TL-191: After the End

.By 2023, the Midsouth, which consists of the former CSA except for Sonora, Chihuahua, Cuba, and the Republic of Texas, has not recovered demographically or economically from the First Great War, the Red Rebellion, the Second Great War, the Destruction, or the flight of over three million people from the former CSA, mostly to Texas, in the first generation following the SGW.

Beginning in the 1980s, large numbers of people began to leave the Midsouth for other regions of the Union for economic reasons. By 2023, there are large enclaves of migrants from the Midsouth, known as “Dixielands,” in many northern and western US cities.
How are the Dixielands viewed in those cities? Do people in the south resent them for leaving?
When it was rebuilt, was any effort made to preserve Paris’s original appearance.

Also, what does Traflagar Square look like in comparison to its counterpart IOTL?

After the end of the Second Great War, efforts were made to restore and preserve the buildings and monuments of prewar Paris.

Trafalgar Square was rebuilt after the end of the Second Great War, as part of the reconstruction of London. By 2023, there are memorials on Trafalgar Square to those lost in the two Great Wars and the German superbomb attacks in 1944.
And were many famous landmarks reconstruckted? Buckingham? Westminster Abbey was probably reconstructed since it has been extremely important church for English/British royals at least since days of William the Conqueror.

The prewar monuments and landmarks of London were rebuilt and restored after the end of the Second Great War.
How are the Founding Fathers remembered in the USA today?

By 2023, US historians and the general public hold favorable views towards the US Founding Fathers, though to differing degrees. Some of the Founding Fathers, such as John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston, received greater scholarly and popular attention in the United States in the 19th Century and 20th Century compared to our world.
How are the Dixielands viewed in those cities? Do people in the south resent them for leaving?

By 2023, it depends on the city and circumstances. The initial waves of migrants from the Midsouth were viewed with suspicion and prejudice in some US cities, as a legacy of the Second Great War. The arrival of large numbers of people from the Midsouth in a relatively short timespan to cities like Boston or Chicago or New York City or Los Angeles also wasn’t free of cultural clashes. The novels, poetry, films, and music of the people who moved to different Dixielands or grew up in them in the late 20th Century and early 21st Century reflected these experiences and themes.

While the vast majority of migrants from the Midsouth were law abiding, some Dixieland enclaves had problems caused by the emergence of the different Roundhead gangs, or the presence of different Dixie Mafia outfits. Roundhead ganfs gained a notorious national reputation after their role in the West Philadelphia Riots in 2007.

The different Dixie Mafia outfits gained notoriety in the United States in the for their well-deserved reputations for brutality, and later for the role of certain outfits in the Dixie Mafia Scandal, which led to the collapse of the Holst administration in the 2020s.

No one in the Midsouth really resented migrants for leaving for other regions of the United States, at least after the initial waves of migration in the 1980s. By 2023, there are still high levels of out-migration from the Midsouth, which hasn’t been interrupted by the Great Housing Crash.
By 2023, US historians and the general public hold favorable views towards the US Founding Fathers, though to differing degrees. Some of the Founding Fathers, such as John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Samuel Adams, John Hancock, John Jay, Benjamin Franklin, Robert Morris, Roger Sherman, and Robert Livingston, received greater scholarly and popular attention in the United States in the 19th Century and 20th Century compared to our world.
I imagine Thomas Jefferson isn't viewed as positively in OTL, considering his hypocrisy of condemning slavery while being a slave owner himself and his potentially nonconsensual intimacy with Sally Hemmings.
I imagine Thomas Jefferson isn't viewed as positively in OTL, considering his hypocrisy of condemning slavery while being a slave owner himself and his potentially nonconsensual intimacy with Sally Hemmings.

By 2023, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, James Monroe, and George Washington are not viewed as positively in the United States by scholars or the general public as in our world.
.By 2023, the Midsouth, which consists of the former CSA except for Sonora, Chihuahua, Cuba, and the Republic of Texas, has not recovered demographically or economically from the First Great War, the Red Rebellion, the Second Great War, the Destruction, or the flight of over three million people from the former CSA, mostly to Texas, in the first generation following the SGW.

Beginning in the 1980s, large numbers of people began to leave the Midsouth for other regions of the Union for economic reasons. By 2023, there are large enclaves of migrants from the Midsouth, known as “Dixielands,” in many northern and western US cities.
So, can it be assumed that the level of deprivation, especially in the rural areas, of the Midsouth is equivalent to that of the most backward regions of present day former Soviet Union in OTL?

And speaking of Russia, what country IOTL is the Russian Republic comparable to in 2023 development-wise?
So, can it be assumed that the level of deprivation, especially in the rural areas, of the Midsouth is equivalent to that of the most backward regions of present day former Soviet Union in OTL?

And speaking of Russia, what country IOTL is the Russian Republic comparable to in 2023 development-wise?

By 2023, the Midsouth of the United States is not analogous in terms of economic development to the worst areas of the former USSR. But the Midsouth isn’t as economically wealthy as the US South from our world.

By 2023, the Human Development Index of the Russian Republic is analogous to the the HDI of Italy by 2021 in our world. One reason why the Russian Republic is economically wealthier compared to the Russian Federation IOTL is because the nation avoided decades of Communist rule.
This may be broad, but what is comedy like in the USA ITTL? Is absurdism, black comedy or dry humor (like OTL's British comedy) popular in the US? Does comedy even exist in the US of TTL given how it was highly influenced by Germany? (badum-ch)
In 2023 which overseas territories do German and Austria-Hungary still directly rule?

