Thousand-Week Reich - A 'realistic' Nazi victory scenario

Here is a small infographics that i made for a modern russian republic (soviets still exist btw)

So how would geoplitics work pst-Thousand Weeks with the US as the world's only superpower? Would we see a sort of Long 1990s, or would China rise earlier with no Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, and a civil war that ends a couple years earlier and leaves them more integrated into the global market?
So how would geoplitics work pst-Thousand Weeks with the US as the world's only superpower? Would we see a sort of Long 1990s, or would China rise earlier with no Great Leap Forward and Cultural Revolution, and a civil war that ends a couple years earlier and leaves them more integrated into the global market?
It might be a long 90s in the sense of being seen as a victory for capitalism, as iirc China is a capitalist liberal republic iitl, as well as China being more powerful being counteracted by Europe being a wreck and incapable of exerting any external influence.
It might be a long 90s in the sense of being seen as a victory for capitalism, as iirc China is a capitalist liberal republic iitl, as well as China being more powerful being counteracted by Europe being a wreck and incapable of exerting any external influence.

China ends up officially a democracy but it's relatively illiberal and dominated by the KMT for a long time.

There is a bit of a long-90s after the 60s though, yeah, with a powerful American hegemony that starts to wane relatively speaking into the 70s and 80s because other countries begin to recover and catch up.
A scenario generator for TWR exists.
I gobbled something together out of several scenarios. The idea was, that it includes elemants frrom a TWR-future compass, as there are:
US-atlantic New World Order
People´s Germany dominates Europe
Threesided Cold War
Socialist Asian Liberation

Like I said, its in the moment just elements from the scenario generator.
My own ideas I will write later.

The Third Reich is no more. Europa Libre!

Hitler's Thousand Year Reich couldn't survive past him. Already before his death(without nominating a successor), Nazi Germany was filled with rampart factionalism. After Hitler died, these factions started the brutal second German civil war and thus signed their own death sentence. As the civil war dragged on, other rebellions popped up too. The Reichkommissariats lost all meaningful contact with Germany and collapsed to superior rebel forces while inside Metropolitan Germany, massive rebellions sprung up in Poland, Switzerland, the Benelux and other areas. Even worse, sensing its weakness, the Toronto accord pact(USA, UK and minor allies) invaded the Reich. Despite the intervention by such a powerful outside force, the German civil war factions failed to unite and eventually were all destroyed one by one by the TA.

After the German civil war dragged on, an unexpectedly massive rebellion sprung up. Unlike the others however, this was a revolt by Germans. All kinds of resistance forces and fringe groups from the ultra-conservatives to the extreme-left united under the anti-Nazi banner as people's Germany. With the TA victories increasing day by day, the People's German revolt also increased in power and eventually occupied Germania city. When the TA finally catipulated the Reich, power was handed over to People's Germany and fresh elections were held soon after.

Shortly after the People's German government took power, the TA held a conference to decide its new borders with Poland.

German border: Pre WW1 German empire borders.

Germany is led by the conservative Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of the Demokratische Partei.

The Union of Zapadoslavia(of Poles and Czechs and Slovaks) is led by the Maoist General Secretary Kazimierz Mijal of the KPP.

After the destruction of Reichkommissariat Ostland, the region was divided between two cordial liberators. The Baltic confederation ruled from Riga and the Belarusian Socialist Republic ruled from Minsk.

The Baltic confederation is led by a paternal autocratic Baltic Council which vows to care for its citizens and defend against German reconquests.

The Belarusian Socialist Republic is led by Marxist-Leninist Chairman Panteleimon Ponomarenko of the KPB party.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the Ostland colonial forces adopted the worst scorched earth policy known to human history. The Germans used chlorine gas on rebels, shot any unarmed natives they could find, burnt all industrial infrastructure, residential buildings, farms and killed all livetsock and bombed all bridges and communication towers.

The Ukrainian Soviet Republic is led by marxist-leninist General Secretary Nicolai Podgorny. He came to power after defeating German and far-right nationalist forces.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the colonial government attempted to hand over power to local collaborators before fleeing. The move ultimately failed as all these collaborators were either too weak to fight or turned traitor after the Germans left.

Following the collapse of all German authority and the failure of the various rebel groups to form a stable government, the land of Reichkommissariat Moskowein was invaded by the Russian government to the east and conquered. Moscow is once again the capital of Russia.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the colonial government was thrown in total disarray. Many left the colony before the rebels could gain ground while others fought to the bitter end and used scorched earth tactics to deny victory to their opponents.

Following the collapse of all German authority and the failure of the various rebel groups to form a stable government, the land of Reichkommissariat Kaukasus was invaded by the Russian government to the east and conquered.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

During the brutal struggle against all the revolutionaries and rebels in 1953, the Reichkommissariat troops used Chlorine gas on partisan groups and then resorted to burning oil wells as part of a total war. So many oil derricks and wells have been burnt(many are still burning) that the once oil rich region has been reduced to a husk.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has defeated all the right and left wing warlords to the east, conquered the petty governments of the Urals and Transvolga and united all patriotic Russians under one flag. It is presently led by the Orthodox Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Suslov.
Belarus, Ukraine and the Kaukasus have rejoined the USSR.

Notes on the regime

1)The Orthodoxists reject radical changes to the old soviet system, seeing them as 'Unsoviet'. All the old systems and policies have been kept untouched.


Following its liberation from the Nazis, the Kingdom of Denmark is ruled by King Frederick IX while parliament is led by Prime minister Hans Hedtoft of the social democratic party.

The Kingdom of Sweden is ruled by King Gustaf VI Adolf. Parliament is led by Prime minister Jarl Hjalmarson of the conservative party.

Following its liberation from the Nazis, the Kingdom of Norway is ruled by King Olav V while parliament is headed by Prime minister Einar Gerhardsen of the social democratic party.

The Republic of Finland is led by the liberal President Irma Karvikko of the Kansallinen Edistyspuolue(National Progressive Party). Her government has pursued closer ties with Sweden and opened Finland up to the liberal west .

Following its liberation from Nazism, the Swiss confederation is led by a conservative Federal council.

The Kingdom of Belgium is ruled by King Leopold III while real power is held by a paternal autocratic military junta under General Strydonch de Burkel.

The Kingdom of Netherlands is ruled by Queen Juliana while parliament is led by Prime minister Hubertus van Mook of the liberal centrist party.

The United Kingdom is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. Peter Thorneycroft of the monetarist-Conservative party is Prime minister. Thorneycroft came to power after a national scandal involving PM Rab Butler which ended in his resignation. The new PM has reverted all of Butler's social policies like the building of 300000 homes every year, implementation of state-funded education and has made Britain a true conservative nation.

The 50s was an era of economic recovery for Britain. This recovery was achieved by a mass privatization effort. Regulations were loosened, investments from foreign and domestic corporations were encouraged, British engineering was given a large boost through various policies. Much of this privatization effort was achieved on the backs of foreign companies who hold much influence within the economy of the nation.

In the early 50s, the United Kingdom entered into a quest for oil in Iran. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi agreed to sign oil deals with the UK and cut ties with Germany.

The French State is led by the paternal autocratic President Charles Nogues of the Gouvernement Francais party.

Notes on life under Nogues

1)Under Nogues, France has followed a very conservative, traditional and moral 'Return to Earth' policy. According to the policy, France's great position in Europe was ruined by the urban elites and new age artists and thinkers of the last century. Nogues has instead taken France on a new course where the the rural farmers and the military are the main actors in French policy. France under Nogues is extremely democratic at the local level and authoritarian at the national level.

2)Under the new government France has initiated a Natalist policy where births are encouraged and so are traditional family values. Women are encouraged to bear strong and healthy children to make up for France's low population growth in the 19th and early 20th century.

3)Economically Nogues has encouraged corporations and companies to look for investment in France's future for improving its economy and for their own profit. Thus its a corporate favouring mixed economy.

3)Under Nogues, France has become the vegetable garden of Europe thanks to rapid investment in agriculture.

The Spanish State is ruled by the Fascist President Francisco Franco of the FET y de las JONS party. Since the mid 50s, Franco has empowered the Falangists within the party. He has designed a new social security system, increased worker wages, and weakened the central leadership to accomodate for an oldshirt-dominated Cortes while maintaining international neutrality and economic autarky. Girón de Velasco has been declared as his successor.

The Portuguese Republic is led by the conservative President Jose Norton de Matos of the Partdio Republicano Nacionalista. He came to power after a democratic election initiated by Humberto da Silva Delgado(The fearless general) who seized power after toppling and exiling the despotic rule of Antonio Salazar following the loss of Angola.

Ireland is led by the conservative Prime minister Eamon de Valera of the Fianna Fail party.

Following the Reich's collapse, Fascist Italy came under increasing pressure from the TA to dismantle its evil empire. The Italian refusal led to war in which Italy was defeated easily. Fascism was destroyed and an American puppet Italian Republic was established.

The Italian Republic is led by the social democratic Prime minister Aldo Moro of the Democrazia Christiana party.


Yugoslavia dominates the Balkans.
Info on Yugoslav borders(compared to 1952)

1)Contains Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Dalmatia and Banat(except for Romanian Banat).

2)Ex-Hungarian territory of Vojvodina.
The Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Aleksandar Rankovic of the Communist party of Yugoslavia.

Since its victory against Romania in 1953, Hungary has annexed its pre WW1 borders from Romania and reigned as the dominant regional power and the war reparations it claimed from Romania have provided a much needed boost to its economy.

The Kingdom of Hungary is ruled by King Otto II von Habsburg. Parliament is led by Prime minister Istvan Horthy of the United Democratic party.

The Kingdom of Romania is a democratic constitutional kingdom ruled by King Michael I. Parliament is led by Prime minister Gheorghe Tatarescu of the National Liberal party.

The Tsardom of Bulgaria is ruled by the ceremonial Tsarina Marie I. Parliament is led by Prime minister Ivan Bagrianov of the Liberal 'Party for free Bulgaria'.

Albania is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Enver Hoxha of the Albanian party of Labor

The Kingdom of Greece is ruled by King Paul of Greece . Parliament is led by Prime minister Georgius Papandreou of the Liberal Centre Union Party.

The United States of America is led by President W. Averell Harriman of the Democratic party.

Notes on the presidency

1)The new President has increased welfare spending and science funding while McArthur's previous intertstate highway project has been deprioritised.

The reelection in the 1960 election has allowed the party to continue its policies.

