The Revolution will not be Televised

Why did Gore do better?
Maybe he asked for Bill's help or Elian Gonzalez stayed in the US or something. Maybe even something as simple as a person's coin flip on whether or not to help the Gore campaign came up different and the butterflies resulted in more people being convinced to vote for Gore. It was close enough OTL that not too much would have to change I think.
I'm going to disappoint you all but to be honest, I did not really have a set POD in mind when I made this. I made this mostly for the effect of what a decisive Gore victory would have on U.S. history as opposed to the cause of this victory.

The best explanation I have as of now -- the POD was in the early months of 2000. Basically Gore had a better campaign strategy and team than IOTL and focused on increasing Democratic turnout and campaigning on the good economy and the success of the Clinton administration.
I'm going to disappoint you all but to be honest, I did not really have a set POD in mind when I made this. I made this mostly for the effect of what a decisive Gore victory would have on U.S. history as opposed to the cause of this victory.

The best explanation I have as of now -- the POD was in the early months of 2000. Basically Gore had a better campaign strategy and team than IOTL and focused on increasing Democratic turnout and campaigning on the good economy and the success of the Clinton administration.

No worries, the timeline is good and I'm ready to see where it's heading.
I'm going to disappoint you all but to be honest, I did not really have a set POD in mind when I made this. I made this mostly for the effect of what a decisive Gore victory would have on U.S. history as opposed to the cause of this victory.

The best explanation I have as of now -- the POD was in the early months of 2000. Basically Gore had a better campaign strategy and team than IOTL and focused on increasing Democratic turnout and campaigning on the good economy and the success of the Clinton administration.
Like I said man it was close enough in OTL that it doesn't take much to change it.
The Gore Administration

Al Gore


Joe Lieberman


Secretary of State
Joe Biden


Secretary of the Treasury
Jack Lew


Secretary of Defense
Colin Powell


Attorney General
Eric Holder


Secretary of the Interior
Larry Echo Hawk


Secretary of Agriculture
Jill Long Thompson


Secretary of Commerce
Warren Rudman


Secretary of Labor
Maria Echaveste


Secretary of Health and Human Services
Jim McDermott


Secretary of Education
Juanita Millender-McDonald


Secretary of Housing and Urban Developement
Carol Moseley Braun


Secretary of Transportation
Norman Mineta


Secretary of Energy
Ernest Moniz


Secretary of Veterans Affairs
Jim Webb


Cheif of Staff
Ron Klain


Administrator of the Environmental Protection Agency
Carol Browner


Director of the Office of Management and Budget
Gene Sperling

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations
Jim Sasser


U.S. Trade Representative
Charlene Barshefsky


Holder would never have been confirmed in 2001 (he did not yet have an appropriate resume). I recommend considering someone else for AG (Leon Panetta?).
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Holder would never have been confirmed in 2001 (he did not yet have an appropriate resume). I recommend considering someone else for AG (Leon Panetta?).

He had been Deputy AG for ~four years. He would've been considered but maybe not the most likely choice. I personally disagree with the choice of Biden for State - it definitely would've been Holbrooke. Jack Lew wouldn't have been Treasury - Lawrence Summers was more or less guaranteed to stay in office. Colin Powell wouldn't have accepted SecDef. Moniz is possible in Energy... Donna Brazille was all but guaranteed a Cabinet role, however.
No worries, the timeline is good and I'm ready to see where it's heading.

Thanks! :D More to come!

It'll be interesting to see what happens to Obama et al. ITTL.

We'll definitely see him later. ;)

I personally disagree with the choice of Biden for State - it definitely would've been Holbrooke.

He is the U.S. Ambassador to China.

Jack Lew wouldn't have been Treasury - Lawrence Summers was more or less guaranteed to stay in office.

Gore picked Lew based on his excellent performance as OMB Director. Summers agreed to step aside and let someone new take the position.

Donna Brazille was all but guaranteed a Cabinet role, however.

She is Gore's Press Secretary.