan's citizen militias. Robertson's family committees. Even aborted ones such as McAfee's corporatization of security, Keyes simple flat tax, or old ideas such as the gold standard.

    President Sutphen delivered a strength of successes, but the Democrats were seen as the party of oligarchs that courted internationalism and corporations at the cost of the ordinary American. What did GDP growth mean to the thirty-year-old something who had to live inside of a residence car he had multiple loans? Even people who barely owned a Bible supported Robertson for his free college plans. At least they would get something concrete.

    Holmes tapped in that energy with her Refounding Movement. She offered a variety of new and direct solutions, pledging to tap the successful businessman spirit of America for a 21st century Republic. Her fanatical base of followers turned into a virtual army that harassed her critics and destabilized primaries of both parties. The federal institutions had the Movement watchlisted from as early as 2013., noting large purchases of electronics and guns, coupled with erections of closed settlements for the movement supervisors. Her grassroots army swamped the digital arena. Even TV shows were besieged by an army of pro-Holmes supporters.

    The worst error in judgment was when other political groups believed the baby faced woman could be made an ally. The conservatives supported the Second Constitutional Convention as a way to return to the "Christian spirit of the Founders." The Galtonists saw it as a way to eliminate the federal government. The socialists saw it as a way to turn America into a European parliamentary system. Nationalists wanted to make citizenship dependent on ethnic origin. The list went on and on as everyone was against Holmes, but not against all her proposals. Democrats, who had pushed an amendment directed against the electoral college into ratification, turned against the proposal as states once again started ratifying it.

    The 2020 campaign saw Holmes mostly ignore debates, speaking to Americans directly over the Network. She was "above the fray." Her logic was impeccable. If she won, she won. If she lost, she only got more support to abandon the first-past-the-post system. Illinois ratified the Conyers era amendment removing electoral college in September of 2020, causing a constitutional crisis since it technically now had the support of two-thirds of state legislatures. It was legally dubious if a dormant constitutional amendment could come in force. If the establishment demanded state legislatures recommitted their support of the previously dormant amendment, that went in favor of the Second Constitutional Convention. If they went along with it, Holmes could win the presidency with barely any electoral votes. Many Americans remembered the 2008 election vividly, an election widely seen as stolen in favor of the man who would later declare the Apocalypse was on.

    The worst happened and Holmes won 39% of the popular vote in 2020 along with 186 electoral votes. The Congress refused to discuss the apparently ratified 30th Amendment before the elections, causing nationwide protests. The Movement focused on influencing electors, noting that they should follow the 30the Amendment and save American democracy. They were bribed by promising them places in state legislatures and some were blackmailed. Unfortunately, America barely punished faithless electors. Come January 2021, Holmes managed to get 93 faithless electors (which were insufficiently balanced by four turning against her). Elizabeth Holmes became the 49th and last president of the United States at 36 years of age, barely above the minimum age.

    Holmes immediately started to replace the federal government with her cronies on a level unseen since Robertson. But while many of the Robertson appointees were guesswork based on recommendations of other evangelicals and presence in the media, Holmes's allies had their loyalty tested and a modest media presence. Holmes also had no scruples against using any of the emergency powers she had due to the states of national emergency.

    Various national emergencies were declared as responses to shootings, droughts or even layoffs. The public delighted at such reactions from the supreme level of executive power even if experts warned against the private property being commandeered by the federal law in response to crop blights. Holmes targeted several powerful financial funds and seized their property for emergency services, distributing them to finance new federally guaranteed jobs. Federal forfeiture saw special squads seizing assets of organized crime only to distribute it to citizens via rebates.

    What it could not seize, Holmes could freeze. Problematic Americans were "sanctioned" as suspected potential terrorists, barring them from getting a job, a loan, apartment or even using the national health service barring life or death situations. Since the basis for sanctioning was classified as a military secret, the White House was effectively proscribing enemies. Reformist state legislatures used the Insurrection Act of 1807 to practically implement martial law since the laws allowed it to be used to suppress domestic violence and conspiracy. A man hitting a woman and people planning to steal lottery tickets both qualified to invoke military troops on the streets of the entire state. The Movement spread the news that such acts eliminated crime, although in effect they only eliminated news of the crime. Antigovernment protests were deemed as carnaging mobs of people.

    Despite millions of protesting such measures in the street throughout 2021, the Americans soon became apathetic. Protests are powerless if the other side ignores it. Many returned their homes to silently enjoy some of the benefits of the new policies, such as cheap digital access, work-at-home government-guaranteed jobs. The 2022 Federal Transparency Initiative bizarrely enacted having Americans investigate suspected associate of terrorists by giving Americans access to all private information gathered about a citizen. A family from Ohio would log in the evening to read through transcripts of Democrat activists from Vermont, getting to see their telephone logs, their adult entertainment preferences, even their purchase histories. The policy was intended to inflame distrust towards the establishment elite and produced little gain in domestic intelligence analysis while allowing for a wide abuse of power.