Previous President: Douglas MacArthur - Republican(1952-1956).

Notes on MacArthur's 1952-1956 presidency

1)MacArthur's term in the White House was one of zero appeasement. Enemies of democracy and liberty were given no respite and America quickly became the world's bastion of freedom. Additionally the American dream with a house, a backyard, a dog and a white picket fence was promoted and steps were taken to give it a boost.

2)Under McArthur welfare was expanded even more despite earlier Republican complaints about FDR's new deal.

3)Work was started on building inter-state highways and the most important ones on the east and west coast were completed.

The United Mexican States is led by the conservative President Efrain Gonzalez Luna of the Partido Accion Nacional. Under the conservatives, Mexico has transformed into a heavily pro-American and Catholic state. Industries have been rapidly privatized, American corporation investments are encouraged, Mexico has joined the Toronto Accords and a 'Central-American Economic Union' has been created with American assistance.
On the domestic side the Catholic church has been given various rights as it possessed in the days of old, indigenous tribes are encouraged to convert to Christianity and big government has been minimized in favour of more federalization.

The Republic of Cuba is led by the Fascist President Carlos Prio Socarras of the PRC-A party.

The Republic of Brazil is led by the conservative President Getulio Vargas of the Partido social democratico party. Vargas is now in his third democratic term but has been ruling Brazil in democratic or non-democratic forms for a large part of the past 2 decades.

1)Vargas's rule is right wing populism. Under his regime, Brazil has seen much progress by the implementation of a national economy and import licensing without total nationalization. Below is a list of his achievements.

2)Petrobas has been established for the national production and sale of oil guided by the government. This allows the nation to be the biggest dealer of Brazilian oil and prevent it from falling in the hands of a few.

3)The Fernao Dias highway and the Paulo Afonso dam have been constructed. The former links Brazil to its Amazonian interior and the latter is an electric miracle. Energy production has been completely nationalized recently.

4)The Brazilian coffee institute has been established to control the production and sale of coffee.

5)Communist and socialist parties have been criminalized. The workers however continue to support Vargas because of his worker-employer cooperation economy. Planned cities have also been constructed to give everyone a roof over their head and agriculture is guided by government reforms and tax waivers.

6)On the international side, Brazil has moved closer to the USA and joint military exercisces are also conducted.

In the middle east, the destruction of the Syrian national state has opened a power void.

Syria has been annexed by the Iraqis

Status of ex-Syrian territories

1)The northern territories of Aleppo and Deir-Az-Zur have been annexed by Turkey.

2)Lebanon has been liberated from Syria. The Lebanese Republic is a confederational(Israel-Palestine) puppet led by the liberal President Fuad Chehab of the LDP party.

Israel is led by the social democratic President David Ben Gurion of the Mapai party. It controls the territories of Galilee and Rehovot.

Jerusalem is a free city jointly administered by Israel and Palestine and overseen by the UK which has created the confederation in the first place.

Palestine is led by the conservative President Fakhri Nashashibi of the NDP party.

Baathist Arab Republic encompassing Iraq and Jordan is led by the socialist President Fuad al-Rikabi of the Baath party. Having come to power after a revolution(and secretly backed by Washington DC), the party has since purged its enemies and enacted many socialist policies like a state controlled economy and a social works project to raise employment.

The Republic of Turkey is led by the conservative President Adnan Menderes of the DP party. Turkey remains non-aligned

Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi are still ruled from London.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is ruled by the paternal autocratic Sultan Abdulaziz al-Saud.

The Sultanate of Oman is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Said bin Taimur.

The Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Ahmad bin Yahya.

The Kingdom of Egypt is ruled by the pro-British paternal autocratic King Farouk I. Following a massive revolution in the mid 50s, Farouk was reinstated by the throne by the British who defeated the revolutionaries in exchange for Farouk's promises of rapid reform.

The Republic of China is led by a paternal autocratic fanatical military junta under General He Yingqing of the Huangpu Clique.

Notes on the regime

1)The Huangpu clique was the largest military clique in China during Chiang's rule and came to power after leading a military coup following China's disastrous failure in Vietnam. Immediately after taking power, the general sacked hundreds of politicians and shot thousands of public servants who posed even the most minor threats to his power.

2)Under the Huanpu clique, China is a 'Military First' society and is inspired by Prussia. A military cabinet system dominates politics and all branches of governances are centralized under it. The economy is geared towards the massive military industrial complex and military spending is top priority. Morever, top military generals are kept happy with massive grants from the central government.

3)On the civilian side, a perpetual martial law has been established and communists, democrats and other miscreants have no future in the new China.

After a year of bitter fightng, the Sino-Vietnamese war ended in an armistice. Under increasing pressure from home and abroad China agreed to the treaty which divided Vietnam between a Chinese puppet north and a socialist south. It also led to the fall of Chiang Kai-shek's government in Beijing a few months later.

The north is controlled by the Chinese puppet Vietnamese Republic from its capital at Dong Bac. It is led by the paternal autocratic President Vu Hong Khanh of the VNQDD(Traditional) party.

The south is controlled by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from its capital at Saigon. It is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Ho Chi Minh of the Communist party of Vietnam.

Fate of Emperor Aisin Gioro Puyi
After the Japanese surrender in the Pacific war, Emperor Puyi fled to Russian outer Manchuria where he lived in a remote cabin in the wood. After multiple requests by Beijing, the local Russian government agreed to hand him over to China as a sign of goodwill after which he was held on trail for treason againt China and hanged.

China has annexed Tibet.

Fate of Hong Kong and Macau
1)Hong Kong has been handed over to China following a rebellion and ceasefire.

2)Macau has been handed over to China after a massive anti-Portuguese agitation and ceasefire agreement.

Following its defeat in the Pacific war(and its bombarding with 4 nuclear bombs) Japan was put under American occupation. The occupation ended in the mid 50s.

Increasing resentment towards the American occupation and the right wing collaborators led to massive protests and a leftist revolution in Japan.
Japan is led by the democratic socialist Chairman Arahata Kanson of the Japanese Anarchist Federation. Kanson came to power in the student's revolution. His less radical anarchist doctrine helped him gain the support of the people and other social democratic parties.

After a socialist revolution in Korea, China invaded and setup a right wing puppet state in it.

The Korean Liberation Government is a Chinese puppet led by the paternal autocratic Chairman Kim Hong-il of the HangukDoglib Dang party.

The Kingdom of Cambodia is ruled by King Norodom Suramarit. Prime minister Norodom Phurissara of the social democratic Democratic Party of Cambodia holds parliament. The DPC are extremely against American fiscal or military help because of their left leaning democratic values. They have initiated various pro-communist programs like land reforms and social securities for the poor which has made them extremely popular.

The Union of Burma is led by the Socialist Chairman Aung San of the AFPFL.

The Republic of India is led by the social democratic President Subhash Chandra Bose of the Indian National Congress.

Notes on Bose's rule

1)Under Bose, India has rapidly embraced traditional Indian agrarianism.

5)The Indian economy is united in an economic sphere with the Chinese economy.

The Oran Free state is ruled by the Fascist Pressident-Generalissime Edmond Jouhaud and his Organization Armee-Pied Noir paramilitary.


1)Jouhaud came to power after defeating Algerian independence rebels. Despite being outnumbered by the Arabs and Bedouins, the Pied-Noir army's superior training and advanced arnaments helped them win the war.

2)Jouhaud's primary aim is to safeguard the French Pied-Noir settlers in Algeria.

Following the collapse of the Italian empire, its African territories have become independent.

The Kingdom of Libya is an American client state ruled by the paternal autocratic King Idris Senussi.

The Kingdom of Tunisia is an American client state ruled by the paternal autocratic King Muhammad VIII al-Amin.

Following the collapse of Italian East Africa, Ethiopia and Somalia have declared independence.

The State of Ethiopia is ruled by the paternal autocratic Emperor Haile Selassie of the Solmonic dynasty.

Somalia is led by the conservative President Aden Adde of the Conservative party of Somalia.

The Djiboutian state is led by the paternal autocratic President Hassan Gouled Aptidon.

The West African federation is a massive union of all the territories of ex-French Africa except for Mauritania. It is led by the socialist President Gerard Kango Ouedraogo of the socialist party of West Africa.

The Republic of Mauritania is led by the paternal autocratic President Moktar Ould Daddah..
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Gone Fishin'
A scenario generator for TWR exists.
Weird but neat!
Almost 1 and a half decades have passed since the Third Reich won the war in Europe

A Black Sun has risen over Europe.

In 1933 when Adolf Hitler took power as Chancellor, nobody even in their wildest dreams had imagined that one day the Reich would rule over an empire from Switzerland to Siberia. Now that is a reality. After years of civil strife following Hitler's death and a bloody Totalerkrieg against the rump Soviet union involving millions of lives and multiple atomic bomb explosions, the SS Reich now rules over an empire extending all the way to West Central Siberia.
After a spectacular victory in the bloody German civil war, the SS secured their rule in Germany and then waged a series of continued relentless total wars against the east.

Germany is ruled by the National Socialist Fuhrer Reinhard Heydrich of the SS.

Notes on the regime

1)Under Heydrich, all the excess and useless aspects of Himmler's leadership have been discarded. The SS, the Reich and its massive empire are all ruled with brutal efficiency like a well oiled machine.

2)Heydrich has declared himself to be the personal protector of all Aryans and Europe is now an SS playground.

3)The Einsatzgruppen are now given a free hand to do all their dirty work with relentless fanatic vigour.

4)City sized labor and concentration camps have been established.

5)'The Little Black Book', a collection of quotes and directions penned by the Fuhrer has been handed out to all citizens and all are expected to memorise and know its contents or else face the consequences.

6)A Ministry of Speak has been created, as there is a real tangible power in words that must be controlled, lest it be used against the Reich. The Ministry has set up listening stations and devices in apartment buildings, with a massive propaganda line that it is entirely ordinary. The Propaganda line will also state that occasionally a citizen may experience delusions such as misremembering small details and hallucinating false people, which will all be correct by the SS, which will always be there for its citizens when they feel they are at their darkest.

7)A social credit system has been set up, with each citizen being assigned a number. Inherently good ideas such as participating in community service, exceeding work quotas, reporting to the SS, supporting the Reich in all its endeavors and placing loyalty in the Reich’s Aryan brotherhood as the top priority in life will increase this number, and if a citizen is not actively working to aid the SS and the Reich, then their number will lower and they will become second class citizens.

