Phocas ascention
Wings of Islam
1st Chapter: Beginning
602 to 604:
Ctesiphon, capital of the Persian Empire

The Persian Emperor, Koshrow II, hears concerning reports about Turkic tribes amassing at the Empire borders. He decides to prepare his armies for an expedition to permanently deal with the Turko-hepthalite threat. Due to these with this preparations- and his focus being preoccupied by the Turko-hepthalites, he did not annex the Kingdom of the Lakhmids, which he intended to keep it as a buffer against the raiding Arab tribes.

Constantinople, capital of the Roman Empire
Phocas the Usurpator
has seized power after he executed his predecessor, Maurice, alongside his sons. This sent shockwaves across the Empire, to appeal to his population, to sement his position, Phocas attempted to appear as a populist leader, first by reducing taxes in the empire, and gained the recognition of the Pope gregory the Great, providing him with mass support in Italy.
Despite Phocas’ efforts to overcome Maurice’s legacy, Maurice was too well liked by the people.Emperor and his death triggered multiples revolts in Armenia, Antioch, Syria, Judea and even in Egypt, with many local governors openly decrying the new Emperor's ascension to the Throne.
Using nepotism and his newly acquired imperial's powers , Phocas would go on to elevate several members of his familly to important positions, with the intent of sending his brother and nephew to deal with the rebels.
He made Domentziolus his first brother, a Magister Officiorum. His second brother Comentiolus, was made a Magister Millitum, and specifically ordered him to pacify Armenia. His nephew, Domentziolus the Younger was also made a Magister Millitum.
Finally, to manage the Levatine revolts, Phocus assigned the general, Bonosus to deal with them. The general’s violence inflicted toward the peoples of the Empire to quell the revolts would be long remembered by the peoples he subjugated.

-This is my 1st TL posted on this website, any critics or advices about the format, style and grammar are encouraged
-This is an Islam focused Timeline, but its first PoDs began during the rule of Phocas
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Are we really gonna ignore half a century of ERE influence on them??
Yeah fair enough. Trade with Byzantium probably influenced the Russians a lot more than just alcohol.
Alright I can see regions that're close to the Black Sea and Dnieper River convert, but the regions which're closer to the Germans like the Poles, Baltic peoples, and maybe the Ruthenians would probably convert to Christianity.
Yeah fair enough. Trade with Byzantium probably influenced the Russians a lot more than just alcohol.
Alright I can see regions that're close to the Black Sea and Dnieper River convert, but the regions which're closer to the Germans like the Poles, Baltic peoples, and maybe the Ruthenians would probably convert to Christianity.
Ruthenians chance of conversion is 50/50
Ruthenians chance of conversion is 50/50
Yeah it heavily depends on the geopolitical situation around them and their elites. For ex, if they have a big Christian neighbor, they might cave in and embrace Christianity or they may convert to Islam to get the support of the local Muslims.
So true, but if Maslama ibn Abd al-Malik could just have conquered that damn city, the Bulgars, Avars, and probably some other groups of Eastern Europe would've converted to Islam.
the Bulgars will convert in this TL, for the Avars I will do more researchs before confirming anything

Would Grand Prince Vladimir have chosen Islam in that scenario, do you think?
the Kievan Russ will be at least partially populated by muslims before the convertion of Vladimir
Maybe if the Caliphate's sheer strength frightens the dude, but under most circumstances I would disagree as the Russians really like their vodka
People act like drinking prevents reversion to Islam, it is NOT some nullifier, it is merely considered a sin.

Most orthodox sunni muslim scholars agree if its featuring instruments music is haram, yet Music to this day is widespread across the Islamic world.

Now sharia technically forbids it, but historically Islamic Empires have turned a blind eye to enforcing aspects of the sharia if its "cost" is deemed too much.

I remember Cody's (awful imo) video on Islamic Russia where he implied that Russians may create a new sect that makes alcohol permissible; no, it would just (at most) be excused by Russian scholras for medical purposes (and that excuse be abused) and enforcement against it non existent.