Which countries in that German economic union still have the Kaiser as a head of state? In those countries that do have the Kaiser as head of state is there any desire to remove him as head of government like some IRL commonwealth countries have done with the British monarch?
This may be broad, but what is comedy like in the USA ITTL? Is absurdism, black comedy or dry humor (like OTL's British comedy) popular in the US? Does comedy even exist in the US of TTL given how it was highly influenced by Germany? (badum-ch)

Comedy in the United States, as in our would, was shaped by vaudeville in the early 20th Century, which also gave the United States some of its earliest film and radio stars. I don’t know if the same comedic writers and performers who influenced the genre in OTL existed and had similar careers in TTL.

While comedy was a popular genre across different artistic mediums in the United States, it was also impacted by a wider culture that was more conformist and militarized than in our world. This is not a culture that would have been particularly welcoming by the late 20th Century to comedians like Lenny Bruce, Richard Pryor, or George Carlin from OTL.

US comedies in the 20th Century weren’t absent entirely of critiques or mockery of society and the powers-that-be, but usually didn’t reach a point of mocking and deconstructing all elements of US society, Black comedies are present in US culture, and were particularly pronounced in the 1970s during the height of the American Nihilist cultural trend. One genre where black comedies tend to be more pronounced by 2023 is speculative fiction. Greg Bliss, the author considered by cultural historians to be the effective founder of the modern spec fic genre, included aspects in some of his novels and short stories that would be recognized from OTL as being rooted in this kind of cynical humor.

Many of the best comedies in the United States are analogous in themes or plot to works like Noises Off or It’s a Mad, Mad, Mad, Mad World from OTL. In other words, works that imagine what would happen if everything that could go wrong in a “normal” society were to happen all at once. In some of these kinds of works, there’s also a degree of bitterness and sadness, such as the film North Orleans, which was written and directed by Annabelle Marchbanks and released in 2001.

By 2023, there is some overlap in different artistic mediums in the United Stares between the genres of comedy and horror. The play Insect, which was written and directed by playwright John Lastra and premiered in 2018, was intended as a kind of psychological horror story, in imagining the total destruction and collapse of one person because of insane circumstances. While the play was a surprise success on Broadway and on later national tours, some critics and audience members interpreted Insect as a comedy instead of horror, to Lastra’s frustration. The play Insect would inspire similar works of psychological horror, and also works that played up the dark comedic aspects of this horror sub-genre.
In 2023 which overseas territories do German and Austria-Hungary still directly rule?

Which countries in that German economic union still have the Kaiser as a head of state? In those countries that do have the Kaiser as head of state is there any desire to remove him as head of government like some IRL commonwealth countries have done with the British monarch?

By 2023, the German Empire includes Sierra Leone [OTL Sierra Leone], Togoland [OTL Togo], and Elfenbeinkuste [OTL Côte d'Ivoire]. The German Empire also controls Saint Helena, Ascension Island, the Tristan da Cunha Islands, Zanzibar, Pemba, Comoros, Mauritius, the Chagos Archipelago, Maore [OTL Mayotte], and Samoa. The German Empire also has a territorial claim in Antarctica.

By 2023, the Austro-Hungarian Empire includes Malta, Reunion, and Seychelles. The Austro-Hungarian Empire also has a territorial claim in Antarctica.

Gibraltar is jointly controlled by the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.

By 2023, the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire also have a permanent presence on the Moon and maintain space stations that orbit the Earth.

By 2023, all of the nations of the German Economic Association have the Kaiser as their head of state, though almost all nations of the German Economic Association also have political factions opposed to having this kind of official political connection to the German Empire.
@David bar Elias
How much nuclear testing was conducted ITTL compared to ours? What was the largest yield used of any bomb, both in war or tested, and who detonated it? Which countries are the established nuclear powers and how much of a difference is that moniker ITTL?
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in 2023 what countries are the main geopolitical rivals of the US? What are the US's main security concerns?

Also does Russia still see itself as the protector of all slavs? What is its relationship with the other slavic countries?
in 2023 what countries are the main geopolitical rivals of the US? What are the US's main security concerns?

Also does Russia still see itself as the protector of all slavs? What is its relationship with the other slavic countries?

By 2023, most US national security concerns are rooted in an endless military and technological competition with the other great powers. Some of these rivalries with the other great powers are friendlier than others. The government of the United States is primarily focused on defending US territory and the members of the CDS.

The United States has an unfriendly rivalry with Bharat. The diplomatic ties between the two nations were already strained in the decades following the Fourth Pacific War, because of US diplomatic and military support for China in the Tibetan War and the US military presence in the Southeast Asian members of the CDS.

In spite of these unfriendly diplomatic ties, no one in the post-Fourth Pacific War governments of Bharat wanted to fight a war against the United States. The defeat of the Japanese Empire in the Fourth Pacific War was one of the reasons for this policy of restraint. The Bharatis refused to support the government of the Indonesian Republic in the Malacca Strait Crisis in the late 1980s, which almost led to a war between Indonesia and the United States over the membership of Singapore in the CDS.

In the early 2010s, diplomatic ties between Bharat and the United States deteriorated following the US military victory in the Sudanese War and the membership of the Somali Republic in the CDS, which led to the deployment of US and CDS military forces to East Africa and the US Navy in the Indian Ocean.

The United States also remains a member of the Pacific Economic and Security Accord (PESA) with China and Russia, which was directed against the Japanese Worker’s Republic and is now directed against the Ecological Union. China and the United States also cooperate through the PESA against Bharat, though Russia does not.

By 2023, the Russian government doesn’t pursue a pan-Slavic diplomatic policy. This is because this kind of foreign policy would probably lead to conflict with the German Empire and the Austro-Hungarian Empire.