Economy of the Reich

1)Under the new Fuhrer, the SS control all aspects of the economy. The German economy is closed off to the world except for the Reich's allies and its colonies.

2)Slaves are forced to do most menial jobs in factories and farms while Aryan workers do the more specialized jobs.

3)The SS regime has created a system where government corruption is de facto encouraged as part of the Darwinian struggle as the Reich's different provinces compete with each other. This is expected to benefit the economy as a whole.

4)Despite Himmler's utopian agrarian ideas, the new Fuhrer has stuck with the traditional war economy, focusing on and improving the Aryan Work Culture that made the Reich so great.

5)Aryan workers may be paid in Reichmarks or SS credit points.

SS-Ordensstaat Ostland is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Fritz Wachtler. The colony was initially lost to insurgents and rebels but was reconquered by the Germans after the troubles in Germania had passed.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, the Germanization of Ostland has been intensified. Land grants to German veterans, forced removals and other techniques are employed to Germanize the colony as fast as possible. Soon it may even become a part of metropolitan Germany.

2)After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the Ostland colonial forces adopted the worst scorched earth policy known to human history. The Germans used chlorine gas on rebels, shot any unarmed natives they could find, burnt all industrial infrastructure, residential buildings, farms and killed all livetsock and bombed all bridges and communication towers.

SS-Ordensstaat Ukraine is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Fritz Freitag. The colony managed to defeat all the insurgenices of 1953 and stood neutral in the Germania troubles.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, colonial Ukraine's status as the wheat basket of the Reich has been restored by a rebuilding process. The farms are back and so are the hordes of optimistic German settlers and forced native laborers.

SS-Ordensstaat Moskowien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Herbert-Ernst Vahl. The colony managed to defeat all the insurgenices of 1953 and stood neutral in the Germania troubles.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, the Moskowein government has adopted a minimal administration policy. Local native collaborators and German settler councils are pretty much free to do whatever they want provided they meet basic quotas and stay loyal to Germania.

SS-Ordensstaat Kaukasus is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Herbert Backe. The colony was initially lost to insurgents and rebels but was reconquered by the Germans after the troubles in Germania had passed.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, the Kaukasus colonial government has adopted a production first policy. Oil and natural gas production has been increased ten-fold through forced labor and colonial investment. Outside of the mines however, German settler councils and local collaborators are free to govern their own way.

2)During the brutal struggle against all the revolutionaries and rebels in 1953, the Reichkommissariat troops used Chlorine gas on partisan groups and then resorted to burning oil wells as part of a total war. So many oil derricks and wells have been burnt(many are still burning) that the once oil rich region has been reduced to a husk.

SS-Ordensstaat Oral is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Ernst Damzog.

SS-Ordensstaat Turkistan is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Hartmann Lauterbacher.

SS-Ordensstaat Sibirien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar August Heissmeyer.

These new territories have finally made the romantic idea of the wild east tamed by strong Aryan settlers or 'Modern Wehrbauern' a reality. Napoleon had once said that 'The word impossible does not exist in my dictionary'. He was wrong because with millions of people of every ethnicity under the sun residing as second or third class citizens in these Siberian and central Asian Ordensstaats, maintaining law and stability in the remote areas of Siberia is a hilariously impossible concept.

Russian remnants

West Siberia is in German hands but in East and Central Siberia, the Russian National State continues its existence as the last bastion of the Russian nation having united all the East and Central warlord states under their flag.
It is presently led by the National Populist President Aleksandr Solzhenitsym of the Octoberist party. He is proclaimed to be the holy saviour of Russia, its moral fabric and the Orthodox religion.

Notes on the regime

1)On the ideological front, the regime has encouraged traditional family values, Pan-Slavism, loyalty to the Orthodox church and government and the ideals of piousness and National pride.

2)Economically, the regime espouses patriotic protectionism, anti-consumerism and Autarky.

3)Distrust for the Americans has led to Russia pursuing closer relations with China. Chinese investments are encouraged and its foreign policy is aided.


SS-Ordenstaat Danemark is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Werner Best.

SS-Ordenstaat Norwegen is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Jonas Lie of the Germanske SS Norway. Lie's government has quickly pushed Norway towards Germanization. Norway has been remodelled as an Aryan paradise, Christianity has been mostly banned and Volkisch mysticism has been adopted. The GSNN legions are the de-facto police and military force in Norway and are used to violently put down all opposition to the regime.

SS-Ordensstaat Schweden is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Philipp Bouhler. Sweden was invaded and subjugated by the SS in a desperate attepmt to stop it from joining the TA and thus safeguard the Reich's iron hold over Europe.

The Republic of Finland is led by the liberal conservative Prime minister Juho Kusti Paasikivi of the National Coalition Party. Paasikivi's government has granted more power to parliament and made the President's post purely ceremonial. Under the new regime, the Finnish economy has seen a gradual turn towards privatization though its still remains very mixed and most importantly Finland now pursues a policy of perfect international neutrality rejecting offers of joining both the TA and the 'New Order'.

Following a partisan rebellion, France was subjugated by Germany.

The Second French State is a German puppet led by the National Socialist Prime minister Edgar Puaud of the Gouverenement de Solidarite party.

Following the French subjugation, the old Vichy borders have been restored and Northern France is now a part of the Reich.

The Spanish State is ruled by the paternal autocratic President Francisco Franco of the FET y de las JONS party. Since the early 50s, Franco has abandoned Falangism. The Falangist core concept of autarky(economic independence) has been discarded in favour of more conservative economic policies. General Rafael García Valiño has been declared as Franco's successor.

The Portuguese Republic is led by the paternal autocratic President Antonio de Oliveira Salazar of the Uniao Nacional party. After 20 years of despotic rule, Salazar passed many liberal reforms starting from 1952 like the freedom of press and the recognition of basic human rights. This has only strengthened his hold over Portugal.

Ireland is led by the liberal Prime minister Richard Mulcahy of the Fine Gael party.

Cyprus is a British puppet led by the conservatve President Archbishop Makarios III of the National Organization of Cypriot Fighters. General John Harding is the British governor.

The Kingdom of Italy is ruled by the Fascist Il Duce Italo Balbo of the PNF party. King Umberto II is the de jure head of state.

Notes on Italy

1)Balbo is a reformist Fascist. Under his rule, the grip has relaxed. The King is promoted as the center of the nation and Fascism is promoted as a monarchist movement. Thus the King's participation in government has increased.

2)The Church has been given increasing rights and land grants. Clerical fascism is pursued.

3)Moderate Socialist parties are allowed to exist and participate in limited forms.

4)Italian economy: Under Balbo, Italy has clutched fanatically to 'Corporatism' and the Italian economy is now a 'closed economy' under strict and total government control. Fascist party members and loyalists have been handed out increasing amounts of land via new land redistribution policies. Corporatist agriculture is practised whereby the peasants get a steady salary income for working on these lands and the party members and loyalists owning these lands get a nice cut of the profits. In the Industrial sector also corporatism and government control has been increased to a totalitarian level.

5)Italian army: The Italian army is a defensive force. Italian military figureheads have recognised that Italy is a power but not a superpower. Hence its army has been redesigned for defensive manoeuvres and defending Italy first.

The United Kingdom is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. John Freeman of the left wing-Bevanite Labour party is Prime minister. Under Freeman, the party has made Britain a democratic socialist nation with policies like an almost total nationalization of the economy and state intervention in the economy to ensure full employment. The construction of nuclear weapons has been continued at full pace to defend the nation.

The 50s was an era of economic recovery for Britain. This recovery was achieved by a mass nationalization program. Most of the military and civilian industries were nationalized, government investment in these industries was heavily increased and foreign corporations were curtly informed to stay out of this quest for economic self-sufficiency.

In the early 50s, the United Kingdom entered into a quest for oil in Iran. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi agreed to sign special oil deals with the UK after some diplomatic battles.

The Black sun shines its tormenting rays on the Balkans too. In a tragic turn of events, the Balkans have been consumed by it. After coming to power in Serbia and annexing Croatia, Tito's Yugoslavic ambitions led him to seizing Slovenia during the confusion of the German civil war. He had expected it to ruin Germany but that was not to be. Instead after the GCW, the SS invaded and conquered his empire. After that the fanatic SS also invaded and subjugated Hungary and Romania.

SS-Ordensstaat Prinz-Eugen-Stadt(Serbia) is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Werner Lorenz.

SS-Ordensstaat Banat is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Sepp Janko.

SS-Ordensstaat Bosnien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Desiderius Hampel.

SS-Ordensstaat Kroatien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Friedrich Hildebrandt.

SS-Ordensstaat Ungarn is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Laszlo Deak.

SS-Ordensstaat Rumanien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Wilhel Fuchs.

In Greece, the sun has set on hope and peace forever

The Reorganized Hellenic State is led by the Ultranationalist President Nikolas Bourantas of the SB(Security Battalions).

Bourantas wants to make Greece an ideal Aryan State and wishes the SB to be like the SS. Purges, mass genocide, antisemitism, slave labor and fanatic nationalism is the order of the day.

Under the new government, a Swastika has been carved on the Parthenon and occassionally, drunk SB officers hold Bacchanals(festivals) of murder outside the Parthenon where slaves or minorities are shot in cold blood on the steps of the ancient temple.

Under the rule of the SB, Greece has reached the highest peak of its power since Alexander the Great. To the shock of the world, the Greeks dealt a total defeat to Italy and forced Rome to surrender. According to the terms of the treaty, Greece became independent from Italy and gained the islands of Corfu and Crete.

Following the Italian war, the SB declared war on Bulgaria and Albania, defeating both thanks to its new powerful position and captured Italian arnaments. Now it has formed a Balkan-Ordnugspakt consisting of Greece and its puppets of Reorganized Epirote State, Reorganized North Macedonian State and the State of Bulgaria.

The Reorganized Epirote State is ruled by the National Socialist President Hubert Lanz of the Aryan party of Greco-Epirotes. Muslim Albanians have no rights and are either being genocided or enslaved at an alarming rate.

The Reorganized North Macedonian State is ruled by the National Socialist President Gunther Anhalt of the Aryan Party of Greco-Macedons. Bulgarian Macedonia has been added to North Macedonia.

The State of Bulgaria is the most semi-independent nation in the Balkan-Ordnugspakt. It is ruled by the National Socialist Fuhrer Alexander Belev of the Union of Bulgarian Nationalists and Fascists party. Belev is a terrifying Hitlerist and anti-semitic who wants Bulgarian-Aryan supremacy at any cost and has implemented all aspects of Nazi style governance in Bulgaria from arming paramilitaries and 'Belev Youth' to purging opponents and establishing death and labor camps.

