Thousand-Week Reich - A 'realistic' Nazi victory scenario

Well mainland french monarchism would be interesting to see but what will the people accept? Bourbon? Orleans? Bonaparte?
Orleanist. Most monarchists in the 20th century were Orleanists.

The Bonapartists pretty much became unpopular after losing Alsace-Lorraine. Given that its loss was a domino effect to what led to their current predicament ITTL, coupled with the Bonapartes being pro-Free French IOTL, which I can see being the same case here, support for them is probably near zero.

As for the Bourbons, they aren't palatable to monarchists outside of a few who are in die-hard opposition to the Orleanists. The reason being that the head of the House of Bourbon is a Spanish prince (at the time the second son of former King Alfonso XIII)
Orleanist. Most monarchists in the 20th century were Orleanists.

The Bonapartists pretty much became unpopular after losing Alsace-Lorraine. Given that its loss was a domino effect to what led to their current predicament ITTL, coupled with the Bonapartes being pro-Free French IOTL, which I can see being the same case here, support for them is probably near zero.

As for the Bourbons, they aren't palatable to monarchists outside of a few who are in die-hard opposition to the Orleanists. The reason being that the head of the House of Bourbon is a Spanish prince (at the time the second son of former King Alfonso XIII)
I wonder if lazaire is formed and in the mainland another monarchy (be it anti german or pro) is formed what will the TA choose to support?
Oh yeah btw can someone explain to me what happened to indonesia ittl? I knew they didnt get papua in the modern day map
Oh yeah btw can someone explain to me what happened to indonesia ittl? I knew they didnt get papua in the modern day map

I think they were occupied by Japan and liberated by the United States/Commonwealth during the Pacific phase of the war. I think the Dutch Colonial regime was allowed to exist as the Dutch Government in exile and after game start they can do independent or maybe have a civil war? Australia probably keep Papua as a territory I'd imagine.
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Oh yeah btw can someone explain to me what happened to indonesia ittl? I knew they didnt get papua in the modern day map
I think they were occupied by Japan and liberated by the United States/Commonwealth during the Pacific phase of the war. I think the Dutch Colonial regime was allowed to exist as the Dutch Government in exile and after game start they can do independent or maybe have a civil war? Australia probably keep Papua as a territory I'd imagine.

Yeah that's correct for the mod. In the original lore, as well as mod, the Dutch East Indies start as an unstable government in exile, before an Indonesian insurgency and then open uprising begins, that usually succeeds due to the Dutch being in the tricky situation of not having their homeland, and the US being fairly ambivalent to maintaining colonial rule there.
Yeah that's correct for the mod. In the original lore, as well as mod, the Dutch East Indies start as an unstable government in exile, before an Indonesian insurgency and then open uprising begins, that usually succeeds due to the Dutch being in the tricky situation of not having their homeland, and the US being fairly ambivalent to maintaining colonial rule there.
What about in modern day? Does it still become authoratharian or do indonesia still become a federal country? (My guess is they didnt become authoratarian since again they didnt press claim to west papua/didnt become too nationalistic)
I've been playing hoi4 for a couple years now but just discovered TWR last week. As an unabashed WW2 nerd and enthusiast I am so happy to find a mod that really accurately portrays a "Nazi Victory" scenario, and always thought that TNO and MITHC were far too liberal with their assumptions of Nazi institutional functionality and strength. TWR gets it completely right. Of course the SS Banat and Heydrich path's are pretty out there, but all together this Mod is incredible and definitely excited to see what comes next for it!
I've been playing hoi4 for a couple years now but just discovered TWR last week. As an unabashed WW2 nerd and enthusiast I am so happy to find a mod that really accurately portrays a "Nazi Victory" scenario, and always thought that TNO and MITHC were far too liberal with their assumptions of Nazi institutional functionality and strength. TWR gets it completely right. Of course the SS Banat and Heydrich path's are pretty out there, but all together this Mod is incredible and definitely excited to see what comes next for it!

Nazi Germany was, by design , a Ponzi scheme.

Even if they won the war, they only survived through looting, and would've run out of things within a few decades.
Is the Yugoslav coup d'état, and by extension, the following invasion still inevitable after Britain's white peace with Germany. I recall the UK helped back the Coup, or am i misremembering?
I also notice that Idel-Ural's borders in the mod are....weird, compared to OTL. You can actually make OTL's out in this image underneath TTL's depiction of them (They have dark red borders surrounding them)
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I also notice that Idel-Ural's borders in the mod are....weird, compared to OTL. You can actually make OTL's out in this image underneath TTL's depiction of them (They have dark red borders surrounding them)
i should note that this map in particular is extremely outdated, and i've been meaning to create a new and updated TWR map for some time. as for the idel-ural, they mostly don't line up due to having to rescale the basemap to fit the region, and also because the USSR is in something of a warlord period in the mod
As for the idel-ural, they mostly don't line up due to having to rescale the basemap to fit the region, and also because the USSR is in something of a warlord period in the mod
Even if it is a warlord state, It's still unusual for the majority of its core territory to be outside of its own borders
Even if it is a warlord state, It's still unusual for the majority of its core territory to be outside of its own borders

Yeah some of the old Russia stuff was odd. Looking at the mod, we are going to rework Russia, which we're in the process of doing right now.
I've been playing hoi4 for a couple years now but just discovered TWR last week. As an unabashed WW2 nerd and enthusiast I am so happy to find a mod that really accurately portrays a "Nazi Victory" scenario, and always thought that TNO and MITHC were far too liberal with their assumptions of Nazi institutional functionality and strength. TWR gets it completely right. Of course the SS Banat and Heydrich path's are pretty out there, but all together this Mod is incredible and definitely excited to see what comes next for it!
I don't know much about MITHC but TNO is supposed to show that no matter how great things go for the Nazis, they're still doomed to fail. So yeah, it's an unrealistic scenario, but that's the point. Even if everything goes right for them, they'll still crumble due to their very flawed ideology.

TWR, in contrast, is built to be a realistic Nazi victory scenario. Which also includes Japan still losing the war unlike TNO. They're mods/TLs with similar mindsets, but go about portraying them in slightly different ways. It's for this reason that I love both. I only wish the TWR hoi4 mod was a little more fleshed out, but I'm sure it'll get there.
Thought this was worth sharing...

From the book German Rule in Russia, 1941-1945, published by Alexander Dallin in 1957
, Russian edition since that had a higher quality image. Basically the planned borders for the Reichskommissariats.

Artist 1Blomma was able to produce his own cleaner versions


And the English version of the map.


It's scary how Germany came so close to actually doing this.

It speaks volumes about how utterly inept Stalin was that he brought his nation so close to the brink of defeat, all because of his murderous paranoia and his need to eat Finnish land.
Taking a closer look, the only major difference i see between the books map and 1Blomma's (besides Finland's eastern border with Moskowien) is Ostland's internal division between Latvia and Belarus
That's interesting. I have noticed that interpretations of the exact way in which Nazi eastern Europe is broken up do tend to differ between different maps, even contemporary ones. I can only assume that planned borders were never concretely established.