    Holmes ignored traditional media in favor of brief bullet-point messages issued through the Emergency Broadcasting System. "Fires in California have been quelled by federal troops." "CompTrain has been placed under federal investigation." "A new public works program has been launched in Mississipi." "Federal funds have been released towards new hospitals in Maryland." The massive abuse of power was technically not illegal as Homes responded to emergencies such as lack of health care, crime or disasters, and only issued brief (but unignorable messages) to smart devices. Even the people wary of her admitted: "she may wrong, but she is doing a lot of good for us."

    The Galtonian presence in the Senate shielded Holmes from impeachment as she was seen as far lesser evil, denying the two thirds necessary for impeachment. Combined Holmes supporters in both House and Senate were a minority, but the federal government and state governments ignored the Congress which in turn had no legal recourse.

    In 2022 Holmes enacted her main promise when official delegations from eight Refounder controlled states convened in Detroit for a new Constitutional Convention, inviting other states to join. This created a massive issue as the states in question basically threatened to suspend upcoming elections until the Constitutional issues were resolved. The Movement was accused of provoking another Civil War, while Liberty party claimed it was trying to prevent one.

    There was no legal precedent to govern the process or even name delegates. The Liberty party simply had state legislatures appoint delegates (politicians, scholars or activists) and send them to Detroit. The delegations numbered over a hundred people on average, giving the appearance of wide representation with Detroit apparently having nearly a thousand delegates. Liberty party and even Freedom and Republican parties form states, where the power was equally divided between parties, sent their own delegations (or better said, delegations in question appointed themselves without the approval of state legislatures). The Convention then moved to Philadelphia where federal troops had to secure the city against civil unrest.

    The 2022 elections had the Liberty party sweep nearly every race, suspiciously correlated with the presence of automatic voting machines. There were also larger than usual returns from Americans abroad and reports of dead Americans apparently having voted according to official rolls, including former presidents Caan and Kardashian. The Supreme Court was bombed by black radical activists in December with seven Justices dead and the remaining ones in critical care (although there is considerable debate if they were not forcefully placed in a coma). Holmes refused to nominate anyone to the court, demanding nationwide elections for the new Justices. When the new Congress went into session, guards prevented many of the incumbent Democrats and Republicans to enter the chamber. Senate had no quorum while House was simply dominated by Movement representatives which proceeded to hammer a new legislative agenda, giving the office of the president wide temporary authorities.

    The 2023 saw "Year One" - nationwide elections for every governorship, nearly every state or federal seat, as well as elections for the supreme and federal court positions. The loyalist to the republic cried foul as the Congress immediately entered a forced recess. Accompanying them was the election of delegates for the Constitutional Reevaluation Convention, a technically non-binding body. The delegates were to be voted on by a preferential basis, with every voter allowed to nominate up to 50 delegates which meant the voting for delegates was an incredible logistical nightmare with hundreds of candidates on the ballot.

    The new elections still failed to produce a decisive Holmes majority in the Congress but ensured sufficient control of 28 states. The Conclusions from the Constitutional Reevaluation Convention in 2024 were fast-tracked for ratification by the state legislatures. The new Supreme Court sanctioned the Conclusions of the Convention as binding with Congress in indefinite recess, allowing vast and sweeping changes to the United States of America.

    The amendments were rolled into "Articles of Opportunities" with some being left out or drastically reworded. The post of the president of the United States of America was reorganized as the post of the Executive Director of the United States of America, elected by a direct vote. Senators went back to being appointed by the state legislatures and their number increased to 3 per state. Proportional representation on a state level was introduced with a 10% electoral bar. The Director could launch federal referendums (accompanied by ballot initiatives if they got 10% support of eligible voters) with approval a majority approval of the Congress or either Supreme Court. District of Columbia was named the state of Hamilton, Puerto Rico and Virgin Islands were admitted as Puerto Rico, and the Pacific territories of Samoa, Guam and the Mariana Islands were admitted as Adamia. Federal tax income was rewritten with taxes being automatically paid during all transactions in drastically simplified code with Americans guaranteed refund calculation every three months. Congress transitioned to the collective leadership of five, with many congressional committees being turned into federal committees jointly appointed by the Director.

    Illegal immigrants were given probational citizenship based on performing community service as reparations to America for their illegal status - this effectively transitioned into indefinite forced labor at minimum wages for the government in low paying jobs and soon transitioned into cheap manufacturing force for factories. Gun owners had to agree to yearly federal training and evaluation and to register as sanctioned citizen militia members if possessing anything more than a handgun. Although freedom of contraception was federally guaranteed, the protection of abortion rights introduced a novelty of allowing only one non-medical abortion per citizen with any potential additional non-medical abortions having to be appealed at a court. Equality of rights was redefined as equality of opportunity for citizens and various discrimination provisions were reworded so that they allowed considerable freedom of choice to private citizens. Citizens were given government jobs as a mandatory recompense for unemployment benefits. They included public works or work at home jobs entering or checking data.