Montenegro and Trieste remain a part of Italy. Montenegro is an Italian puppet kingdom led by the paternal autocratic Queen Marija I.

Slovakia has been annexed by Germany after the conclusion of the GCW.

The United States of America is led by President Estes Kefauver of the Democratic party.

Notes on the presidency

1)The democrats have abandoned Taft's isolationist and conservative policies and brought sweeping reforms. Welfare spending has increased, science funding has received a boost and private investment in the government has also been encouraged.

The reelection in the 1960 election has allowed the party to continue its policies.

Previous President: Robert A. Taft - Republican(1952-1956).

Notes on Taft's 1952-1956 presidency

1)Taft pursued a very isolationist policy in world affairs and domestically he became the poster-boy of anti-leftist conservatism. Under Taft, FDR's new deal social reforms program was reversed to cut expenses.

2)Work was started on building inter-state highways and the most important ones on the east and west coast were completed.

The United Mexican States is led by the Marxist President Vincente Lombardo Toledano of the Partido Popular Socialista. His government has finally given Mexico real independence from the USA and its iron grip. Under the Marxists, rapid land reform was initiated and many large estates have been redistributed, industrial nationalization and expansion was achieved, a red banner army has been created to serve the nation, anti-corruption laws have been passed and various indigenous tribes have been allowed to form autonomous indigenous councils for governance.

The Republic of Cuba is led by a paternal autocratic American backed military junta under General Fulgencio Batista.

The Federative Republic of Brazil is led by the social democratic President Joao Goulart of the Partido Trabalhista Brasiliero party.

The Republic of China is led by the paternal autocratic Technocratic President Chen Lifu of the KMT-Central Club(Technocratic) party.

Notes on the regime

1)Chen Lifu's China is Technocratic and follows the ideology of 'One party one system'. Immediately after coming to power, Lifu pressurized the bankers and prominent politicans to support him. Then he began his journey to modernize China.

2)Lifu's party is made up of professionals rather than politicians. A majority of them are university graduates and efficiency is always expected of them. Political diplomatic researches are pursued to improve the management of the state.

3)A schooling act has been passed which makes education a top priority. Increased funding has been granted for the same and foreign exchange programs for students are encouraged.

4)Escaped Jewish scientists and intellectuals are welcomed in China as part of the 'Acdemia Sinica' program to rapidly modernize China in the field of science. This has also been advantageous for the military due to new military sciences entering the army.

5)Under Chen Lifu, a new Economic Revival program has been launched for China as Technocratic sciences are used to control the economy and fuel rapid industrialization.

After a year of bitter fightng, the Sino-Vietnamese war ended in an armistice. Under increasing pressure from home and abroad China agreed to the treaty which divided Vietnam between a Chinese puppet north and a socialist south. It also led to the fall of Chiang Kai-shek's government in Beijing a few months later.

The north is controlled by the Chinese puppet Vietnamese Republic from its capital at Dong Bac. It is led by the paternal autocratic President Vu Hong Khanh of the VNQDD(Traditional) party.

The south is controlled by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from its capital at Saigon. It is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Ho Chi Minh of the Communist party of Vietnam.

Fate of Emperor Aisin Gioro Puyi
After the Japanese surrender in the Pacific war, Emperor Puyi fled to Russian outer Manchuria where he lived in a remote cabin in the wood. Despite multiple Chinese demands for his arrest and trail for treason, the local Russian government refuses to handover the ex-Emperor of China.

China has annexed Tibet.

Fate of Hong Kong and Macau
1)Hong Kong remains a British territory.

2)Macau remains a Portuguese territory.

Following its defeat in the Pacific war(and its bombarding with 4 nuclear bombs) Japan was put under American occupation. The occupation ended in the mid 50s.

Japan is ruled by Emperor Takahito. The Emperor no longer claims to be a living god like his brother the ex-emperor and all emperors before that.
On the actual political side, Japan is led by the National Conservative Prime minister Yoshida Shigeru of the Jiyuto party. Jiyuto is often said to be an 'American party' as they have adopted all American economic and social practices. The party has made Japan firmly capitalist by privatizing the economy, demonizing the left, signing lucarative deals with domestic and American companies and encouraging soft nationalism(basic remilitarization) to help the US combat Chinese influence in the Pacific.

The Republic of Korea is led by the paternal autocratic President Syngman Rhee of the National Association party. Following the 1952 protests, Rhee cracked down on all opposition by purging the military, executing student leaders and arresting all democrats within his own clique.

Notes on Korea

1)The 50s saw considerable friction in Sino-American relations and Korea moved itself diplomatically closer to the USA.

2)The Korean economy has experienced a 'Miracle on the Han' economic growth in the last decade. The Korean economy has become the global hub of cheap production and foreign companies and local big business has a considerable cut of the profits.

The Kingdom of Cambodia is ruled by King Norodom Sihanouk. Prime minister Norodom Norindeth of the Liberal party dominates parliament. The Liberals are broadly pro-French and advocated for maintaining strong French links. Norindeth has the guaranteed support of the elites, anticommunists, and the country's Cham minority.

The People's Republic of Malaysia is led by the Marxist-Leninist Chairman Chin-Peng of the Communist Party of Malaysia.

The Union of Burma is led by the Socialist Chairman Aung San of the AFPFL.

The Republic of India is led by the social democratic President Subhash Chandra Bose of the Indian National Congress.

Notes on Bose's rule

1)Under Bose, India has rapidly embraced traditional Indian agrarianism.

5)The Indian economy is fiercely independent and somewhat isolated from the world market.

Italy dominates the Levant

After the Turks called for Italian help in the war against Antun Saadeh's Greater Syria(which had earlier annexed most of the middle east), Italy fought a long, costly and bitter war and defeated the Syrians. Now Italy has established loyal puppet regimes all over the middle east.

The Arab Federal Republic(Iraq) is an Italian puppet led by the paternal autocratic President Rashid Ali al-Gaylani of the Golden square. The party is often described as a clique of politicians and military officers who look up to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The party has quickly suppressed Baathists and communists.

The Syrian Republic is an Italian puppet state led by a paternal autocratic military junta under General Adnan al-Malki.

The Kingdom of Lebanon is an Italian puppet state led by a paternal autocratic regency junta under General Fuad Chehab

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an Italian puppet ruled by the paternal autocratic King Talal bin Abdullah.

The Republic of Turkey is led by the conservative President Adnan Menderes of the DP party. Turkey is aligned with Italy.

Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi are still ruled from London.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is ruled by the paternal autocratic Sultan Abdulaziz al-Saud.

The Sultanate of Oman is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Said bin Taimur.

The Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Ahmad bin Yahya.

The Arab Republic of Egypt is led by a paternal autocratic military junta under General Mohammed Naguib. Under Naguib Egypt has resisted all Italian and British influences and advances with a steely resolve. Revolutionary reforms have been implemented to correct the many wrong doings of King Farouk's despotic reign.

The Barbary people's Republic is led by a Revolutionary Communist council under Presiding officer Robert Lacoste.


1)Lacoste was initially a member of the resistance movement in mainland France. After the Reich's victory, he fled to Africa and attempted to garner support for his socialist movement in Free France but the Free French government kicked him out. After that he arrived in Algeria where he learned Arabic and Bedouin languages and the cultures. Then he joined up with ragtag bands of communist Pied-noirs, resistance fighters from France and local Algerian socialists. This group then formed desert communes in isolated places in French Sahara.

2)In the early 50s Algeria broke down into insurgency and Lacoste and his movement also declared their own rebellion in south Algeria. Despite being called a 'Colonizer' by the Algerian republican rebels and a traitor by the French state, Lacoste and his Red army achieved a spectacularly unexcpected victory and formed the Barbary People's Republic.

3)The Barbary People's Republic was immediately declared an illegal state by the Nazis after its victory in the early 50s. The remnants of Algerian nationalist movements and even the Free French dislike the nation. It is however supported by socialists all over the world many of whom have even arrived to volunteer in the red army.

The French authority is an exile home for the Free French government under the British crown. It is meant to be restored back to French authority once the traitor regime in European France is ended. The authority is at the moment a British puppet and member of the commonwealth with no voting rights for natives. It is ruled by the paternal autocratic representative Bernard Cornut-Gentille.

Italian East Africa is ruled by the paternal autocratic Viceroy Amadeo di Savoia Aaosta. Since the troubles of the early 50s, the Italian colonial government has recognized native rights and given them much autonomy.

Fate of the British Empire in Africa

The British empire has chosen to desperately hold on to its colonies despite rising discontent from natives.
Well that's freaking dark. 1984 but Nazis, jesus.
Weird but neat!
Almost 1 and a half decades have passed since the Third Reich won the war in Europe

A Black Sun has risen over Europe.

In 1933 when Adolf Hitler took power as Chancellor, nobody even in their wildest dreams had imagined that one day the Reich would rule over an empire from Switzerland to Siberia. Now that is a reality. After years of civil strife following Hitler's death and a bloody Totalerkrieg against the rump Soviet union involving millions of lives and multiple atomic bomb explosions, the SS Reich now rules over an empire extending all the way to West Central Siberia.
After a spectacular victory in the bloody German civil war, the SS secured their rule in Germany and then waged a series of continued relentless total wars against the east.

Germany is ruled by the National Socialist Fuhrer Reinhard Heydrich of the SS.

Notes on the regime

1)Under Heydrich, all the excess and useless aspects of Himmler's leadership have been discarded. The SS, the Reich and its massive empire are all ruled with brutal efficiency like a well oiled machine.

2)Heydrich has declared himself to be the personal protector of all Aryans and Europe is now an SS playground.

3)The Einsatzgruppen are now given a free hand to do all their dirty work with relentless fanatic vigour.

4)City sized labor and concentration camps have been established.

5)'The Little Black Book', a collection of quotes and directions penned by the Fuhrer has been handed out to all citizens and all are expected to memorise and know its contents or else face the consequences.

6)A Ministry of Speak has been created, as there is a real tangible power in words that must be controlled, lest it be used against the Reich. The Ministry has set up listening stations and devices in apartment buildings, with a massive propaganda line that it is entirely ordinary. The Propaganda line will also state that occasionally a citizen may experience delusions such as misremembering small details and hallucinating false people, which will all be correct by the SS, which will always be there for its citizens when they feel they are at their darkest.

