The Union Forever: A TL

Also, are you having the black hills gold rush happen as OTL? The treatment of the Sioux will depend greatly on it, as will settlement of the area.
Here's mine (you know them already, but anyway).

1. Absaroka (for the Absaroka Range that runs in the far south of the state; pronounced ab-SOR-ka)
2. Laramie (for the Laramie River, which flows in the far south of the state) EDIT or possibly Teton, drawing from Iserlohn's suggestion, and because having a state called "Breast" would be hilarious.
3. Pasapa (for the Black Hills, which are called Paha Sapa in Lakota)
4. Dakota (since that was the original name of the territory, and this state would include the territorial capital and most of its original inhabitants)
Paha Sapa sounds cool, but not sure how well it would go over.

HeSapa is black mountains.

Paha Sapa is black hills.

According to Wikipedia, anyhow.
Afraid I haven't the time to read this no-doubt wonderful TL, but here are a few suggestions:

I) Jefferson. (This was a proposed name in OTL.)
II) Mitsiadaza. (Corruption of the Mandan Mi tsi a-da-zi.)
III) Lakota. (This is the area which was originally given to them, and where their modern OTL reservations are located.)
IV) Dakota. (Obvious reasons.)
Here is a much better map produced by Ares96. Please submit your choice for state names, preferably along with a reason. I would also be open to hear names about potential captals, but rememeber if its an OTL city it most have existed before the POD. Cheers!

I feel like the names 'Washington' and 'Idaho' are too convergent; 'Idaho' is a word made up for the name of a town in modern-day Colorado in 1861, and it's road to ending up the name of a state was pretty much ASB. While I don't think it's ASB to have a state named Washington, it's perhaps a tad convergent to have it in the same place as in reality.

So with that said, I would call Washington = Jefferson, and Idaho = Boise (Fort Boise was established in 1834, and the name predates even that). For the numbered states:

1) Washington
2) Absaroka
3) Lakota
4) Lafayette
I feel like the names 'Washington' and 'Idaho' are too convergent; 'Idaho' is a word made up for the name of a town in modern-day Colorado in 1861, and it's road to ending up the name of a state was pretty much ASB. While I don't think it's ASB to have a state named Washington, it's perhaps a tad convergent to have it in the same place as in reality.

So with that said, I would call Washington = Jefferson, and Idaho = Boise (Fort Boise was established in 1834, and the name predates even that). For the numbered states:

1) Washington
2) Absaroka
3) Lakota
4) Lafayette

Vosem, thanks for the feedback. My thoughts are that since Washington Territory was established in 1853, and that I think OTL's state borders make since, I doubt that would change. I could be persuaded though to rename Idaho as yes its name in OTL was a bit of a stretch but all the basic factors would still be present ITTL. Also for #3 while the Absaroka indians might be in the territory the Absaroka moutains would not be. Keep the suggestions comin. Cheers!
Nevada's going to be a bit of a backwater for a while, especially after its mineral wealth is exhausted. Still be a great place for military testing.

Indeed, I think the most likely canidates for a possible rename of Idaho would be Bitterroot, Shoshone, Jefferson, or if Washington State gets named something different, which is possible, OTL Idaho could be called Washington.

I hope y'all aren't minding this discussion on retconing state borders. An update on the war in South America should be coming soon.
Indeed, I think the most likely canidates for a possible rename of Idaho would be Bitterroot, Shoshone, Jefferson, or if Washington State gets named something different, which is possible, OTL Idaho could be called Washington.

I hope y'all aren't minding this discussion on retconing state borders. An update on the war in South America should be coming soon.

As long as this isn't delaying, I'm fine.
As long as this isn't delaying, I'm fine.

Sadly it is delaying the next update because I need a definitive list of state names in order to name the American battleships which will have an important role in next installment. I have decided that on the map the names will be 1. Absaroka 2. Laramie 3. Pasapa 4. Dakota. However, research now has me questioning the names of Idaho (a made up Indian word first used for OTL Colorado in 1860), Oklahoma (Choctaw for "red man" first used in 1866) and Sequoyah (named after the inventor of the Cherokee Syllabary and first used in the 1890s). What do y'all think? Should these names for the sake of butterflies be changed too? I apologize for the delay and for such a large retcon.