    The 2024 presidential elections were the last of its kind and the only presidential elections based on popular vote. Holmes won nearly 60% of the vote and data show if the electoral college had continued, she would have swept nearly 500 votes. In 2028, Holmes was elected as the first Executive Director in an election marked with irregularities, winning 56% of the vote. The terms for Executive Director last two years and are only limited by the Supreme Court having to approve additional term limits past the fourth one. This potentially allows Holmes to continue ruling the United States of America for next 40 of 50 years, based on her health.

    Internationally, America became a highly disliked superpower. The massive expansion of drone warfare replaced American military interventions with automated death from the skies. European League constituted their own NATO command and the alliance continues on very basic grounds. America has engaged in dubious environmental policy, reducing its footprint through bureaucratic magic while exploring geoengineering as a possible service to bill the world. A Medium Earth Orbit mirror is planned for completion in 2031, aimed to reduce sunlight in North America and lower temperatures. HFC emissions are once again rising in the United States due to deregulation and public consensus that the ozone layer does not affect America. A controversial hydroengineering project in Great Lakes area is in the implementation phase over objections of scientists and Canada after the 2026 cascading drought.

    America has purchased Falklands from the United Kingdom which the USA is encouraging to transition to a republic (not an unlikely event ever since the close referendums in 2010 and 2023). Holmes has tried to purchase Arctic territory from Canada and abrogated the Antarctica treaty with treaties purchasing over most of Australian claims in 2028 and 2029. Hong Kong (which is under American administration since the Smith era) has applied for statehood but the USA is reluctant to further anger China, especially the belligerent Golden Emperor. Antarctica is frequently called the future state of Holmes. About one-third of Antarctica is indeed administered as an organized territory with a population of about 400 people, mostly military and scientists. Overtures towards Azores and Greenland are ignored by the European League and there is growing concern over American willingness to buy new territories, based on no consistent strategy. Holmes has at one point tried to leverage the UN into turning over the Suez Free Territory to the United States which led to the General Assembly temporarily moving to Neu Nürnberg.

    The United States is often blamed for the massive disinformation campaign abroad. According to some estimates, up to 8 million Americans work at least part-time willing propagandists in cyberspace. The impact has mostly been devastating in the anglosphere with a persistent belief America is behind the Australian Boargate and New Zealand Census Boycotts. Relations with Japan are tenuous since the United States refuses to leave Okinawa and Japan has conducted three nuclear tests since the Great Standoff began. Holmes has been noted to dream of a vague United States of Earth, but America has withdrawn from certain areas of the world, downsizing the number of military bases and in some cases even extracting additional concessions to maintain them. American drone fleet is basically seen a pay per kill service in the Middle East and West Africa. Holmes has also endorsed the use of thermobaric weapons even in cases when their application is pointless. Holmes continues to believe those are nonnuclear nuclear weapons.

    Domestically Holmes is indulging in various radical innovative projects. Ever since the 2027 breakthrough, she has proposed a plan of national epigenetic engineering to give every American unending supply of deciduous teeth (also known as "death to dentists") through the national health service. America is on track to eliminate LAS through vaccinations, although a significant minority is evading the vaccinations on moral grounds. American pharma has been accused of being backed by state cyberwarfare to prevent competitors from reverse engineering generics. The latest triumph of the American industry, the antiplaquoids ("antisenility drugs") are expected to reach a 10 billion dollar value by 2033. American pharma has been hostile to Europe ever since it lost the primacy in cannabinoid derived medication for depression, trauma, and schizophrenia.

    Holmes has controversially claimed that the RCUNBIT (Recursive Nuclear Bioimaging Technology) will be able to scientifically determine the start of higher brain activity by 2035, regardless of the tremendous religious crisis such a finding would implicate, given it is equated with the soul. There is considerable speculation that the proposed quantum effects are not detectable via external scanning on a macroscopic scale.

    Domestically, Rapture evangelicals, liberal guerillas and other discontents are prosecuted by the federal government and censored into becoming limited citizens. There are growing self-sufficient communities popping up in northern America, with religious Americans moving from the South where there are exposed to climate disasters to a more moderate north. Reports claim the NSA has infiltrated most dissident organizations and is keeping watch on their effectiveness. The Liberty Party commands 35 to 40% of the votes on the national level and usually manages to get the support of Galtonists and Progressives. Republicans have rebranded themselves as the careful traditional party while the Democrats have split into two major wings, the Democratic Equity and the Democratic Tradition which mostly differ on statism and a possible return to the Second Constitution. The rise of the National Truth movement, a collection of cynical attention mongers (trolls), conspiracy peddlers and rejects from the Freedom Party has captured roughly around 15% of the vote, preventing for the time being a serious anti-Holmes block. There is evidence that the same government supporters fund the National Truth movement as a patsy opposition party to encourage disunity. A possible Freedom-Truth block could arise to challenge Liberty party but would be ungovernable besides attempting anarchy.