7)A social credit system has been set up, with each citizen being assigned a number. Inherently good ideas such as participating in community service, exceeding work quotas, reporting to the SS, supporting the Reich in all its endeavors and placing loyalty in the Reich’s Aryan brotherhood as the top priority in life will increase this number, and if a citizen is not actively working to aid the SS and the Reich, then their number will lower and they will become second class citizens.

Economy of the Reich

1)Under the new Fuhrer, the SS control all aspects of the economy. The German economy is closed off to the world except for the Reich's allies and its colonies.

2)Slaves are forced to do most menial jobs in factories and farms while Aryan workers do the more specialized jobs.

3)The SS regime has created a system where government corruption is de facto encouraged as part of the Darwinian struggle as the Reich's different provinces compete with each other. This is expected to benefit the economy as a whole.

4)Despite Himmler's utopian agrarian ideas, the new Fuhrer has stuck with the traditional war economy, focusing on and improving the Aryan Work Culture that made the Reich so great.

5)Aryan workers may be paid in Reichmarks or SS credit points.

SS-Ordensstaat Ostland is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Fritz Wachtler. The colony was initially lost to insurgents and rebels but was reconquered by the Germans after the troubles in Germania had passed.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, the Germanization of Ostland has been intensified. Land grants to German veterans, forced removals and other techniques are employed to Germanize the colony as fast as possible. Soon it may even become a part of metropolitan Germany.

2)After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the Ostland colonial forces adopted the worst scorched earth policy known to human history. The Germans used chlorine gas on rebels, shot any unarmed natives they could find, burnt all industrial infrastructure, residential buildings, farms and killed all livetsock and bombed all bridges and communication towers.

SS-Ordensstaat Ukraine is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Fritz Freitag. The colony managed to defeat all the insurgenices of 1953 and stood neutral in the Germania troubles.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, colonial Ukraine's status as the wheat basket of the Reich has been restored by a rebuilding process. The farms are back and so are the hordes of optimistic German settlers and forced native laborers.

SS-Ordensstaat Moskowien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Herbert-Ernst Vahl. The colony managed to defeat all the insurgenices of 1953 and stood neutral in the Germania troubles.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, the Moskowein government has adopted a minimal administration policy. Local native collaborators and German settler councils are pretty much free to do whatever they want provided they meet basic quotas and stay loyal to Germania.

SS-Ordensstaat Kaukasus is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Herbert Backe. The colony was initially lost to insurgents and rebels but was reconquered by the Germans after the troubles in Germania had passed.

Notes on life in the colony

1)Since the last few years, the Kaukasus colonial government has adopted a production first policy. Oil and natural gas production has been increased ten-fold through forced labor and colonial investment. Outside of the mines however, German settler councils and local collaborators are free to govern their own way.

2)During the brutal struggle against all the revolutionaries and rebels in 1953, the Reichkommissariat troops used Chlorine gas on partisan groups and then resorted to burning oil wells as part of a total war. So many oil derricks and wells have been burnt(many are still burning) that the once oil rich region has been reduced to a husk.

SS-Ordensstaat Oral is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Ernst Damzog.

SS-Ordensstaat Turkistan is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Hartmann Lauterbacher.

SS-Ordensstaat Sibirien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar August Heissmeyer.

These new territories have finally made the romantic idea of the wild east tamed by strong Aryan settlers or 'Modern Wehrbauern' a reality. Napoleon had once said that 'The word impossible does not exist in my dictionary'. He was wrong because with millions of people of every ethnicity under the sun residing as second or third class citizens in these Siberian and central Asian Ordensstaats, maintaining law and stability in the remote areas of Siberia is a hilariously impossible concept.

Russian remnants

West Siberia is in German hands but in East and Central Siberia, the Russian National State continues its existence as the last bastion of the Russian nation having united all the East and Central warlord states under their flag.
It is presently led by the National Populist President Aleksandr Solzhenitsym of the Octoberist party. He is proclaimed to be the holy saviour of Russia, its moral fabric and the Orthodox religion.

Notes on the regime

1)On the ideological front, the regime has encouraged traditional family values, Pan-Slavism, loyalty to the Orthodox church and government and the ideals of piousness and National pride.

2)Economically, the regime espouses patriotic protectionism, anti-consumerism and Autarky.

3)Distrust for the Americans has led to Russia pursuing closer relations with China. Chinese investments are encouraged and its foreign policy is aided.


SS-Ordenstaat Danemark is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Werner Best.

SS-Ordenstaat Norwegen is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Jonas Lie of the Germanske SS Norway. Lie's government has quickly pushed Norway towards Germanization. Norway has been remodelled as an Aryan paradise, Christianity has been mostly banned and Volkisch mysticism has been adopted. The GSNN legions are the de-facto police and military force in Norway and are used to violently put down all opposition to the regime.

SS-Ordensstaat Schweden is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Philipp Bouhler. Sweden was invaded and subjugated by the SS in a desperate attepmt to stop it from joining the TA and thus safeguard the Reich's iron hold over Europe.

The Republic of Finland is led by the liberal conservative Prime minister Juho Kusti Paasikivi of the National Coalition Party. Paasikivi's government has granted more power to parliament and made the President's post purely ceremonial. Under the new regime, the Finnish economy has seen a gradual turn towards privatization though its still remains very mixed and most importantly Finland now pursues a policy of perfect international neutrality rejecting offers of joining both the TA and the 'New Order'.

Following a partisan rebellion, France was subjugated by Germany.

The Second French State is a German puppet led by the National Socialist Prime minister Edgar Puaud of the Gouverenement de Solidarite party.

Following the French subjugation, the old Vichy borders have been restored and Northern France is now a part of the Reich.

The Spanish State is ruled by the paternal autocratic President Francisco Franco of the FET y de las JONS party. Since the early 50s, Franco has abandoned Falangism. The Falangist core concept of autarky(economic independence) has been discarded in favour of more conservative economic policies. General Rafael García Valiño has been declared as Franco's successor.

The Portuguese Republic is led by the paternal autocratic President Antonio de Oliveira Salazar of the Uniao Nacional party. After 20 years of despotic rule, Salazar passed many liberal reforms starting from 1952 like the freedom of press and the recognition of basic human rights. This has only strengthened his hold over Portugal.

Ireland is led by the liberal Prime minister Richard Mulcahy of the Fine Gael party.

Cyprus is a British puppet led by the conservatve President Archbishop Makarios III of the National Organization of Cypriot Fighters. General John Harding is the British governor.

The Kingdom of Italy is ruled by the Fascist Il Duce Italo Balbo of the PNF party. King Umberto II is the de jure head of state.

Notes on Italy

1)Balbo is a reformist Fascist. Under his rule, the grip has relaxed. The King is promoted as the center of the nation and Fascism is promoted as a monarchist movement. Thus the King's participation in government has increased.

2)The Church has been given increasing rights and land grants. Clerical fascism is pursued.

3)Moderate Socialist parties are allowed to exist and participate in limited forms.

4)Italian economy: Under Balbo, Italy has clutched fanatically to 'Corporatism' and the Italian economy is now a 'closed economy' under strict and total government control. Fascist party members and loyalists have been handed out increasing amounts of land via new land redistribution policies. Corporatist agriculture is practised whereby the peasants get a steady salary income for working on these lands and the party members and loyalists owning these lands get a nice cut of the profits. In the Industrial sector also corporatism and government control has been increased to a totalitarian level.

5)Italian army: The Italian army is a defensive force. Italian military figureheads have recognised that Italy is a power but not a superpower. Hence its army has been redesigned for defensive manoeuvres and defending Italy first.

The United Kingdom is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. John Freeman of the left wing-Bevanite Labour party is Prime minister. Under Freeman, the party has made Britain a democratic socialist nation with policies like an almost total nationalization of the economy and state intervention in the economy to ensure full employment. The construction of nuclear weapons has been continued at full pace to defend the nation.

The 50s was an era of economic recovery for Britain. This recovery was achieved by a mass nationalization program. Most of the military and civilian industries were nationalized, government investment in these industries was heavily increased and foreign corporations were curtly informed to stay out of this quest for economic self-sufficiency.

In the early 50s, the United Kingdom entered into a quest for oil in Iran. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi agreed to sign special oil deals with the UK after some diplomatic battles.

The Black sun shines its tormenting rays on the Balkans too. In a tragic turn of events, the Balkans have been consumed by it. After coming to power in Serbia and annexing Croatia, Tito's Yugoslavic ambitions led him to seizing Slovenia during the confusion of the German civil war. He had expected it to ruin Germany but that was not to be. Instead after the GCW, the SS invaded and conquered his empire. After that the fanatic SS also invaded and subjugated Hungary and Romania.

SS-Ordensstaat Prinz-Eugen-Stadt(Serbia) is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Werner Lorenz.

SS-Ordensstaat Banat is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Sepp Janko.

SS-Ordensstaat Bosnien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Desiderius Hampel.

SS-Ordensstaat Kroatien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Friedrich Hildebrandt.

SS-Ordensstaat Ungarn is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Laszlo Deak.

SS-Ordensstaat Rumanien is ruled by the National Socialist SS-Reichskommissar Wilhel Fuchs.

In Greece, the sun has set on hope and peace forever

The Reorganized Hellenic State is led by the Ultranationalist President Nikolas Bourantas of the SB(Security Battalions).

Bourantas wants to make Greece an ideal Aryan State and wishes the SB to be like the SS. Purges, mass genocide, antisemitism, slave labor and fanatic nationalism is the order of the day.

Under the new government, a Swastika has been carved on the Parthenon and occassionally, drunk SB officers hold Bacchanals(festivals) of murder outside the Parthenon where slaves or minorities are shot in cold blood on the steps of the ancient temple.

Under the rule of the SB, Greece has reached the highest peak of its power since Alexander the Great. To the shock of the world, the Greeks dealt a total defeat to Italy and forced Rome to surrender. According to the terms of the treaty, Greece became independent from Italy and gained the islands of Corfu and Crete.

Following the Italian war, the SB declared war on Bulgaria and Albania, defeating both thanks to its new powerful position and captured Italian arnaments. Now it has formed a Balkan-Ordnugspakt consisting of Greece and its puppets of Reorganized Epirote State, Reorganized North Macedonian State and the State of Bulgaria.

The Reorganized Epirote State is ruled by the National Socialist President Hubert Lanz of the Aryan party of Greco-Epirotes. Muslim Albanians have no rights and are either being genocided or enslaved at an alarming rate.