    The return to the first-past-the-post system is highly unpopular and proportional voting remains the basis of the Holmes regime for the time being, along with massive suspected voter fraud and ballot manipulation. A recent ballot initiative may restore the office of the president of the United States but as the head of Congress. If the initiative succeeds, the next president of the United States would likely be the current Senior Chair of Congress Leadership, Representative Andrew Cunanan.

    As the legacy of the Soviet Union is a nuclear backed third world country facing demographic extinction, the United States of the old has been unnecessarily succeeded by a regime that simultaneously boasts of replacing rights with opportunities, having created a chimera run by a populist who runs the country from an Oval office removed of all decoration bar a plaque on the opposite wall. The wall contains two mottos: E Pluribus Unum and What can we do when we know we cannot fail?"
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    CommonPedia List of Presidents of USA since World War Two (incomplete)
  • NamePartyPresidency StartPresidency EndD.O.B.D.O.D.Vice-President(s)MetaHist Score (2020)Defeated
    32.Franklin Delano Roosevelt Democrat1932194518821946John Nance Garner (1933-1941)
    Henry A. Wallace (1941-1945)
    William Douglas (1945-1945)
    82% positiveHerbert Hoover (R)
    Alf Landon (R)
    Wendell Willkie (R)**
    33.James F. ByrnesDemocrat1945194918821970Jesse H. Jones (1945-1947)
    Henry H. Kaiser
    61% positive-
    34.Thomas E. DeweyRepublican1949195319021972Charles Halleck (1949-1952)
    John Foster Dulles (1952-1953)
    68% positiveJames F. Byrnes (D)
    35.Robert F. WagnerDemocrat1953195718771957Estes Kefauver (1953-1956)
    Alfred M. Gruenther (1956-1957)
    54% positiveThomas E. Dewey (R)
    36.Alfred M. GruentherDemocrat1957196518991968Adlai Stevenson (1957-1962)
    William Averell Harriman (1962-1968)
    76% positiveJohn W. Bricker (R)
    37.Barry M. Goldwater Republican1965196719091967Margaret Chase Smith (1965-1967)71% positiveWilliam Scranton (D)
    38.Margaret Chase SmithRepublican1967197718971980Milton Young (1967-1972)61% positiveThomas Lynch (D)
    William Stratton (D)
    39.Richard ViguerieRepublican1977197819331990Jesse Alexander Helms Jr. (1977-1978)12% positiveRobert F. Kennedy (D)
    40.Jesse Alexander Helms Jr.Republican1978198119212006Alan Shephard (D) (1979-1981)25% positive-
    41.John James Conyers Jr.Democrat1981198919292017Jerry Brown (1981-1984)
    Karl Rolvaag (1984-1986)
    Shirley Chisolm (1986-1986)
    Nick Galifianakis (1986-1989)
    46% positive
    Jesse Alexander Helmes Jr. (R) / Connally-Romney (L/I)
    Melvin Laird (R)
    42.Edward Michael Harrington Jr.Democrat1989199319281999Daniel Ken Inouye (1989-1993)32% positiveMidge Decter Podhoretz (R)
    43.James Edmund CaanRepublican1993200119402004?John Danforth (1993-1994
    Richard Lugar (1994-1995)
    Norvell William Emerson (1995-1997)
    Bob Riley (1997-1997)
    Terry Edward Branstad (1997-1999)
    Fred Thompson (1999-2001)
    45% positiveClaiborne Pell (D)
    Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. (D)
    44.Robert George KardashianDemocrat2001200519442010Patrick Joseph Leahy (2001-2005)49% positiveCornelius Alexander McGillicuddy III (R)
    45.John David McAfee Republican2005200519452005Marion Gordon 'Pat' Robertson (2005-2005)5% positiveRobert George Kardashian (D)
    46.Marion Gordon 'Pat' RobertsonRepublican200520121930Allen Bernard West (2005-2013)16% positiveAlan Keyes (D) / Jay Bybee (L)
    47.Allen Bernard WestRepublican201220131961-80% positive-
    48.Mona K. SutphenDemocrat201320211967Alan Brinkley (2013-2014)
    Austan Dean Golsbee (2016-2018)
    Joseph Jimenez (2018-2021)
    91% positiveAllen Bernard West (R)
    Judd Asher Nelson (R)
    49.Elizabeth Arianne HolmesLiberty20211984Kevin S. FowlerSteve Osborn (F)
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