The Reorganized North Macedonian State is ruled by the National Socialist President Gunther Anhalt of the Aryan Party of Greco-Macedons. Bulgarian Macedonia has been added to North Macedonia.

The State of Bulgaria is the most semi-independent nation in the Balkan-Ordnugspakt. It is ruled by the National Socialist Fuhrer Alexander Belev of the Union of Bulgarian Nationalists and Fascists party. Belev is a terrifying Hitlerist and anti-semitic who wants Bulgarian-Aryan supremacy at any cost and has implemented all aspects of Nazi style governance in Bulgaria from arming paramilitaries and 'Belev Youth' to purging opponents and establishing death and labor camps.

Montenegro and Trieste remain a part of Italy. Montenegro is an Italian puppet kingdom led by the paternal autocratic Queen Marija I.

Slovakia has been annexed by Germany after the conclusion of the GCW.

The United States of America is led by President Estes Kefauver of the Democratic party.

Notes on the presidency

1)The democrats have abandoned Taft's isolationist and conservative policies and brought sweeping reforms. Welfare spending has increased, science funding has received a boost and private investment in the government has also been encouraged.

The reelection in the 1960 election has allowed the party to continue its policies.

Previous President: Robert A. Taft - Republican(1952-1956).

Notes on Taft's 1952-1956 presidency

1)Taft pursued a very isolationist policy in world affairs and domestically he became the poster-boy of anti-leftist conservatism. Under Taft, FDR's new deal social reforms program was reversed to cut expenses.

2)Work was started on building inter-state highways and the most important ones on the east and west coast were completed.

The United Mexican States is led by the Marxist President Vincente Lombardo Toledano of the Partido Popular Socialista. His government has finally given Mexico real independence from the USA and its iron grip. Under the Marxists, rapid land reform was initiated and many large estates have been redistributed, industrial nationalization and expansion was achieved, a red banner army has been created to serve the nation, anti-corruption laws have been passed and various indigenous tribes have been allowed to form autonomous indigenous councils for governance.

The Republic of Cuba is led by a paternal autocratic American backed military junta under General Fulgencio Batista.

The Federative Republic of Brazil is led by the social democratic President Joao Goulart of the Partido Trabalhista Brasiliero party.

The Republic of China is led by the paternal autocratic Technocratic President Chen Lifu of the KMT-Central Club(Technocratic) party.

Notes on the regime

1)Chen Lifu's China is Technocratic and follows the ideology of 'One party one system'. Immediately after coming to power, Lifu pressurized the bankers and prominent politicans to support him. Then he began his journey to modernize China.

2)Lifu's party is made up of professionals rather than politicians. A majority of them are university graduates and efficiency is always expected of them. Political diplomatic researches are pursued to improve the management of the state.

3)A schooling act has been passed which makes education a top priority. Increased funding has been granted for the same and foreign exchange programs for students are encouraged.

4)Escaped Jewish scientists and intellectuals are welcomed in China as part of the 'Acdemia Sinica' program to rapidly modernize China in the field of science. This has also been advantageous for the military due to new military sciences entering the army.

5)Under Chen Lifu, a new Economic Revival program has been launched for China as Technocratic sciences are used to control the economy and fuel rapid industrialization.

After a year of bitter fightng, the Sino-Vietnamese war ended in an armistice. Under increasing pressure from home and abroad China agreed to the treaty which divided Vietnam between a Chinese puppet north and a socialist south. It also led to the fall of Chiang Kai-shek's government in Beijing a few months later.

The north is controlled by the Chinese puppet Vietnamese Republic from its capital at Dong Bac. It is led by the paternal autocratic President Vu Hong Khanh of the VNQDD(Traditional) party.

The south is controlled by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from its capital at Saigon. It is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Ho Chi Minh of the Communist party of Vietnam.

Fate of Emperor Aisin Gioro Puyi
After the Japanese surrender in the Pacific war, Emperor Puyi fled to Russian outer Manchuria where he lived in a remote cabin in the wood. Despite multiple Chinese demands for his arrest and trail for treason, the local Russian government refuses to handover the ex-Emperor of China.

China has annexed Tibet.

Fate of Hong Kong and Macau
1)Hong Kong remains a British territory.

2)Macau remains a Portuguese territory.

Following its defeat in the Pacific war(and its bombarding with 4 nuclear bombs) Japan was put under American occupation. The occupation ended in the mid 50s.

Japan is ruled by Emperor Takahito. The Emperor no longer claims to be a living god like his brother the ex-emperor and all emperors before that.
On the actual political side, Japan is led by the National Conservative Prime minister Yoshida Shigeru of the Jiyuto party. Jiyuto is often said to be an 'American party' as they have adopted all American economic and social practices. The party has made Japan firmly capitalist by privatizing the economy, demonizing the left, signing lucarative deals with domestic and American companies and encouraging soft nationalism(basic remilitarization) to help the US combat Chinese influence in the Pacific.

The Republic of Korea is led by the paternal autocratic President Syngman Rhee of the National Association party. Following the 1952 protests, Rhee cracked down on all opposition by purging the military, executing student leaders and arresting all democrats within his own clique.

Notes on Korea

1)The 50s saw considerable friction in Sino-American relations and Korea moved itself diplomatically closer to the USA.

2)The Korean economy has experienced a 'Miracle on the Han' economic growth in the last decade. The Korean economy has become the global hub of cheap production and foreign companies and local big business has a considerable cut of the profits.

The Kingdom of Cambodia is ruled by King Norodom Sihanouk. Prime minister Norodom Norindeth of the Liberal party dominates parliament. The Liberals are broadly pro-French and advocated for maintaining strong French links. Norindeth has the guaranteed support of the elites, anticommunists, and the country's Cham minority.

The People's Republic of Malaysia is led by the Marxist-Leninist Chairman Chin-Peng of the Communist Party of Malaysia.

The Union of Burma is led by the Socialist Chairman Aung San of the AFPFL.

The Republic of India is led by the social democratic President Subhash Chandra Bose of the Indian National Congress.

Notes on Bose's rule

1)Under Bose, India has rapidly embraced traditional Indian agrarianism.

5)The Indian economy is fiercely independent and somewhat isolated from the world market.

Italy dominates the Levant

After the Turks called for Italian help in the war against Antun Saadeh's Greater Syria(which had earlier annexed most of the middle east), Italy fought a long, costly and bitter war and defeated the Syrians. Now Italy has established loyal puppet regimes all over the middle east.

The Arab Federal Republic(Iraq) is an Italian puppet led by the paternal autocratic President Rashid Ali al-Gaylani of the Golden square. The party is often described as a clique of politicians and military officers who look up to Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy. The party has quickly suppressed Baathists and communists.

The Syrian Republic is an Italian puppet state led by a paternal autocratic military junta under General Adnan al-Malki.

The Kingdom of Lebanon is an Italian puppet state led by a paternal autocratic regency junta under General Fuad Chehab

The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is an Italian puppet ruled by the paternal autocratic King Talal bin Abdullah.

The Republic of Turkey is led by the conservative President Adnan Menderes of the DP party. Turkey is aligned with Italy.

Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi are still ruled from London.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is ruled by the paternal autocratic Sultan Abdulaziz al-Saud.

The Sultanate of Oman is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Said bin Taimur.

The Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Ahmad bin Yahya.

The Arab Republic of Egypt is led by a paternal autocratic military junta under General Mohammed Naguib. Under Naguib Egypt has resisted all Italian and British influences and advances with a steely resolve. Revolutionary reforms have been implemented to correct the many wrong doings of King Farouk's despotic reign.

The Barbary people's Republic is led by a Revolutionary Communist council under Presiding officer Robert Lacoste.


1)Lacoste was initially a member of the resistance movement in mainland France. After the Reich's victory, he fled to Africa and attempted to garner support for his socialist movement in Free France but the Free French government kicked him out. After that he arrived in Algeria where he learned Arabic and Bedouin languages and the cultures. Then he joined up with ragtag bands of communist Pied-noirs, resistance fighters from France and local Algerian socialists. This group then formed desert communes in isolated places in French Sahara.

2)In the early 50s Algeria broke down into insurgency and Lacoste and his movement also declared their own rebellion in south Algeria. Despite being called a 'Colonizer' by the Algerian republican rebels and a traitor by the French state, Lacoste and his Red army achieved a spectacularly unexcpected victory and formed the Barbary People's Republic.

3)The Barbary People's Republic was immediately declared an illegal state by the Nazis after its victory in the early 50s. The remnants of Algerian nationalist movements and even the Free French dislike the nation. It is however supported by socialists all over the world many of whom have even arrived to volunteer in the red army.

The French authority is an exile home for the Free French government under the British crown. It is meant to be restored back to French authority once the traitor regime in European France is ended. The authority is at the moment a British puppet and member of the commonwealth with no voting rights for natives. It is ruled by the paternal autocratic representative Bernard Cornut-Gentille.

Italian East Africa is ruled by the paternal autocratic Viceroy Amadeo di Savoia Aaosta. Since the troubles of the early 50s, the Italian colonial government has recognized native rights and given them much autonomy.

Fate of the British Empire in Africa

The British empire has chosen to desperately hold on to its colonies despite rising discontent from natives.
Well that's freaking dark. 1984 but Nazis, jesus.
And its Heydrich. The psychopath may be competent enough to keep it running.
I gobbled something together out of several scenarios. The idea was, that it includes elemants frrom a TWR-future compass, as there are:
US-atlantic New World Order
People´s Germany dominates Europe
Threesided Cold War
Socialist Asian Liberation

Like I said, its in the moment just elements from the scenario generator.
My own ideas I will write later.

The Third Reich is no more. Europa Libre!

Hitler's Thousand Year Reich couldn't survive past him. Already before his death(without nominating a successor), Nazi Germany was filled with rampart factionalism. After Hitler died, these factions started the brutal second German civil war and thus signed their own death sentence. As the civil war dragged on, other rebellions popped up too. The Reichkommissariats lost all meaningful contact with Germany and collapsed to superior rebel forces while inside Metropolitan Germany, massive rebellions sprung up in Poland, Switzerland, the Benelux and other areas. Even worse, sensing its weakness, the Toronto accord pact(USA, UK and minor allies) invaded the Reich. Despite the intervention by such a powerful outside force, the German civil war factions failed to unite and eventually were all destroyed one by one by the TA.

After the German civil war dragged on, an unexpectedly massive rebellion sprung up. Unlike the others however, this was a revolt by Germans. All kinds of resistance forces and fringe groups from the ultra-conservatives to the extreme-left united under the anti-Nazi banner as people's Germany. With the TA victories increasing day by day, the People's German revolt also increased in power and eventually occupied Germania city. When the TA finally catipulated the Reich, power was handed over to People's Germany and fresh elections were held soon after.

Shortly after the People's German government took power, the TA held a conference to decide its new borders with Poland.

German border: Pre WW1 German empire borders.

Germany is led by the conservative Chancellor Konrad Adenauer of the Demokratische Partei.

The Union of Zapadoslavia(of Poles and Czechs and Slovaks) is led by the Maoist General Secretary Kazimierz Mijal of the KPP.

After the destruction of Reichkommissariat Ostland, the region was divided between two cordial liberators. The Baltic confederation ruled from Riga and the Belarusian Socialist Republic ruled from Minsk.

The Baltic confederation is led by a paternal autocratic Baltic Council which vows to care for its citizens and defend against German reconquests.

The Belarusian Socialist Republic is led by Marxist-Leninist Chairman Panteleimon Ponomarenko of the KPB party.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the Ostland colonial forces adopted the worst scorched earth policy known to human history. The Germans used chlorine gas on rebels, shot any unarmed natives they could find, burnt all industrial infrastructure, residential buildings, farms and killed all livetsock and bombed all bridges and communication towers.

The Ukrainian Soviet Republic is led by marxist-leninist General Secretary Nicolai Podgorny. He came to power after defeating German and far-right nationalist forces.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the colonial government attempted to hand over power to local collaborators before fleeing. The move ultimately failed as all these collaborators were either too weak to fight or turned traitor after the Germans left.

Following the collapse of all German authority and the failure of the various rebel groups to form a stable government, the land of Reichkommissariat Moskowein was invaded by the Russian government to the east and conquered. Moscow is once again the capital of Russia.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

After defeat seemed inevitable during the struggle against the rebels in 1953, the colonial government was thrown in total disarray. Many left the colony before the rebels could gain ground while others fought to the bitter end and used scorched earth tactics to deny victory to their opponents.

Following the collapse of all German authority and the failure of the various rebel groups to form a stable government, the land of Reichkommissariat Kaukasus was invaded by the Russian government to the east and conquered.

Note on the German retreat of 1953

During the brutal struggle against all the revolutionaries and rebels in 1953, the Reichkommissariat troops used Chlorine gas on partisan groups and then resorted to burning oil wells as part of a total war. So many oil derricks and wells have been burnt(many are still burning) that the once oil rich region has been reduced to a husk.

The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics has defeated all the right and left wing warlords to the east, conquered the petty governments of the Urals and Transvolga and united all patriotic Russians under one flag. It is presently led by the Orthodox Soviet General Secretary Mikhail Suslov.
Belarus, Ukraine and the Kaukasus have rejoined the USSR.

Notes on the regime

1)The Orthodoxists reject radical changes to the old soviet system, seeing them as 'Unsoviet'. All the old systems and policies have been kept untouched.


Following its liberation from the Nazis, the Kingdom of Denmark is ruled by King Frederick IX while parliament is led by Prime minister Hans Hedtoft of the social democratic party.

The Kingdom of Sweden is ruled by King Gustaf VI Adolf. Parliament is led by Prime minister Jarl Hjalmarson of the conservative party.

Following its liberation from the Nazis, the Kingdom of Norway is ruled by King Olav V while parliament is headed by Prime minister Einar Gerhardsen of the social democratic party.

The Republic of Finland is led by the liberal President Irma Karvikko of the Kansallinen Edistyspuolue(National Progressive Party). Her government has pursued closer ties with Sweden and opened Finland up to the liberal west .

Following its liberation from Nazism, the Swiss confederation is led by a conservative Federal council.

The Kingdom of Belgium is ruled by King Leopold III while real power is held by a paternal autocratic military junta under General Strydonch de Burkel.

The Kingdom of Netherlands is ruled by Queen Juliana while parliament is led by Prime minister Hubertus van Mook of the liberal centrist party.

The United Kingdom is ruled by Queen Elizabeth II. Peter Thorneycroft of the monetarist-Conservative party is Prime minister. Thorneycroft came to power after a national scandal involving PM Rab Butler which ended in his resignation. The new PM has reverted all of Butler's social policies like the building of 300000 homes every year, implementation of state-funded education and has made Britain a true conservative nation.

The 50s was an era of economic recovery for Britain. This recovery was achieved by a mass privatization effort. Regulations were loosened, investments from foreign and domestic corporations were encouraged, British engineering was given a large boost through various policies. Much of this privatization effort was achieved on the backs of foreign companies who hold much influence within the economy of the nation.

In the early 50s, the United Kingdom entered into a quest for oil in Iran. The Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi agreed to sign oil deals with the UK and cut ties with Germany.

The French State is led by the paternal autocratic President Charles Nogues of the Gouvernement Francais party.

Notes on life under Nogues

1)Under Nogues, France has followed a very conservative, traditional and moral 'Return to Earth' policy. According to the policy, France's great position in Europe was ruined by the urban elites and new age artists and thinkers of the last century. Nogues has instead taken France on a new course where the the rural farmers and the military are the main actors in French policy. France under Nogues is extremely democratic at the local level and authoritarian at the national level.

2)Under the new government France has initiated a Natalist policy where births are encouraged and so are traditional family values. Women are encouraged to bear strong and healthy children to make up for France's low population growth in the 19th and early 20th century.

3)Economically Nogues has encouraged corporations and companies to look for investment in France's future for improving its economy and for their own profit. Thus its a corporate favouring mixed economy.

3)Under Nogues, France has become the vegetable garden of Europe thanks to rapid investment in agriculture.

The Spanish State is ruled by the Fascist President Francisco Franco of the FET y de las JONS party. Since the mid 50s, Franco has empowered the Falangists within the party. He has designed a new social security system, increased worker wages, and weakened the central leadership to accomodate for an oldshirt-dominated Cortes while maintaining international neutrality and economic autarky. Girón de Velasco has been declared as his successor.

The Portuguese Republic is led by the conservative President Jose Norton de Matos of the Partdio Republicano Nacionalista. He came to power after a democratic election initiated by Humberto da Silva Delgado(The fearless general) who seized power after toppling and exiling the despotic rule of Antonio Salazar following the loss of Angola.

Ireland is led by the conservative Prime minister Eamon de Valera of the Fianna Fail party.

Following the Reich's collapse, Fascist Italy came under increasing pressure from the TA to dismantle its evil empire. The Italian refusal led to war in which Italy was defeated easily. Fascism was destroyed and an American puppet Italian Republic was established.

The Italian Republic is led by the social democratic Prime minister Aldo Moro of the Democrazia Christiana party.


Yugoslavia dominates the Balkans.
Info on Yugoslav borders(compared to 1952)

1)Contains Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia, Montenegro, Dalmatia and Banat(except for Romanian Banat).

2)Ex-Hungarian territory of Vojvodina.
The Socialist Republic of Yugoslavia is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Aleksandar Rankovic of the Communist party of Yugoslavia.

After a bloody war over Transylvania in 1953, Hungary and Romania signed a white peace treaty. Since then, peace has reigned in their part of the Balkans though radicals on both sides want a round 2.

The Kingdom of Hungary is ruled by King Otto II von Habsburg. Parliament is led by Prime minister Istvan Horthy of the United Democratic party.

The Kingdom of Romania is a democratic constitutional kingdom ruled by King Michael I. Parliament is led by Prime minister Gheorghe Tatarescu of the National Liberal party.

The Tsardom of Bulgaria is ruled by the ceremonial Tsarina Marie I. Parliament is led by Prime minister Ivan Bagrianov of the Liberal 'Party for free Bulgaria'.

Albania is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Enver Hoxha of the Albanian party of Labor

The Kingdom of Greece is ruled by King Paul of Greece . Parliament is led by Prime minister Georgius Papandreou of the Liberal Centre Union Party.

The United States of America is led by President W. Averell Harriman of the Democratic party.

Notes on the presidency

1)The new President has increased welfare spending and science funding while McArthur's previous intertstate highway project has been deprioritised.

The reelection in the 1960 election has allowed the party to continue its policies.

Previous President: Douglas MacArthur - Republican(1952-1956).

Notes on MacArthur's 1952-1956 presidency

1)MacArthur's term in the White House was one of zero appeasement. Enemies of democracy and liberty were given no respite and America quickly became the world's bastion of freedom. Additionally the American dream with a house, a backyard, a dog and a white picket fence was promoted and steps were taken to give it a boost.

2)Under McArthur welfare was expanded even more despite earlier Republican complaints about FDR's new deal.

3)Work was started on building inter-state highways and the most important ones on the east and west coast were completed.

The United Mexican States is led by the conservative President Efrain Gonzalez Luna of the Partido Accion Nacional. Under the conservatives, Mexico has transformed into a heavily pro-American and Catholic state. Industries have been rapidly privatized, American corporation investments are encouraged, Mexico has joined the Toronto Accords and a 'Central-American Economic Union' has been created with American assistance.
On the domestic side the Catholic church has been given various rights as it possessed in the days of old, indigenous tribes are encouraged to convert to Christianity and big government has been minimized in favour of more federalization.

The Republic of Cuba is led by the Fascist President Carlos Prio Socarras of the PRC-A party.

The Republic of Brazil is led by the conservative President Getulio Vargas of the Partido social democratico party. Vargas is now in his third democratic term but has been ruling Brazil in democratic or non-democratic forms for a large part of the past 2 decades.

1)Vargas's rule is right wing populism. Under his regime, Brazil has seen much progress by the implementation of a national economy and import licensing without total nationalization. Below is a list of his achievements.

2)Petrobas has been established for the national production and sale of oil guided by the government. This allows the nation to be the biggest dealer of Brazilian oil and prevent it from falling in the hands of a few.

3)The Fernao Dias highway and the Paulo Afonso dam have been constructed. The former links Brazil to its Amazonian interior and the latter is an electric miracle. Energy production has been completely nationalized recently.

4)The Brazilian coffee institute has been established to control the production and sale of coffee.

5)Communist and socialist parties have been criminalized. The workers however continue to support Vargas because of his worker-employer cooperation economy. Planned cities have also been constructed to give everyone a roof over their head and agriculture is guided by government reforms and tax waivers.

6)On the international side, Brazil has moved closer to the USA and joint military exercisces are also conducted.

In the middle east, the destruction of the Syrian national state has opened a power void.

Syria has been annexed by the Iraqis

Status of ex-Syrian territories

1)The northern territories of Aleppo and Deir-Az-Zur have been annexed by Turkey.

2)Lebanon has been liberated from Syria. The Lebanese Republic is a confederational(Israel-Palestine) puppet led by the liberal President Fuad Chehab of the LDP party.

Israel is led by the social democratic President David Ben Gurion of the Mapai party. It controls the territories of Galilee and Rehovot.

Jerusalem is a free city jointly administered by Israel and Palestine and overseen by the UK which has created the confederation in the first place.

Palestine is led by the conservative President Fakhri Nashashibi of the NDP party.

Baathist Arab Republic encompassing Iraq and Jordan is led by the socialist President Fuad al-Rikabi of the Baath party. Having come to power after a revolution(and secretly backed by Washington DC), the party has since purged its enemies and enacted many socialist policies like a state controlled economy and a social works project to raise employment.

The Republic of Turkey is led by the conservative President Adnan Menderes of the DP party. Turkey remains non-aligned

Kuwait, Qatar and Abu Dhabi are still ruled from London.

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is ruled by the paternal autocratic Sultan Abdulaziz al-Saud.

The Sultanate of Oman is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Said bin Taimur.

The Mutawakkilite Kingdom of Yemen is ruled by the paternal autocratic King Ahmad bin Yahya.

The Kingdom of Egypt is ruled by the pro-British paternal autocratic King Farouk I. Following a massive revolution in the mid 50s, Farouk was reinstated by the throne by the British who defeated the revolutionaries in exchange for Farouk's promises of rapid reform.

The Republic of China is led by a paternal autocratic fanatical military junta under General He Yingqing of the Huangpu Clique.

Notes on the regime

1)The Huangpu clique was the largest military clique in China during Chiang's rule and came to power after leading a military coup following China's disastrous failure in Vietnam. Immediately after taking power, the general sacked hundreds of politicians and shot thousands of public servants who posed even the most minor threats to his power.

2)Under the Huanpu clique, China is a 'Military First' society and is inspired by Prussia. A military cabinet system dominates politics and all branches of governances are centralized under it. The economy is geared towards the massive military industrial complex and military spending is top priority. Morever, top military generals are kept happy with massive grants from the central government.

3)On the civilian side, a perpetual martial law has been established and communists, democrats and other miscreants have no future in the new China.

After a year of bitter fightng, the Sino-Vietnamese war ended in an armistice. Under increasing pressure from home and abroad China agreed to the treaty which divided Vietnam between a Chinese puppet north and a socialist south. It also led to the fall of Chiang Kai-shek's government in Beijing a few months later.

The north is controlled by the Chinese puppet Vietnamese Republic from its capital at Dong Bac. It is led by the paternal autocratic President Vu Hong Khanh of the VNQDD(Traditional) party.

The south is controlled by the Socialist Republic of Vietnam from its capital at Saigon. It is led by the Marxist-Leninist President Ho Chi Minh of the Communist party of Vietnam.

Fate of Emperor Aisin Gioro Puyi
After the Japanese surrender in the Pacific war, Emperor Puyi fled to Russian outer Manchuria where he lived in a remote cabin in the wood. After multiple requests by Beijing, the local Russian government agreed to hand him over to China as a sign of goodwill after which he was held on trail for treason againt China and hanged.

China has annexed Tibet.

Fate of Hong Kong and Macau
1)Hong Kong has been handed over to China following a rebellion and ceasefire.

2)Macau has been handed over to China after a massive anti-Portuguese agitation and ceasefire agreement.

Following its defeat in the Pacific war(and its bombarding with 4 nuclear bombs) Japan was put under American occupation. The occupation ended in the mid 50s.

Increasing resentment towards the American occupation and the right wing collaborators led to massive protests and a leftist revolution in Japan.
Japan is led by the Neo-Communist Chairman Kenji Miyamoto of the Japanese Communist party.

Notes on the regime

1)Kenji Miyamoto is an unassuming person on the surface, a prolific writer who joined the Japanese Communist Party in 1931 while it was still an illegal underground movement. During this period of illegal political activities, he advocated for a violent communist revolution in Japan. Being arrested and sentenced to life in prison in a very sketchy murder case, Miyamoto was eventually released with the rest of the Communist Party when the American occupation began. Known for his talented debating skills and connections in socialist student movements, Miyamoto is an extremely powerful politician underneath his typically meek appearance. Now in control of the communist Japan that he had dreamed of for decades, his attention now turns to guiding the nation through the transition towards socialism and eventually, its debut in spreading his Marxist ideas throughout East Asia.

2)Immediately after assuming power, the communists have formed collective unions, imposed state rationing, implemented collectivization of agriculture and industry, violently redistributed land, invited exiled communists from over the world to take part in workers councils and have taken over the media completely.

After a socialist revolution in Korea, China invaded and setup a right wing puppet state in it.

The Korean Liberation Government is a Chinese puppet led by the paternal autocratic Chairman Kim Hong-il of the HangukDoglib Dang party.

The Kingdom of Cambodia is ruled by King Norodom Suramarit. Prime minister Norodom Phurissara of the social democratic Democratic Party of Cambodia holds parliament. The DPC are extremely against American fiscal or military help because of their left leaning democratic values. They have initiated various pro-communist programs like land reforms and social securities for the poor which has made them extremely popular.

The Union of Burma is led by the Socialist Chairman Aung San of the AFPFL.

The Republic of India is led by the social democratic President Subhash Chandra Bose of the Indian National Congress.

Notes on Bose's rule

1)Under Bose, India has rapidly embraced traditional Indian agrarianism.

5)The Indian economy is united in an economic sphere with the Chinese economy.

The Oran Free state is ruled by the Fascist Pressident-Generalissime Edmond Jouhaud and his Organization Armee-Pied Noir paramilitary.


1)Jouhaud came to power after defeating Algerian independence rebels. Despite being outnumbered by the Arabs and Bedouins, the Pied-Noir army's superior training and advanced arnaments helped them win the war.

2)Jouhaud's primary aim is to safeguard the French Pied-Noir settlers in Algeria.

Following the collapse of the Italian empire, its African territories have become independent.

The Kingdom of Libya is an American client state ruled by the paternal autocratic King Idris Senussi.

The Kingdom of Tunisia is an American client state ruled by the paternal autocratic King Muhammad VIII al-Amin.

Following the collapse of Italian East Africa, Ethiopia and Somalia have declared independence.

The State of Ethiopia is ruled by the paternal autocratic Emperor Haile Selassie of the Solmonic dynasty.

Somalia is led by the conservative President Aden Adde of the Conservative party of Somalia.

The Djiboutian state is led by the paternal autocratic President Hassan Gouled Aptidon.

The West African federation is a massive union of all the territories of ex-French Africa except for Mauritania. It is led by the socialist President Gerard Kango Ouedraogo of the socialist party of West Africa.

The Republic of Mauritania is led by the paternal autocratic President Moktar Ould Daddah..
I´ve made some changes to Ukraine and Italy, took other US-presidents and gobbled together some ccontent for the Balkan.
And here is a link for the future ccompass I mentioned.


Monthly Donor
Somebody actual plays TWR here?
Not often, but I do love a good Yugoslav reunification run every once in a while, among other things. (My favorites are Tito and Đilas, of course.) I can't speak for everyone but in general there is a lot of mostly patient waiting on the next update, the Russia rework.
Not often, but I do love a good Yugoslav reunification run every once in a while, among other things. (My favorites are Tito and Đilas, of course.) I can't speak for everyone but in general there is a lot of mostly patient waiting on the next update, the Russia rework.
Does Tito need an US-intervention in the GCW to win or can he get away with is as long he pokes the Nazis not to much in the eyes?
And what is to be expected from the Russia rework?


Monthly Donor
Does Tito need an US-intervention in the GCW to win or can he get away with is as long he pokes the Nazis not to much in the eyes?
And what is to be expected from the Russia rework?
The Partisans can actually get away with a surprising amount of antics, usually foregoing full-scale incasions in favor of arming and supporting pro-Yugoslav uprisings in occupied territories. That being said, if the uprisings and border wars fail, there is always the option to just march in and fight for it, winner take all. The Germans seem more focused on either rebuilding after civil war and/or internal development/bringing other territories back in most cases, but this may change in the future.

The reunification process is a gradual one, bringing in Banat, Vojvodina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Bosnia, Croatia, Slovenia, and other wayward lands in-between. If lucky enough, the new Yugoslavia could come to encompass Kosovo, Albania, and even Bulgaria. If done right, by 1962 the new Yugoslavia should be a true regional power in its own right, close to eclipsing Italy economically, and truly rebuilding after decades of stagnation and desolation.

EDIT: Forgot to add the stuff from the Russia rework! I haven't got all the details on it, but it's largely a reimagining of the warlord states and a rewrite overall in the USSR and the Russian Republic. IIRC Beria leaves power in a more different and less karmic way, and Zhukov now leads one of the other military districts. IIRC Yumashev's anarcho-capitalist Norilsk has also been gutted, among other things.
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Hi guys, I have been watching TTL for some time now and I noticed that there is a territorial change that you have missed: Epirus being given to Albania.
As stated in Fascism's European Empire: Italian Occupation During the Second World War "The Italian war aim was to establish a Greek puppet state, which would permit the Italian annexation of the Ionian Islands and the Sporades and the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea, to be administered as a part of the Italian Aegean Islands. The islands were claimed on the basis that they had once belonged to the Venetian Republic and the Venetian client state of Naxos. The Epirus and Acarnania regions were to be separated from the rest of the Greek territory and the Italian-controlled Kingdom of Albania was to annex territory between the Greek north-western frontier and a line from Florina to Pindus, Arta and Preveza."
Another thing to consider would be the Islands. Both the Ionian Islands and the Cyclades would likely be annexed by Italy as their civil authorities were replaced with Italians. I'm not sure about Crete though, as Germany was occupying a vast majority of the Island IOTL.


Monthly Donor
It's looking like TWR will have the prestigous distinction of being the first major alternate history mod for HOI4 to update for 1.11. Folks on their Discord say the update will be out in the next few days. I'd add more but I'm on break, maybe I will edit the source in later. EDIT: Apparently the lead dev AP246 confirmed that on the next post! All right!
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